MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, 2012 1 1 1 Preliminary Ladder Testing Results At IPHC MS, XS, LG.


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Presentation transcript:

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Preliminary Ladder Testing Results At IPHC MS, XS, LG

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Outline Ladders Testing Goals Voltage, power and temperature on ladder Baseline comparisons to probe test results Sensor performance in ladder configuration Issues What we have learned? Future testing

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Ladders Thin and thick sensor ladders. Large bypass caps at either end, no small bypass caps (pads area available for VDDA, VDDD, VCLP). Hand assembled quickly from probe tested sensors that function but have not been extensively characterized and are not necessarily optimum. Tested at LBNL for JTAG function, test mode line pattern, normal mode readout was checked for proper header pattern. Ladders were then shipped to IPHC. Probe system used primarily test modes. Normal RDO mode implemented(mostly) at IPHC.

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Testing goals Validate the cable design – Cable design driven by mechanical requirements Test results from Phase-1 sensor ladders Expected large power consumption at startup – Basic funcitonality (JTAG, Power distribution, etc.) – Characterization of sensor performance Test mode Normal readout mode As a function of bypass capacitance

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Voltage, power and temperature on ladder

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Voltage, power and temperature on ladder Thin Sensor Cable HIGH threshold settings LOW threshold settingsOne regulator Driver section GND on the cable67 mV73 mV12mV Sensor power Driver power Begin low mass section GND153 mV170 mV23 mV Power End of ladder power End of ladder GND172 mV190 mV23 mV Thin Sensor CableHIGH threshold settings LOW threshold settings One sensor Beginning of ladder n.a. End of ladder n.a. Thick Sensor CableHIGH threshold settings LOW threshold settings One sensor Beginning of ladder n.a. End of ladder n.a.

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Voltage, power and temperature on ladder Cooling 22.5 °C

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Baseline comparisons to probe test results No damage during shipping – JTAG and basic functionality Sensor damage during construction: – 1 sensor on the “thick” ladder (L1) – 2 senosrs on the “thin” ladder (L2) We suspect VCLP failure – to be tested later

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Baseline comparisons to probe test results

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7,

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Sensor performance in ladder configuration

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Issues: threshold shift

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Issues: self-induced noise 13 5×5× -1 mV-2 mV A k B951.3 k1.9 M C0.5 k3.7 k64 k D1.5 k10.0 k0.2 M

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Issues: missing header/trailer bits

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, What we have learned? We need to work on our probe testing to be sure that we are getting good results. We need to be more careful of ESD during ladder construction. The voltage drop on the ladders appears to be manageable. The threshold baseline shifts with applied VDD and noise. Self induced sensor noise is possible. The noise observed without any bypassing capacitors in the sensor array is significant. Additional testing is needed

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Future testing Add bypass capacitors Retest existing ladders In parallel, design split-power cable Assemble split-power ladder in Berkeley Continue intensive testing at LBL

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Discussion points Additional measurments An onboard regulator may help with the threshold shifts and with noise immunity, but at the cost of power dissipation …

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Back up slides

MS, LG, XS PXL ladder tests at IPHC, May 1-7, Issues: ladder induced noise