Integrating Representative Sample and High Net Worth Survey Data on Giving René Bekkers Center for Philanthropic Studies VU University Amsterdam.


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Presentation transcript:

Integrating Representative Sample and High Net Worth Survey Data on Giving René Bekkers Center for Philanthropic Studies VU University Amsterdam

The Representative Sample Since 2002 we biennially collect data on giving in the Giving in the Netherlands Panel Survey. We started with a sample of 1707 individuals that are representative for the Dutch population on key demographics. We have just completed the sixth wave, GINPS12.

Previous Supplements Protestant Christians: an oversample (n=257) was included in GINPS02 to study high levels of giving among Protestants. Ethnic minority citizens: constituting an increasing proportion of the population. Surveys among the 4 major minority groups (Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese, Antillians, each n=150) have been fielded since 2008.

Properly counting in Weights have been created for Protestant and ethnic minority oversamples using population values from Statistics Netherlands. Religion, education: survey based Ethnicity, age, gender, region, home ownership: population register data

We may still miss something If giving in the Netherlands is similar to other countries, the wealthy are responsible for a large proportion of total giving. But in GINPS surveys we typically encounter ≈10% with income from wealth. And € 1,000,000. The low n at the high end will make estimates unreliable and sensitive to outliers.

Household income > €100k x 1,000

That is why… We decided to conduct a survey among wealthy individuals. We work with a the ‘Millionaire Database’ of Elite Research, containing addresses of 120,000 wealthy individuals (thanks Jos!). The privately owned database was constructed from public records from the chamber of commerce, the residential property register, and realtor websites.

Response rates A pilot paper & pencil questionnaire mailed to a target sample of 500 randomly selected addresses: 18.8% (31 online). The GINPS 2010 HNW Study mailed to a random sample of 10,000 addresses yielded a response rate of 13.4% (358 online). One reminder was sent after two weeks to all non responding households.

The HNW 2012 Survey Supplement to GINPS12 Replication and refinement of HNW 2010 survey Again, target sample n = 10, % response rate (after reminder) 948 paper and pencil (PAPI) 413 online (CAWI)

Weights This year we asked questions about wealth, home equity, and income (salary, business) that can be compared to tax income data. This allows Statistics Netherlands to create weights for wealth and income based on income tax returns. These weights can be used to integrate the HNW data with the representative sample.

The Dutch wealthy are old

Total wealth

How financially secure are you?

Religiosity Dutch population

Religiosity among the wealthy

Warning Giving estimates from the HNW2012 Survey are preliminary. The raw data include several strong outliers. These outliers are excluded from the analyses presented here. Amounts donated are conservative estimates.

Religion and giving

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