STABILIZATION STATUS AND PLANS The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures project EuCARD K. Artoos, C. Collette, R. Leuxe, C.Eymin, P. Fernandez, S. Janssens *
Outline 2 Requirements Review status 2012 Plans for 2013, objectives Manpower & collaboration status
Requirements Stability (magnetic axis): Nano-positioning 3992 CLIC Main Beam Quadrupoles: 3 Type 4: 2m, 400 kgType 1: 0.5 m, 100 kg A. Samoshkin Main beam quadrupoles Final Focus Vertical 1.5 nm > 1 Hz Vertical 0.2 nm > 4 Hz Lateral 5 nm > 1 Hz Lateral 5 nm > 4 Hz Ground motion External forces Flexibility of magnet
Other requirements 4 Available space Integration in two beam module 620 mm beam height Accelerator environment - High radiation -Stray magnetic field Positioning -Steps of tens of nm +/- 1 nm Stiffness-Robustness Applied forces (water cooling, vacuum, power leads, cabling, interconnects, ventilation, acoustic pressure) -Compatibility alignment -Transportability/Installation
5 Review status 2012 MBQ Stabilisation Type 1 Collocated pair X-y proto Seismometer FB max. gain +FF (FBFFV1mod): 7 % luminosity loss (no stabilisation 68 % loss) Courtesy J. Snuverink, J. Pfingstner et al. Main linac Req.: 1.5 nm r.m.s.
Inertial Reference mass 6 No stabilization68% luminosity loss Inertial ref. mass 1Hz (V3mod)11% Inertial ref. mass 1Hz + HP filter (V3)3% Inertial ref. mass 7 Hz (V3 mod 1)Orbit fb optimised V3: 0.7% Courtesy J. Snuverink et al. Stef Janssens C. Collette “Comparison of new absolute displacement sensors”, C. Collette et al., ISMA 2012
X-y prototype: Nano positioning Resolution, precision, accuracy 7 Capacitive sensor 3 beam interferometer Optical ruler Actuators equipped with strain gauges
X-y positioning: Study precision, accuracy and resolution 8 The precision required (0.25 nm): demonstrated with optical rulers in a temperature stable environment for simultaneous x and y motion. Absolute accuracy: calibrated within m Tests in a temperature unstable environment will be made (ISR re installation)
X-y Positioning: roll 9 1&2 Parasitic roll 2 legs 3 d.o.f. > parasitic roll Measured with 3-beam interferometer ~3 μm lateral movement > ~7 μ rad rotation Early simulations suggest~100 μ rad/0.5% luminosity loss (J. Pfingstner)
Build three “best available design” MBQ modules Functional performance testing + development time: Study and try assembly Requires controlled stable environment (Temperature, Vibrations, Access) Demonstration feasibility + ultimate performance Water cooling + powering magnet Test module location not adapted for this. Magnetic measurements and fiducialisation Type 1 Test module with dummy magnet Integration in test module, connections to other modules, robust show case, transport, … Demonstration alignment and stabilization but not representative for CLIC tunnel Type 1 ISR Type 4 ISR Type 1 CLEX Type 4 Test module MBQ modules upgradable (bolted together, no welds). K.Artoos, Stabilisation WG, 21th February 2013
Type 1 and Type 4 mechanical design 11 FE simulations are done expected (good) results Production plans finished end of next week K. Artoos, R. Leuxe, C. Eymin Lateral mode: ~139 Hz Vertical mode: ~315 Hz
12 Combination of fast positioning and stabilization Combining positioning and stabilization: Making error to requested position R as small as possible Additional displacement measurement for low frequency to DC Sensors separated in bandwidth integrator at low frequency to eliminate drift Simulations function > To be implemented on x-y prototype Stef Janssens
13 Communication with Control Center Labview communication program between magnet and simulated control room Signals out: Geophone/position signals SDI signal for DIG_POTS Signals in: CS signals for DIG_POTS CLK signals for DIG_POTS New position X/Y Signals out: New position Gain FF/FB Filter positions Signals in: Transfer function (every 5 s) Rel./abs. Position Error signals
Preparation test modules and CLEX: Two type 1 MBQ and one Type4 14 Flexural joints machined. Actuators with amplifiers and sensors delivered January Electronic boards under construction, Design Type 1 and type 4 mechanical support ongoing (80% ready) Demonstrators T1 and T4 planned for April Issue: Reduction manpower stabilisation MME in 2013 EUCARD deliverable
Manpower + collaboration status 15 CERNS.Janssens (PhD > Fellow) 100% K.Artoos (100% > 50%) M. Esposito (50%, 12/2012) P. Fernandez Carmona (August 12) Designers: R. Leuxe, C. Eymin (jobs) MBQ stabilisation + nano-pos. Sensor development CERN Networking with NIKHEF (PhD Stef, TNO, MI Partners, TU Delft,…) Synergy sensor development with LIGO, VIRGO. Contact Christophe Colette Action CLIC : new collaboration agreements + K contracts
Build and test 3 MBQ modules with controller hardware Type 1 ISR + CLEX (precursor PACMAN) Type 4 ISR + Test module Type 1 Test module X-Y guide: Continue tests stopped in 2012 Test absolute sensors Develop and test positioning controller Test inertial sensors prototypes + stabilisation controller Vibration measurements module + pulsed dipole correctors Outsource: Construction of adapted sensors (transfer function, AE compatible, noise level) Collocated sensor-actuators If time permits: Ground motion measurements around CMS 16 Objectives 2013 at CERN
