Break into 3 teams Identify the sentence that correctly uses the homonym. Record your choice before time is elapsed (60 seconds per question.) Score 1 point for each correct answer Points will be scored as a quiz grade. The winning team receives an extra 2 points.
A. Turn write at the light. B. Turn rite at the light. C. Turn right at the light. D. Turn wright at the light.
A. He has to write a paper. B. He has to rite a paper. C. He has to right a paper.
A. The rain effects me. B. The rain affects me.
A. They’re nice people B. There nice people. C. Their nice people.
A. There dog is scary. B. They’re dog is scary. C. Their dog is scary.
A. I like this song too. B. I like this song to. C. I like this song two.
A. It’s hot in here. B. Its hot in here.
A. It is cooler then outside. B. It is cooler than outside.
A. Who’s bike is that? B. Whose bike is that?
A. I had to accept the gift. B. I had to except the gift.
Trade papers with another group. Mark each correct answer.
A. Turn write at the light. B. Turn rite at the light. C. Turn right at the light. D. Turn wright at the light.
A. He has to write a paper. B. He has to rite a paper. C. He has to right a paper.
A. The rain effects me. B. The rain affects me.
A. They’re nice people B. There nice people. C. Their nice people.
A. There dog is scary. B. They’re dog is scary. C. Their dog is scary.
A. I like this song too. B. I like this song to. C. I like this song two.
A. It’s hot in here. B. Its hot in here.
A. It is cooler then outside. B. It is cooler than outside.
A. Who’s bike is that? B. Whose bike is that?
A. I had to accept the gift. B. I had to except the gift.
Total the scores. Hand answer sheet back to original teams. Declare the winner.
Penguin ics/misspelling ics/misspelling