UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Union européenne Des vétérinaires praticiens Internet sales of veterinary medicines: How to ensure a legitimate system in place
UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Union européenne Des vétérinaires praticiens Statements Internet sales will grow fast This includes VMP Denying or ignoring will not help This channel shift is a potential threat for veterinary practitioners Legislation is behind actual developments Will the Review of the Medicines Guideline provide solutions?
UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Union européenne Des vétérinaires praticiens Risks Does a country allow buying VMP via internet? What is a veterinary practice? What is a pharmacy? POM versus non-POM Prescriptions are limited to the country where the vet is licensed Counterfeit products / safety
UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Union européenne Des vétérinaires praticiens Recommendations Internet pharmacies need to be certified Strict control mechanisms Digital prescription needs to be cross checked between pharmacy and veterinarian Cross border delivery of POMs should not be allowed European wide harmonised legislation
UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Union européenne Des vétérinaires praticiens Veterinary webshop