SPARES 17 S. Janssens, CLIC Workshop, January 2013
Controller Electronics 18 Hybrid Second generation 2 d.o.f. Position input terminal Switchable (displacement/velocity) Manual or Digital gain/filter control FPGA control digital part started Improved radiation hardness (choice components Tested for SEU and induced noise at H4HIRRAD P. Fernandez Carmona H4IRAD test stand No damage nor SEU after 18 Gy Test not complete Report to be finalized Piezo amplifier not radhard
CERN “team”: Build and test 3 MBQ modules Type 1 ISR + CLEX (precursor PACMAN) Type 4 ISR + Test module Type 1 Test module Outsource: Construction of adapted sensors (transfer function, AE compatible, noise level) (in progress) High stiffness actuators (done) Collocated sensor-actuators Characterization existing systems ? Study pre-isolator Final Focus (Model (almost) done=>Test beam simulations) High load high range high resolution actuators Construction electronics (in progress (soldering components)) Implementation of custom digital slow control (in progress) Construction mechanics: flexural joints, monolithic, machining, assembly,… Displacement sensors and their implementation (in progress) Development Radiation hard components 19 Objectives 2013
20 Stabilization with Interferometer based geophone Interferometer based geophone built and tested: -Very high sensitivity, high resolution -Wider bandwidth -Proof of concept Issue: Due to higher bandwidth, actuator slew rate gives instabilities in the loop -> New batch of actuator amplifiers have a higher slew rate Measured open loop on x-y guide Stef Janssens
Comparison sensors 21 SensorResolutionMain +Main - Actuator sensor0.15 nmNo separate assemblyResolution No direct measurement of magnet movement Capacitive gauge0.10 nmGauge radiation hardMounting tolerances Gain change w. Orthogonal coupling Interferometer10 pmAccuracy at freq.> 10 HzCost Mounting tolerance Sensitive to air flow Orthogonal coupling Optical ruler0.5*-1 nmCost 1% orthogonal coupling Mounting tolerance Small temperature drift Possible absolute sensor Rad hardness sensor head not known Limited velocity displacements Seismometer (after integration)< pm at higher frequenciesFor cross calibration S. Janssens, CLIC Workshop, January 2013
Five R&D themes : 22 S. Janssens, CLIC Workshop, January Performance increase → Reach requirements from higher background vibrations + include direct forces → Increase resolution (Final focus) 2.Compatibility with environment → Radiation, magnetic field, Operation, Temperature 3.Cost optimization → Standardize and optimize components, decrease number of components, simplify mounting procedures,… 4.Overall system analysis → Interaction with the beam-based orbit and IP feedback to optimise luminosity Integration with other CLIC components → Adapt to changing requirements 5.Pre-industrialization → Ability to build for large quantities
23 Extra slide: Measured slew rate of actuator S. Janssens, CLIC Workshop, January 2013
24 Bill of Materials Amplifiers LMP2022MA: Zero Drift, Low Noise, EMI Hardened Amplifier AD8230YRZ: Zero-Drift, Precision Instrumentation Amplifier AD8691AUJZ: Low Cost, Low Noise, CMOS Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifier Power regulator ICs: TPS76550, REG , TPS72325, UCC284-5 FLASH Digital potentiometers: AD5231, AD5204 Diodes: BAV199 Capacitors: Tantalum Resistors: Thin film 1% Potentiometers: Cermet Digital slow control National Instruments PXI with DAQmx card FPGA: Spartan 6 evaluation board (under development) S. Janssens, CLIC Workshop, January 2013
25 Controller electronics: Hybrid 2 analogue chains + positioning offset Local electronics ADCs digitize signals For remote monitoring Communication to remote control center with optical fiber S. Janssens, CLIC Workshop, January 2013 SPI P. Fernandez Carmona (until end of August)
26 Inertial reference mass proto (v3): With interferometer/with capacitive gauge S. Janssens, CLIC Workshop, January 2013
Active Stabilization 27 B10 No stab.53%/68% Current stab.108%/13% Future stab.118%/3% Luminosity achieved/lost [%] Machine model Beam-based feedback Code Typical quadrupole jitter tolerance O(1nm) in main linac and O(0.1nm) in final doublet Final Focus QD0 Prototype Close to/better than target
3D simulated Kinematics 28 M. Esposito, IWAA 2012 Fermilab PITCHYAW T1 MBQ T4 MBQ No loss of translation range for T4 About 25% of loss of vertical translation range for T1 pitch About 80% of loss of lateral translation range for T1 yaw
Roll simulations 29
S. Janssens, CLIC Workshop, January The influence of the orbit feedback is in general small. For the main linac the tolerance for 0.5% lumi loss is about 100urad (already provided by Daniel before). Including also the BDS without the final doublet, since not actuated by the tripot, (dashed pink curve), the tolerance is about 1um.