1 Meal Pattern Training National Food Service Management Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Meal Pattern Training National Food Service Management Institute

Pre-Assessment Place an identifier at the top of the page. You will use the same identifier when you complete the Post Assessment. You do not need to place your name on the Assessment. 2

Objectives Identify the similarities between the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the School Lunch Program. Identify the Calorie Range for School Lunch Menus. Identify the Meat/Meat Alternate component requirement. Identify the Fruit component requirement. 3

Objectives Identify the Vegetable component requirement. Complete the Vegetable Subgroup activity. Identify the Grains component requirement. Specify whole grain-rich foods. Evaluate whole grain-rich foods labels. Identify the Milk component requirement. 4

Objectives Discuss dietary specifications for sodium and trans fat. Discuss Offer Versus Serve (OVS). Integrate the concepts of the Meal Pattern lesson. 5

Objectives Communicate easy methods of identifying reimbursable meal components in front or near the front of the serving line that constitute the unit priced reimbursable school meal(s). 6

Nutrition Standards Fruits and Vegetables offered daily Substantially increasing offerings of whole grain-rich foods Only fat-free or low-fat milk varieties Limiting calories based on the age of children Reducing saturated fat, trans fats, and sodium 7

Dietary Guidelines and the School Nutrition Program Refer to Handout: Dietary Guidelines and the School Nutrition Program 8

Food-Based Menus Five required food components at lunch Revised calorie, saturated fat, and sodium standards for each of the age/grade groups Multiple lines must make all required food components available to all students on a weekly basis 9

Activity-Definitions As Purchased (AP) and Edible Portion (EP) Age Grade Groups and Calorie Ranges Food Component School Week Unit Pricing Production and Menu Records 10

Calorie Range—Lunch.11 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades The average daily amount for a 5-day school week must fall within the minimum and maximum levels. A school could offer age grade groups K-8 a single menu that falls within a range of average calories per week to meet the requirement for each grade group.

Menu Components of a Reimbursable Meal Meat/Meat Alternate (M/MA) Fruits (F) Vegetables (V) Grains (G) Fluid Milk 12

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.13 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily During SY there is no change in measuring the required minimum quantities for Meat /Meat Alternate.

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.14 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily Due to the complexity of calculating the Meat/Meat Alternate component, the menu is compliant with the daily and weekly minimums for the Meat/Meat Alternate component. The calorie limits are stilled required.

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.15 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily Two tablespoons of nut butter, almond butter, cashew nut butter, peanut butter, reduced fat peanut butter, sesame seed butter, soy nut butter, or sunflower seed butter equals one ounce of the Meat/Meat Alternate requirement.

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.16 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily Nuts or seeds such as sunflower seeds, almonds, and hazelnuts may be used to meet no more than one-half of the Meat/Meat Alternate component and must be paired with another Meat/Meat Alternate to meet the full requirement.

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.17 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily Commercially prepared tofu must be 2.2 ounces (by weight) with 5 or more grams of protein to equal one ounce of the Meat/Meat Alternate requirement. Four ounces (weight) or ½ cup (volume) of soy or dairy yogurt equals one ounce of the Meat/Meat Alternate requirement.

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.18 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily One ounce cooked, skinless, unbreaded portion of beef, fish, poultry, equals one ounce of the Meat/Meat Alternate requirement.

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.19 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily Other meat alternates, such as eggs and cheese, may be used to meet all or part of the Meat/Meat Alternate component in accordance with FNS guidance.

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.20 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily A ¼ cup of cooked beans equals one ounce of the Meat/Meat Alternate requirement. If with liquid, there should be more than ¼ cup of beans and liquid. The liquid does not count as beans.

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.21 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily Dry/mature beans and peas may be offered as a meat alternate or as a vegetable, at the discretion of the menu planner. However, one serving may not count toward both food components in the same meal. For example, one serving of refried beans can be offered as a vegetable in one meal and as a meat/meat alternate on another occasion. The refried beans offered as a vegetable count toward the weekly beans/peas requirement, but not toward the meat/meat alternate weekly range. Menu planners must determine in advance how to count beans/peas in a meal.

Meat/Meat Alternate—Lunch.22 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 9 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily A school may offer two distinct servings of beans/peas (legumes) in one meal. For example, legumes may be offered as part of a salad (vegetable component) and as part of chili/bean soup (meat/meat alternate component).

