Parking Enforcement in Norway Policy and methods in short
Public Roads On-street and Off-street Regulated by Road Traffic Act Parking fee to regulate traffic Decriminalized –Illegal parking: € 60 –Paid Parking: € 35
Private Land Mainly off-street, but also on residential roads Regulated by agreement by acting Parking fee to regulate and to get a surplus Control fee (free pricing) –Up to € 90
Methods Ticket machines –Most common offence: Not correct or no ticket Mobile phones – mobile apps
Enforcement Public: Enforcement by parking attendants –No outsourcing allowed –Mostly walking patrol Private: CEO –“Hide and seek” Ticketing by handheld terminals Photos Clamping not forbidden, but not in use Removal
Co-Operation A lot of transfer of information between Sweden, Denmark and Norway –The laws based upon nordic cooperation in the 70ties Look to experience in UK