Extended Essay
What is the Extended Essay? • A piece of independent research/investigation on a topic chosen by the student in cooperation with a supervisor in the school Chosen from the list of approved Diploma Programme subjects, published in the Handbook of Procedures for the Diploma Programme Presented as a formal piece of scholarship containing no more than 4,000 words The result of approximately 40 hours of work by the student Externally assessed against a common set of criteria and in combination with the grade for theory of knowledge, contributes up to three points to the total score for the IB diploma Concluded with a short interview, or viva voce, with the supervising teacher Compulsory for all Diploma Programme students
Process and Timeline Key Dates can also be found in ManageBac Different Schedule for Science and Non-Science Subjects Sessions on the following are built in to the schedule: Research Skills and MLA Referencing Using the EE Worksheet in ManageBac Turnitin.com Writing an Abstract
Choice of Subject, Topic and Title Biology Mathematics Mandarin Film History Spanish English A Visual Arts Malay Economics Physics German Chemistry Music French Geography
Choice of Subject, Topic and Title The extended essay topic/title should: be of interest to you allow the possibility to undertake personal research be limited in scope and sufficiently narrow to allow you to examine an issue or problem in depth allow you the opportunity to collect or generate information and/or data for analysis and evaluation
Choice of Subject, Topic and Title It is a good idea to think of the essay title in terms of a question, since most research seeks to provide answers to questions You can also evaluate a hypothesis or quote, but there is likely to be a question behind it. Finding a good research question is not easy and you must spend time thinking about it. Your supervisor will be able to provide you with some guidance on this.
Choice of Subject, Topic and Title Art Questions “How did Wassily Kandinsky use colour?” is better than “The Bauhaus”. “An analysis of African influences on Henry Moore” is better than “20th-century British sculpture”.
Choice of Subject, Topic and Title Biology Questions The effect of detergent toxicity on soil bacteria” is better than “Detergents in the environment”. “A study of malnourished children in Indonesia and the extent of their recovery after a period of supervised improved nutrition” is better than “Malnutrition in children”.
Choice of Subject, Topic and Title Film Questions “A comparison of the treatment and depiction of the family in the films of Satyajit Ray and mainstream Hindi films” is better than “The role of the family in Indian cinema”. • “The contribution of Nino Rota’s composition to the films of Fellini (or Morricone–Leone, Williams–Lucas)” is better than “Effective composer–director relationships”.
Choice of Subject, Topic and Title Mathematics Questions What was the role of mathematics, and geometry in particular, in navigation when we relied on the stars? Does it still play a part now we have man-made satellites? How does the exponential function, and its calculus, inform areas of science such as nuclear physics, geology, anthropology or demography?
Supervision You will be supervised by a member of staff who is a subject specialist in the area you have chosen. In order that we provide adequate and consistent supervision, no teacher should supervise more than 3 students. Your supervisor is allowed to spend a total of 3-5 hours working with you in total and this includes the viva voce at the end.
Supervision His or her main responsibilities will be: To encourage and support you throughout the research and writing of the extended essay To provide you with advice and guidance in the skills of undertaking research To discuss your choice of topic and offer guidance on formulating a well-focused research question To ensures that the chosen research question satisfies appropriate legal and ethical standards To ensure that you have a copy of the subject specific assessment criteria To ensure that the Extended Essay is your own work To read and comment on one completed draft only of the extended essay (but does not edit the draft) To read the final version to confirm its authenticity To submit a predicted grade for the extended essay to IB Cardiff To completes the supervisor’s report
How will supervisors be allocated? You should submit the extended essay proposal form with details of your first two choices The proposal form will be submitted to Miss Atkins by March 1st 2012 You will be notified of your supervisor by March 8th 2012
Assessment All Extended Essays are externally assessed against set criteria There are 11 criteria which can be found in the Uplands EE Guide Each criterion has a given number of points allocated to it with a total number of points of 36 allocated to the essay overall
Assessment According to the quality of work, on a scale of 0-36, performance will fall into one of the following five bands. The band descriptors are: A Work of an excellent standard B Work of a good standard C Work of a satisfactory standard D Work of a mediocre standard E Work of an elementary standard.
EE, TOK and Bonus Points
Assessment Criteria In addition to the general assessment criteria there are some subject specific guidelines and it is essential to read these carefully – these will be discussed with you by your supervisor once you have committed to your subject. They give you advice on: Choice of topic Treatment of topic Interpreting the assessment criteria
Formal Presentation and Structure Title page Abstract Contents page Introduction Body (development/methods/results) Conclusion References and bibliography Appendices
Formal Presentation and Structure The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include: the abstract acknowledgments the contents page maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables equations, formulas and calculations citations/references (whether parenthetical or numbered) footnotes or endnotes the bibliography appendices
Academic Honesty and Academic Referencing You are ultimately responsible for ensuring that your extended essay is authentic with the work or ideas of others fully and correctly acknowledged. Both plagiarism and collusion are forms of malpractice that incur a penalty. (Adapted from IBO Extended Essay Guide First Examination 2013)
Academic Honesty and Academic Referencing The IB defines malpractice as the attempt by a candidate to gain an unfair advantage in any assessment component. Collusion is when a candidate knowingly allows his or her work to be submitted for assessment by another candidate. Plagiarism is defined by the IB as the submission for assessment of the unacknowledged work, thoughts or ideas of another person as the candidate’s own.
Academic Honesty and Academic Referencing In order to avoid charges of plagiarism it is important that you fully acknowledge the words and ideas of another person. In order to do this the school recommends that you use the ‘Modern Language Association’ (MLA) documentation style for bibliographies and referencing purposes.
Advice to students from examiners
Advice to students from examiners Recommended: things to do: • read the assessment criteria • read previous essays to identify strengths and possible pitfalls • spend time working out the research question • work out a structure for the essay
Advice to students from examiners During the research process, and while writing the essay, students should: • start work early and stick to deadlines • maintain a good working relationship with their supervisor • construct an argument that relates to the research question • use the library and consult librarians for advice
Advice to students from examiners • record sources as they go along (rather than trying to reconstruct a list at the end) • choose a new topic and a research question that can be answered if there is a problem with the original topic use the appropriate language for the subject • let their interest and enthusiasm show After completing the essay, students should: • write the abstract • check and proofread the final version carefully.