Activity—Qualifying Beans/Peas (Legumes) What are some examples of qualifying beans/peas (legumes)? USDA Food Buying Guide Calculator at: Refer to Handout: Qualifying Beans/Peas (Legumes) in the School Nutrition Program 23

Fruit Component—Lunch.24 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 2 ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 5cups Minimum Weekly 1 cup Minimum Daily Pasteurized, 100% full-strength fruit juice may also be offered. No more than half of the weekly fruit offering may be in the form of juice.

Fruit Component—Lunch.25 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 2 ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 5 cups Minimum Weekly 1 cup Minimum Daily Minimum creditable serving of fruit is ⅛ cup. These are minimums and have no upper limit except for juice considerations.

Fruit Component—Lunch.26 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 2 ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 5 cups Minimum Weekly 1cup Minimum Daily Dried fruit credits at twice the volume served (i.e. one quarter-cup of dried fruit counts as ½ cup of fruit).

Fruit Component—Lunch.27 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 2 ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 5 cups Minimum Weekly 1 cup Minimum Daily Reimbursable meals may no longer include snack-type fruit products that have been previously credited by calculating the whole- fruit equivalency of the processed fruit in the product using the FDA’s standards of identity for canned fruit nectars (21 CFR ). (Examples of these products include fruit drops, leathers, and strips.)

Fruit Component—Lunch.28 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 2 ½ cups Minimum Weekly ½ cup Minimum Daily 5cups Minimum Weekly 1 cup Minimum Daily In SY and , schools may offer fruit that is fresh, canned, or frozen with/without sugar. Beginning in SY , any frozen fruit product, whether served frozen or simply stored frozen, must be without added sugar to be creditable toward the fruit component (please refer to FNS memorandum SP for additional information).

Fruit Component—Lunch.29 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades ½ cups weekly ½ cup daily minimum 2 ½ cups weekly ½ cup daily minimum 5 cups weekly 1 cup daily minimum In addition, this requirement does not apply to frozen grain-based desserts that contain fruit. Therefore, grain-based desserts that contain frozen fruit with added sugar may be credited toward both the grain and fruit components. The grains portion of the dessert remains subject to the weekly limit of 2 oz eq for grain-based desserts.

Vegetable Component—Lunch 30 Minimum Requirements Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades ¾ cups weekly ¾ cup per day 3 ¾ cups weekly ¾ cup per day 5 cups weekly 1 cup per da y Vegetable Subgroups Weekly Requirements Dark Green Red/Orange Bean/Peas (Legumes) Starchy Other Additional Vegetables to Reach Total ½ cup ¾ cup ½ cup 1 cup ½ cup ¾ cup ½ cup 1 cup ½ cup 1 ¼ cups ½ cup ¾ cup 1 ½ cup

Vegetable Component—Lunch 31 Larger amounts of dark green, red/orange, beans/peas (legumes), starchy and other vegetables may be served. Raw, dark leafy greens are credited as half the volume served (1 cup raw equals ½ cup serving of dark green vegetables). “Other vegetables” are defined in §210.10(c)(2)(iii)(E) for the purposes of the NSLP.

Vegetable Component—Lunch 32 “Other vegetables” requirement may be met with any additional amounts from the dark green, red/orange, and beans/peas (legumes) vegetable subgroups as defined in §210.10(c)(2)(iii). Any vegetable subgroup may be offered to meet the total weekly vegetable requirement (additional vegetables).

Vegetable Component—Lunch 33 A school may offer two distinct servings of beans/peas (legumes) in one meal. For example, legumes may be offered as part of a salad (vegetable component) and as part of chili/bean soup (meat/meat alternate component). CN Labels will be revised to document the creditable amounts of the vegetable subgroups required by the final rule: dark green; red/orange, beans/peas (legumes), starchy, and “other.

Questions—Fruit and Vegetable Can students mix and match smaller portions of vegetable items to meet the Vegetable component requirement? Can students mix and match smaller portions of fruits to meet the Fruit component requirement? 34

Questions—Fruit and Vegetable If a student selects ¼ cup portion of a fruit and ¼ cup portion of a vegetable which meal component does this selection meet? 35

Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Refer to Handout: Vegetable Subgroups 36

Grains Component—Lunch.37 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 8 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily During SY there is no change in measuring the required minimum quantities for Grains Due to the complexity of calculating the Grains component, the menu is compliant with the daily and weekly minimums for the Grain component. The calorie limits are stilled required.

