Update running dossiers 12) Animal Welfare FVE General Assembly 19 November 2011, Brussels Federation of Veterinarians of Europe


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Presentation transcript:

Update running dossiers 12) Animal Welfare FVE General Assembly 19 November 2011, Brussels Federation of Veterinarians of Europe

Federation of Veterinarians of Europe NEW ANIMAL WELFARE STRATEGY - Strategy and action plan was published Jan - Launch conference 29 Feb-1 March - EP report - Council conclusions report FVE opinion: FVE/010/DOC/035

Key players -Leading committee: DG AGRI by rapporteur M. Paulsen - Opinion committees: DG ENVI by Liotard Kartika Tamara DG Petitions by Botinaru Victor Forecast - draft report March Mrs. Paulsen - amendments - vote June in committee, July in plenary Focus - enforcement existing legislation - network reference centres - EU animal welfare Law Federation of Veterinarians of Europe European Parliament reaction STRATEGY

Key players -Leading committee: DG AGRI by rapporteur J. Wojciechowski - Opinion committees: DG ENVI by Liotard Kartika Tamara DG Tran by L. de grandes Pascual Forecast - draft report March Mrs. Wojciechowski - amendments - vote July in committee, September in plenary Focus -taking into account full cost of animal transport - focus on increased control and reduction lenght Federation of Veterinarians of Europe EP reaction TRANSPORT

8-hour max for slaughter animals Signatures: > Written Declaration 49/2011: Adopted Federation of Veterinarians of Europe EP reaction TRANSPORT

On: - Animal welfare strategy COM (2012) Commission transport report COM(2011)700 Forecast - adoption council conclusions in June Focus VAGUE document with many reflections, notes, etc but no concrete action Supports consideration AW law, reference centres, information to consumer (maybe through vol labelling), simplified journey log, etc etc Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Council reaction: Council conclusions

- Reference centres on animal welfare: FVE part of consortium - Study on dogs and cats in economic activities Religious slaughter - Study on labelling re slaughter methods - Study on rotating pens for cattle - …. Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Future AW initiatives

- FVE/Sanco / national collaboration workshops (~100 practitioners + 30 zoo vets/workshop) Budapest September 2011 Barcelona December 2011 Riga April 2012 Romania June - program (2 days): * general principles AW * theoretical parallel session for poultry/cattle/pigs * hands-on sessions ON FARM - Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Workshops on AW for practitioners

Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Budapest



Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Overall feedback Workshops (1/2) Feedback participants extremely positive Very interactive conference full of discussion, focused on critical issues experienced in daily practice Show welfare assessment based on animal- based criteria Participants generally welcome it but needs to become more practical and not too time consuming

Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Overall feedback Workshops (2/2) Animal based criteria are seen as future by legislators, retailers, etc « Council calls upon EC to see whether benchmarking based on outcome based animal welfare indicators could be used to inform consumers » Vets should be the one doing these welfare assesments so we need to prepare them July meeting EFSA on Animal based assesment protocol -) request 3 FVE experts

Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Future??? Current budget has finished but seen success they have decided to propose a new budget to be adopted (hopefully) in June Aim to do 2 (3) extra conferences Possible countries: Italy, Netherlands, Bulgaria More focus on not a one-off conference but getting a lasting change.

Thank You Questions, comments are always welcome! Federation of Veterinarians of Europe