Announcements CAPA Set #5 due today (Friday) at 10 pm CAPA Set #6 now available, due next Friday Next week in Section Lab 2: Acceleration due to gravity Make sure to do the pre-lab and print materials before lab Complete reading all of Chapter 4 Over the weekend, read Chapter 5 Sections
m Rock Climber hanging by rope Object of mass m suspended by a cord. Stationary: v = 0 and a = 0. +y 0 = ma = F net T F g =mg Tension in the cord is equal to the weight of the object. 0 = T - mg T = mg
m Person of mass m suspended by a rope. +y Now, imagine the person is being raised at a constant velocity v > 0. What’s the relation between T and mg? v If v=0: A) T = mg B) T > mg C) T < mg D) Indeterminate from information given. v = constant, a = 0 again, as in the stationary case. T mg = F g Clicker Question Room Frequency BA
m Object of mass m suspended by a cord. v = constant +y Now, imagine the object is being raised with an acceleration a > 0. What’s the relation between T and mg? a Before: A) T = mg B) T > mg C) T < mg D) Indeterminate from information given. T -mg = F g Clicker Question Room Frequency BA
The Atwood machine was invented in 1784 by Rev. George Atwood as a laboratory experiment to verify the mechanical laws of motion with constant acceleration.George Atwood
M m Two objects with masses M > m suspended from a stationary pulley. +x Step #1: Choose a coordinate system. M m +x Odd coordinate system (curves around pulley). This choice means that the acceleration a for both masses will be the same (direction + magnitude). Atwood Machine (Pulley)
M m +x Step #2: Specify the forces (free-body diagram) F g =-mg +T F g =+Mg -T Accelerations a must be same for both objects, otherwise the string would stretch or break.
Consider the pair of suspended masses. Assume that the pulley is frictionless and the cord does not stretch. What is the relationship between the tension T M in the cord above larger mass M and the tension T m above the smaller mass? A)T M = T m B)T M > T m C)T M < T m M > m Tension along the cord is constant. Clicker Question Room Frequency BA TmTm TMTM
Step #3: Solve the Equations Two equations. Two unknowns (a, T) Check if the answer makes sense…..
M1M1 M2M2 Frictionless table & pulley. 1)Choose coordinates 2)Identify forces. 3) Write down F = ma for each object +x +T -T F g = M 2 g Mass 1: M 1 a = T Mass 2: M 2 a = M 2 g - T What is F = ma for mass M 2 ? Clicker Question Room Frequency BA
Mass 1: M 1 a = T Mass 2: M 2 a = M 2 g - T Substitute for T in the lower equation M 2 a = M 2 g –M 1 a Solve for a M1M1 M2M2 Frictionless table & pulley. 1)Choose coordinates 2)Identify forces. 3) Write down F = ma for each object +x +T -T F g = M 2 g
Pulley Advantage In a system with multiple pulleys (for which there are various possible arrangements), we loop a single continuous rope. There is only one tension in the rope throughout its length.
Clicker Question Room Frequency BA What is the force (EFFORT) requires to prevent the LOAD from falling? A)0 lbs. B)25 lbs. C)50 lbs. D)100 lbs. E)400 lbs. Hint: Draw a free-body diagram. 4 Ropes with Tension T pulling up Mg
Friction Why have you been ignoring me all this time? Force resisting the movement of two objects in physical contact past each other. Force of Friction depends on: 1. Characteristics of materials 2. Vertical force pushing the materials together