Grains Component—Lunch.38 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 8 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily In SY , an SFA have total flexibility to decide whether to count batter/breading greater than or equal to 0.25 oz eq toward the daily and weekly grains requirements.

Grains Component—Lunch.39 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 8 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily At least half of the grains offered at lunch must be whole grain-rich during School Year and During SY and SY only, up to half of the required grains offered may be refined-grain foods that are enriched. Beginning SY 2014, all grains served must meet whole grain-rich criteria.

Grains Component—Lunch.40 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 8 oz eq Minimum Weekly 1 oz eq Minimum Daily 10 oz eq Minimum Weekly 2 oz eq Minimum Daily At lunch, up to two (2.0) oz eq grains per week may be in the form of a grain-based dessert. A school can also offer a.5 oz eq grain based dessert four times a week.

Questions—Grains What is your current experience in offering whole grain-rich foods on school menus? What is a serving size for grains? Refer to: Whole Grain-Rich Foods and USDA’s SP Policy Memo 41

Whole Grain-Rich Foods Word whole listed before a grain, for example, whole corn Words berries and groats are also used to designate whole grains, for example, wheat berries or oat groats Rolled oats and oatmeal and instant oatmeal Refer to Handout: Grain Products (Ingredients) That Are Not Whole Grains 42

Activity—Identifying Whole Grains Refer to Handout: Identifying Whole Grains 43

Activity—Evaluating Whole Grain- Rich Foods Products Refer to Handout: Evaluating Whole Grain-Rich Foods Products 44

Milk Component—Lunch.45 Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades cups weekly 1 cup daily 5 cups weekly 1 cup daily 5 cups weekly 1 cup daily Fluid milk must be low-fat (1% milk fat or less, unflavored) or fat-free (unflavored or flavored). Lactose-free milk is an acceptable alternative. It must be low-fat (1 % milk fat or less, unflavored) or fat-free (unflavored or flavored). Adapted from: etaryspecs.pdf etaryspecs.pdf

Dietary Specifications Sodium Saturated Fat and Trans Fat 46

USDA Foods Offers only reduced sodium canned beans and vegetables equal or less than 140 mg per half-cup serving, including spaghetti sauce, salsa, and tomato paste. Canned whole kernel corn, whole tomatoes, and diced tomatoes are being offered with no added salt. 47

USDA Foods Frozen vegetables, including green beans, carrots, corn, peas, and sweet potatoes are available with no added salt. The upper salt limit on mozzarella cheese (current range is mg of sodium per 1 oz. serving) and chicken fajita strips (220 mg per 2 oz. serving). 48

USDA Foods A list of available foods is on the USDA website ( with color coding for low sodium and whole grain-rich foods. 49

Offer Versus Serve Students must take a minimum of one half-cup of either the Fruit or Vegetable component. Only senior high schools are required to have Offer Versus Serve for lunch. Local SFA can choose whether or not they want to have Offer Versus Serve for their junior high, middle, and elementary schools. 50

Offer Versus Serve–Lunch Students must be offered all five required components: Meat/Meat Alternate, Fruit, Vegetable, Grains, and Fluid Milk. Students are allowed to decline two of the five required food components. 51

Offer Versus Serve—Lunch Students are allowed to take smaller portions of the Fruit and Vegetable components only. If a student selects less than the offered portion of Meat/Meat Alternate or Grains, it does not count as one of the minimum three required components at lunch. All meals must be set at a single price no matter how many components are declined. 52

Activity—Offer Versus Serve Reimbursable Meal Handout: Offer Versus Serve Reimbursable Meal 53

Activity—Integrate New Meal Pattern Concepts Refer to Food-Based Menu Planning Template Refer to Food-Based Menu Planning Worksheet 54

Activity—Offer Versus Serve Reimbursable Meal The Meal Pattern guidance requires all serving lines have an easy method of identifying reimbursable meal components in front or near the front of the serving line that constitute the unit priced reimbursable school meal(s). What are some ways to implement this requirement? 55

The School Day Just Got Healthier Toolkit is a collection of resources including brochures, fact sheets, FAQs, fliers, school lessons, templates and much more, to help prepare everyone for the changes to school meals this school year. Toolkit fault.htm 56

Thank You Post Assessment Evaluations Sign in sheet 57

National Food Service Management Institute