Integrating Multiple Demands on Coastal Zones with Emphasis on Aquatic Ecosystems and Fisheries Work Package 4 Team: Birane Samb, Cheng Heqin, Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez, Graham Pierce, Hugo Arancibia, Jeremy Mendoza, John Pinnegar, Luca Palmeri, Lynne Shannon, Maria de los Angeles Gasalla, Nicholas Polunin, Paul Eastwood, Philippe Cury, Steve Mackinson, Victor Hugo Cruz-Escalona, … and more colleagues that are being incorporated from partner institutions SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME
Work Package 4 Objectives Objectives: Overcome the “Shifting Baseline Syndrome” Provide Authoritative Species Inventories Provide Ecosystem Models Assist in Sizing and Siting of Marine Protected Areas Provide Framework and Tools for analysis of Interactions and Flows in the Coastal Zone Provide Simple Indicators for Sustainable Resource Use Valuation of Coastal Ecosystem Services Evaluate Pros and Cons of Ecotourism Review Legal Instruments Relevant for Sustainable Coastal Resource Use Provide Access to Relevant Data, Tools and Concepts Bringing it All Together
Work Package 4 Objectives: The overall goal of the “Ecosystem Modelling” work package is to provide standardized ecosystem models for all selected ecosystems. WP-1 Compile and make available all data relevant for the construction of models for the selected LMEs (interacts with WP-1 ); Construct standardized ecosystem models; WP 5 Work closely with WP 5 on the size and placement of protected areas. Explore patterns of response of impacted ecosystems, testing hypothesis on resilience and impact of fisheries on ecosystems. WPs 1, 2. & 7 Contribute to the exploration of ecosystem attributes in a two-level strategy, one within each model exploring impact of fishing, compatibility of conservation and exploitation under sustainable use of the ecosystems, resilience, among others. The second level will be a meta- analysis, searching patterns of response of aquatic ecosystems (to human activities, ecosystem attributes, structural and functional behaviour, etc...) (interacts with WPs 1, 2. & 7 )
Interaction with other Work Packages Work Package 4 WP-3: Biodiversity Mapping WP-9: Impact of Ecotourism WP-10: Legal Instruments WP-6: Coastal Transects WP-5: Marine Protected Areas WP-11: Project Management WP-1: Data, Tools and Outreach WP-4: Ecosystem modelling WP-2: Shifting Baselines WP-7: Sustainability Indicators WP-8: Valuation of Ecosystem Services
Work Package 4 Deliverables: D4.1 Data relevant for ecosystem modelling disseminated through WP-1 D4.2 Ecosystem models available for all incofish ecosystems D4.3 Spatial ecosystem models available for all selected LME’s D4.4 Further development of models, interactions with WPs, final report D4.5 At least five scientific publications related to this WP to be published or submitted by WP members before the end of the project
Work Package 4 Description of work: WP 1 Standardized ecosystem models for all selected ecosystems will be provided with the objective to compile and make available (through WP 1 ) all data relevant for model construction. WP 5 Work closely with WP 5 on the size and placement of protected areas. WPs 2,7,8 Some simulation scenarios and hypotheses will be tested through the models involving aspects such as biodiversity conservation and fisheries conflicts, impact of fisheries on the ecosystems, resilience, fisheries management, meta- analysis and search for patterns of ecosystem response (interaction with WPs 2,7,8 )
Working Package 4 Salt marsh wetland Yangtze estuary North Sea area IV (two groups, u/discussion) Adriatic Sea Senegambian ecosystem Benguela current Central Gulf of California Central Gulf of Mexico Campeche Bank South Brazil Shelf Central Chile In combination with WP5 Firth Moray Ecosystems to be modelled ( under review )
Working Package 4 There is a variety of ecosystems, initially defined, covering a variety of characteristics: Different latitudes, continents, oceans and Large Marine Ecosystems Different types of ecosystems: upwellings, pelagic, benthic, continental shelves, wetlands, semi-closed seas. Different fisheries and management problems, overexploitation, stocks depletion, conflicts between industrial and artisanal fisheries and with conservation, among others. With this variety of ecosystems we have an excellent opportunity to test hypotheses, explore patterns of response of ecosystems to perturbations, explore MPAs, and particularly the opportunity to perform comparative analysis (meta-analysis).
Working Package 4 Start-up meeting (Kiel, Germany): Partners of WPs 4 and 5 met together during the start-up workshop to discuss the general strategy. All partners from both WPs attended this meeting with the exception of those from South Africa and Senegal. Natural interaction between WP4 and WP5 determines the need of meeting together to formulate general guidelines concerning the work plans and particularly interactions and definition of milestones, as well as a first view of the study cases. After a brief explanation of the background of the project and the WP4 we discussed the objectives, orientation and deliverables, with particular consideration of the deadlines for deliverables as inputs to WP5. During discussions differences between ecosystems emerged, such as: points of view on the work to be developed by the WP4, characteristics of tools for modelling ecosystems to be used; degree of development (modelling process), the need for know-how, partners skills and experience in modelling process, as well as some characteristics of ecosystems to be modelled. Tentative dates were established for WP4-workshops and deliverables, and some guidelines were defined for the first workshop within the WP4.
Work Package 4 Milestones and expected results First workshop to define and distribute tasks such as selection and assignment of ecosystems to be modelled. suggest hypothesis and scenarios to be tested (WP members, representatives of WPs 1 & 5; month 9/10 ); Second workshop to start service function for other WPs, construct ecosystem models. Testing hypothesis and scenarios (WP members; representatives of other WPs, month 15, Jul-06 ) Third workshop to construct ecosystem spatial-models. Testing hypothesis and scenarios (WP members; representatives of other WPs, month 21/22 ) Fourth workshop to present ecosystem models, prepare meta- analysis. Testing hypothesis and scenarios (WP members, representatives of other WPs; (1,2,5,7,8) month 30, Oct-07)
Working Package 4 WP4. First Workshop It is planned for mid-January early February, in conjunction with WP5 Objectives: Know characteristics of the ecosystems to be modelled and focus (MPAs, testing hypothesis, both) Know the state of knowledge, information available (including previous know-how) & needs Know skills, experience and needs of the members concerning modelling process. Define actions in consequence to guarantee the arrival at deliverables as programmed. Actions identified as necessary were: a technical workshop on modelling process with Ecopath with Ecosim suite of programs, and definition of a close advice (stanzas) strategy. Suggest testing hypothesis Discuss strategies for interaction with WP5 in terms of further work Discuss other needs and demands (i.e. WP1), including external advising, or outputs for WP8) Analyze the possibility to develop interactive maps from ecospace (i.e routines on management) or like GIS overlaping maps, as outputs aimed to interaction with public Consider invitees for workshops (within incofish partners or external) Discuss about expected publications (showing interactions) Review agenda and synergies