Living Things on Parade By Mrs. Johnston’s 3rd grade class
Author’s Page Anole lizard-Isaac Oak Tree-Olivia American Bullfrog-Annalisa Caterpillar-April Duckweed-Destiny Egret-Jacob Fire Ant-Dwight Gecko-Dan Hackberry Tree-Grace Isopod-Breanna Jackrabbit-Alexa Katydid-Gabby Ladybug-Donald Mantis-Nicholas Nymph-Justin Oak Tree-Olivia Pine Tree-Hannah Queen Ann’s Lace-Hibah Rosebush-Alina Sweet Potatoes-Thomaia Turtles-Zoe Urban Garden Vine-Summor Walking Stick TeXas Mosquito-Gerald Yaupon Berry-Josh BuZZing Bee-Darius
A is for Anole Lizard. The Anole Lizard likes to lick lemons. The Anole Lizard eats small insects that live above ground.They are cold blooded. It is green on its skin. It also eats leaves. It can climb trees.
B is for Bullfrog. American Bullfrogs blow big blue balloons. are yellow and orange. They only live in rivers, lakes and, ponds and slow moving streams of waters.
C is for caterpillar The cute caterpillars captured baby cupid 1 type of caterpillar in are habitat species of caterpillars. The type is the western tent caterpillar sonoron tent fall web worm.tent caterpillars have 12 legs. It makes silken tents
D is for Duckweed Duckweed is a kind of plant. You can not eat it. You can smell it with your nose.
E is for Egret Eight egrets each eat eleven fishes. Egrets have a yellow beak, black feet, and white feathers. Egrets come from North America. They live in ponds and fresh water. They eat fish, frogs, snakes, crayfish, and big insects. In January the female attracts a male. The egret croaks or says cuk, cuk. Their length is about 32 inches. They live till they are 22 years old.
Five Fire ants fearlessly fight for food. F is for Fire ant Five Fire ants fearlessly fight for food. Fire ants are the size of cookie crumbs but a little bit bigger. If a cookie crumb moves an ant is under it. It has three body part it is red at the front two body parts it has one black body part. If you use a magnifying glass you can see two pairs of two claws on the head two antennas. The black body part has lots of lines. They have six hairy legs even it’s hole body is hairy except the eyes, jaws, and antennas. They are 5 mm long as an teen-age and the young kind of kid ant 1 or 2 mm long. Fire ants have 4 stages, the first stage is a fire ant’s egg, the second stage is a small ant the third is a medium ant The fourth stage is a queen ant. A queen ant can grow wings but they have to wait until they there wings grow all the way. Fire ant looking for food
G is for Gecko. The green gecko gobbles great green grass hopper. The Texas Banded Gecko lives In Texas. The Texas Banded Gecko is the size of your hand. The Texas Banded Gecko eats Grass hoppers Ladybugs and all sorts of insects.
HACKBERRIES HANG OUT IN THE HOT, HAZEY SUN. H IS FOR HACKBERRY TREE. HACKBERRIES HANG OUT IN THE HOT, HAZEY SUN. Hackberry Trees are 35 inches long. They have berries, they are not for eating.The berries grow in the spring.The leaves grow up to 15 inches.
I is for isopod. The Roly-poly rolled around rapidly. Roly-poly are amazing animals. They have no ears but antennae. They have seven legs and simple eyes. Roly-poly curl up when they are scared. They live under the ground in the dirt . They feel with their antennae not with hands. some might live in the sand.
J is for Jackrabbit. Jack, the jackrabbit jumped in a jiffy, joking like he won the jackpot . Jackrabbits weight 4-8 pounds. Jackrabbits are 22 inches. They eat leaves and grass. They only have 2 teeth. There Predator’s are hawks And snakes . There Color’ s are black , brown , white and spotted .
K is for Katydids. Crazy katydids climbed up a coconut tree. Katydids are about 2in and 5cm long. Katydids lives eastern north America. Katydids eat foliage trees. Katydids lay about 25eggs.
L is for Ladybug Ladybugs lay there babies under Leaves L is for Ladybug Ladybugs lay there babies under Leaves. Ladybugs can fly 20 feet In the air. Ladybugs can be different Colors.
M is for praying Mantis. People pray on the praying mantis. It is half an inch to 12 inches. It can raise 10 to 400 eggs. It takes 3 weeks to 6 months to hatch babies. It’s diet includes insects and spiders. It will also eat frogs, lizards, and nesting birds.
N is for Nymph. THE NYPHS NAP IN THE NIGHT. Nymphs are baby dragonflies. It has red eyes its body is black It has four wings a frog could catch a nymphs in midair a dragonfly fights for its food. A dragonfly lives by water. A dragonfly has big eyes.
O is for Oak Tree. The Pin Oak Tree Plays Piano on Planes. The Pin Oak is planted in wet places. They live in Texas where it is cool and hot. The leaf is big as your middle finger, and brown as paper. The tree can grow 70-80 ft. tall.
P is for pine trees. Put a purple pin in the pine trees. The size is 4-6 feet and 60 to 100 in weight. It lives in North America. It lives in sandy, light, soil, dry, woods. The pine tree has red and long pine cones that's how it gets its name.
Q is for Queen Anne’s Lace. Lazy Ladybugs lay in Queen Anne’s Lace. Queen Anne’s Lace grows up to 5 ft. tall! It usually has a red or purple center. The colors are white, blue, and pink. It is found in Europe and the U.S.A.
R is for roses. Roses roaming ‘round Rome. Roses are amazing plants. There are more than 15 species of roses. Roses can be found almost anywhere in the world.Roses are usually found in dry shady places.Roses are wonderful.
S is for Sweet Potato Super Sweet Potatoes were the style on Superbowl Sunday. Sweet Potatoes are very good. Scientists believe that Sweet Potatoes were here in the prehistoric times. Sweet Potatoes are born in the Morning Glory family. Sweet Potatoes are nutritious and delicious. Sweet Potatoes scientific name is Ipomea Patas. People usually get mixed up with the yam and the sweet potato. The sweet potato looks short and blocky with tapered ends. Sweet Potatoes are very good.
T is for turtle. A snapping turtle sings oh Susanna. A snapping turtle can live more than 100 years old. They live in water and land and they eat a lots of fish.
U is for Urban Garden. The urban garden understands unique Uncle Uggie. We have a garden in our habitat. We grow lettuce, carrots, and onions. Also, we grow herbs in our garden. We grow sweet potatoes and we harvest them in the fall.
V is for vine. The trumpet vine tied together. A trumpet vine has 5 names. Trumpet vine is very attractive to birds, bees, and wasps. Trumpet vines usually live in the woodlands. Yellow bells look like trumpet vines. Trumpet vines are more like mint plants.
W is for Walking Stick. The walking stick wanted to wiggle and whine while he whispered wonderful words. The walking stick has a long abdomen and and thorax. It can grow to be almost 6 inches. They can regenerate their legs.
Y is for Yaupon The Yaupon yelled “yeah” as it yo-yoed. The Yaupon tree grows in moist soils. It can be found in areas near rivers and swamps. The bark is smooth and young. The leaves are light.
Z is for buZZing bumblebee. The bee bring bubblegum to the babies. Bumblebees live underground . A bumblebee’s size is 1\2 to 3\4 inches. A queen could have 515 babies each year.
Bibliography ects/katydid.html o