Helping Babies Learn Intellectual Development 1
Objectives: Discuss ways parents and caregivers can help babies intellectual growth Identify toys suitable for a baby’s age Explain how babies develop communication skills 2
How is intellectual development in infants related to the behavior of those who care for them? Infants who have their needs met promptly and who are given love and attention learn more and faster than babies who don’t receive such care. 3
Encourage Learning by: Learning about child development – helps provide learning experiences that are age appropriate Give your time and attention – talking and playing with baby Provide positive feedback –Show pleasure and praise baby Express your love- helps baby build self- confidence 4
Toys- The Tools of Learning Play is work as well as pleasure for children! Playtime is essential to intellectual development. For babies, choose toys that stimulate the senses: 1.Bright colors 2.Objects that are easy to grasp 3.Music 5
Childproof your home for Intellectual Development Children should be free to explore and try new activities without hurting themselves or family possessions. This freedom will promote learning 6
There are many safety hazards in a home: Keep plastic bags and deflated or burst balloons away from young children. Use plastic inserts to cover electric outlet openings that are not being used. Keep alcohol and cigarettes out of reach. Keep guns and other firearms out of the house. If guns are in the house, unload them, put them in a locked place and keep the keys out of your child's reach. Store the gun in a separate place from the bullets. When your baby is placed on anything above the ground, like a changing table, always stand close with your hand on your baby. Lock matches and lighters in a cabinet that is higher than your shoulders 7
Choose Age Appropriate Toys: Age Suggested Toys Birth- 3 months Crib mobile, Bright colored crib liners, wallpaper or wall pictures (look/ listen) 4-6 months Toys- small enough to handle, but too large to swallow (touch). Teething rings,, cups, rattles, plastic or stuffed toys, toys that squeak. Simple picture books (washable with familiar picture objects). 8
Age Appropriate Toys: Age Suggested Toys 7-9 months Things to handle, throw, pound, bang, shake. Blocks, balls, large pop apart beads, roly-poly toys, pots & pans, plastic containers months Need things to creep after. Toys to push or pull,, things to manipulate, boxes/ baskets and things to put into them and dump out again, simple books. 9
Developing Communication Skills Babies learn words have meanings by listening to caregivers talk. Use simple words, not baby talk. Tell baby names of simple objects- tree, cup, bowl, etc. Babies learn to communicate long before they can talk by crying or making special sounds- giggles, grunts and shrieks. Babies communicate with gestures – pushing away a bowl of food or clinging with both arms to a parent. 10
Why doesn’t a newborn Speak? A newborn is physically unable to speak. Over the first year, physical changes in the mouth, teeth and tongue that allow a baby to make the sounds for speech. Babies get ready for speech by babbling- repeating syllables and sounds. This endless repeating of consonant and vowel sounds, helps baby get ready for real speech. 11
At what age does a child begin to use real words? Usually between months a child’s first real words are understandable. First words are usually simple and common- mama, dada, bye- bye. Most children don’t have a large vocabulary or combine words into simple sentences until after their first birthday. 12