The Holy Book of Genesis


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Presentation transcript:

The Holy Book of Genesis The Outline of the Book of Genesis The first division, chapters 1-11 The creation (chapters 1-2): done last week The Man Fall (chapters 3-5): Today’s The flood (chapters 6-9) The confusion of languages of the tower of Babel The last division, chapters 12-50 Can be remembered by its four main characters Abraham (12:1-25:18) Isaac (25:19-26:35) Jacob (27-36) Joseph (37-50).

The Book of Genesis What is the purpose of the book of Genesis? This book opens the door for the correct understanding of God. God is the Father (creator), who created everything for man his beloved son, and established him as master of the earth and what surrounds it. He cares that every human should enter with Him into a personal relationship, and offers humans His Divine Mysteries. He gave to man the commandment to practice love with obedience and exchange love with love, respecting his sacred free will. He pointed out the sanctity of the body, marriage, human life and material creation, and declared man's need for salvation and renewal of his creation. Moses the prophet wrote it in historical form not as poetry in order to show us the truth with simplicity and clarity, unlike the fairy tales that had spread all over the world. It is the book of beginnings: the beginning of creation (1:1); the beginning of man (1:27); the beginning of the Sabbath (2:2,3); the beginning of marriage (2:22-24); the beginning of sin (3:6); the beginning of sacrifice or salvation (3:15); the beginning of prophecy (3:15); the beginning of human authority (9:1-6); the beginning of nations (11); and the beginning of God's people.

Man was Different from the Beginning? God did not create man similar to an unlimited number of other creations, but rather in His own image in order to establish a personal and loving relationship, not as some modern unholy philosophies suggest: that God dissociated himself from the world, made man a slave, and took away his free will. This point is clear throughout the entire Holy Bible, especially after the Incarnation because the Word of God came down to us and assumed our nature so that we may enter with Him into a loving relationship. We do not find in Creation the word "We make" except in reference to man, for the Holy Trinity desired to use the plural form to reveal to us Their work in the very beloved man. God made us in his image, bearing one soul (existent, articulate, and alive) the image of the Holy Trinity (Divine Being, Divine Word, and Divine Life). God made man the king of all creation, giving him authority over everything (1:26). From the beginning, God sanctified sex (in Marriage): "male and female He created them" (1:27) similarly, marriage and birth (Hebrews 28) God did not see "everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good" (1:31) until after He had created man.

The Fall of Man The Fall of Man (Genesis 3:1 -24) Satan’s initial approach is to deceive, not deny. Satan erroneously stated God’s command. By his question Satan managed to engage Eve in a dialogue. God said, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely” (2:16), but the Eve said, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat” (3:2). Eve omitted “any” and “freely,” the two words which emphasized the generosity of God. God said, “But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for on the day that you eat from it you shall surely die” (2:17). Eve said, “You shall not eat from it or touch it, lest you die” (3:3). Eve lacked a good understanding and appreciation of the commandment. God asked Eve, “What is this you have done?” (Verse 13). Eve answered, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” (verse 13).

The Fall of Man The Serpent Sentenced (Verse 14-15) “And I will put enmity between you and the woman seed; the woman seed (He) shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel” (V 15). The spiritual war and the promise of salvation. Satan will be mortally wounded while Messiah (& His children) will receive a painful kick, but not fatal wound. The Woman’s Penalty (Verse 16) Salvation will come through the birth of a child, it won't be a painless process (commandment & salivation got pain). Adam should lead Eve as Eve should have followed. But such was not the case in the fall. Therefore... “Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Verse 16). The role of women in the church and in marriage is not restricted to St. Paul’s teaching, but it is a biblical doctrine, which has its origin in the third chapter of Genesis. St. Paul wrote, Let the women keep silent in the churches (during Holy Liturgy); for they are not permitted to speak, but let them subject themselves, just as the Law also says (I Corinthians 14:34). Please remember, submission is greater than leading and the required submission is a reaction for the disobedient action, and finally submission is sign of salvation

The Fall of Man The Punishment of Men (Verse 17-20) Adam will have to earn a living from the ground “by the sweat of your brow” (Verses 17-19). You will eventually return to dust. Eve’s salvation (and ours as well!) should come through her submission to her husband and through the bearing of children. Adam’s naming the woman, Eve, which means ‘ the living human = life’ would come through Eve. God made for Adam and Eve garments from the skins of animals (to cover their nakedness. A veiled prophecy of redemption through the shedding of blood. A Severe Mercy (3:22-24): next time  Questions?