Ertan Deniz Instructor
Prepare XML documents that contain your family tree in detail By using only elements By using only attributes By using mixture of elements and attributes (Select more apprpriate ones as attributes) Child elements / Attributes : Name, BirthDate, Female/Male, Relation with you Build an XSD file to validate one of your XML files. (Write code to validate) List your family (By using XMLReader Class) Write Xpath statements Locate Yourself List all females or males Convert list of family into HTML by utilizing XSLT.
Submit October, 26 (Before the class) Prepare a solution pack XML Folder (XML files, XSD file) XSD Validation Folder (Source Code Files & Save output in a text file) XML Reader Folder (Source Code Files & Save output in a text file) XSLT Folder (XSL File,XML File, XPATH Queries,HTML Output file) Documentation Folder (Homework Report) Send to :
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