A Divided Kingdom: The Books of I & II Kings Elisha The Prophet II Kings Chapter 5-8
WeekDateTopic 105 Dec 12The Bible before 2 nd Kings – A Summary 212 Dec 12Allies and Enemies: The World of the Israelites 319 Dec 12Judgment on Ahaziah: II Ki Dec 12No Classes – Winter Weather 502 Jan 13Elijah, Moab, and Naaman: II Ki Jan 13Elisha the Prophet: II Ki Jan 13Jehu’s Revolt: II Ki 9:1-10: Jan 13After Jehu until the Fall of Samaria, Pt 1: II Ki Jan 13After Jehu until the Fall of Samaria, Pt 2: II Ki Feb 13Judah after the Fall of Israel, Pt 1: II Ki Feb 13Judah after the Fall of Israel, Pt 2: II Ki Feb 13Judah after the Fall of Israel, Pt 3: II Ki Feb 13Judah after the Fall of Isreal, Pt 4: II Ki II Kings
Today’s Objectives Review previous weeks lesson (II Kings 2-5 – story of Elijah’s ascension and Elisha’s early ministry) Review historical maps of Israel and the region Learn about Elisha’s growing ministry and early miracles performed Learn how God protects Elisha from the Aramites Learn about the siege of Samaria what causes the Aramites to make peace with Israel Learn about the Death of Ben-Hadad, king of Aram and his replacement Hazael Learn about two new kings in Judah
Previous Lesson Reviewed previous weeks lesson (II Kings 1, story of Ahaziah’s death) Reviewed historical maps of Israel and the region Learned about Elisha’s devotion to Elijah Learned about Elijah’s ascension into heaven Learned about the results of the Moabite war with a coalition of Israel, Judah, and Edom Learned how God uses Elisha to perform several miracles early in his ministry Learned about the “Company of Prophets”
Overview of I and II Kings Originally one book –Early Greek manuscripts of the OT combined the books of Samuel and Kings under the title of "kingdoms," or "reigns" –Kings was broken into two books for convenience sake because of its length (Greek translation) Authorship –Some portions of the book identical to the book of Jeremiah –Jeremiah would have personal knowledge of some contents –Evidence that Ezra was the author after the Babylonian captivity Timeline –Approximately 400 years, written between 560 B.C. and 538 B.C. –Start: Death of David in 971 B.C. –End: Jehoiachin's release from a Babylonian prison in 562 B.C.
Overview of I and II Kings Books of Samuel and Kings cover Israel's period as a nation under a king: –I Samuel: Life of Saul –II Samuel: Life of David –I Kings: Solomon and the divided kingdom –II Kings: The fall of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah Content of I and II Kings –47 chapters (I Ki – 22 chapters, II Ki – 25 chapters) –History of the Jewish commonwealth –Death of David to subjugation to Babylonians
Purpose –Imparting of great moral lessons backed up by well- known illustrations –Religious history –Focused upon kings rather than prophets Key Lesson –God does not fail His people; His people, led by their kings, have failed God –God’s covenant has the contingency of Israel’s faithfulness –Covenant also promises a return from exile those that return to God Overview of I and II Kings
Main Characters of Chapter 6-8 Elisha – Younger prophet of God who assumes Elijah’s ministry Jehoram – King of Israel who goes to war against Moab Jehoshaphat – King of Judah during who joined Jehoram against the Moabites Ben-Hadad II – King of Aram/Syria Hazael – An officer of Ben-Hadad II, kills him, and then is anointed king by Elisha as directed by God
Places of Chapter 6-8 Aram Also Syria Jordan River Dothan Samaria Damascus
Recovery of the Axe Head (II Kings 6:1-7) Sons of the prophets need to expand (6:1-3) –Elisha was having a significant impact upon Israel –Old place of meeting was too small, needed more space –His servants were the initiators, Elisha was the approver Miracle of provision (6:4-7) –In building the new meeting place, an axe head fell into the water –Through a miracle, Elisha caused it to float –Highlights God’s support of Elisha –Also highlights the influence that Elisha had gained since taking over Elijah’s ministry
God Protects Elisha (II Kings 6:8-23) God protects Elisha from the Arameans (6:8-13) –Elisha is caught in the middle between Israel and Aram –He decides to work with the king of Israel, the lesser of two evils –The king of Aram is angered at Elisha’s involvement –Sends his forces to find Elisha in Dothan Elisha sees his spiritual protection (6:14-17) –The king of Aram sends his forces to capture Elisha –God allows Elisha and his servant to see the many forces of the king, even though it was dark Blinded Syrians are led to Samaria (6:18-23) –Blinded, the Elisha leads the forces to Samaria –Surrounded, the Aramites make peace with Israel
Siege of Samaria (II Kings 6:24-33) A bad famine strikes the city of Samaria (6:24-29) –Time passes and the king of Aram, Ben-Hadad, lays siege upon Samaria –A terrible famine strikes the city –The passage describes the severity of the famine –Even mothers ate their children (read Deut 28:52-53) The anger of the king of Israel against Elisha (6:30- 33) –He thinks Elisha is behind this disaster –He sends his men to go look for and behead Elisha –Elisha is forewarned
God’s Promise (II Kings 7:1-9) God’s promise and doubt of the king’s officer (7:1- 2) –Elisha essentially tells the king’s officer that the famine will end the next day –The officer is in doubt, but Elisha states that he will see it with his own eyes but will not eat of it Four lepers (7:3-5) –Permanent “fixtures” outside the city gate –Instead of waiting to die outside the gate, they wonder into the Syria camp on to find it empty God had caused the Syrians to abandon their camp (7:6-7) Lepers realize they must share the news (7:8-9)
Plundering the Enemy Camp (II Kings 7:10-20) The king discovers the empty Aramite camp (7:10- 15) –Lepers deliver the good news –With caution, the king explores the camp –The messengers are sent and then return with the good news Fulfillment of Elisha’s prophecy (7:16) –The people then go out of Samaria and plunder the Aramite camp –Fulfilled Elisha’s prophecy Death of the doubting officer (7:17-20) –Trampled by the people rushing from the gate to the camp, fulfilling Elisha’s prophecy the day before
2 nd Kings 8 – In Brief The Shunammite’s land is restored (8:1-6) –The one with whose son Elisha brought back to life (2 Kings 4) Aram gets a new king (8:7-9) –Ben-Hadad II becomes sick –He inquires of Elisha regarding his chances of recovery through Hazael Elisha answers the king (8:10-13) –Will recover but will die from another cause –Elisha states that Hazael will become king Hazael murders Ben-Hadad II (8:14-15) New kings in Judah (8:16-24) –Jehoshaphat and Ahaziah (picking up from 1 Ki 22:50)
Review Reviewed last weeks lesson (II Kings 2-5) Reviewed historical maps of Israel and the region Learned about Elisha’s growing ministry and early miracles performed Learned how God protects Elisha from the Aramites Learned about the siege of Samaria and how God eventually causes the Aramites to make peace with Israel Learned about the Death of Ben-Hadad, king of Aram and his replacement Hazael Learned about two new kings in Judah