J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 The CFHT Survey: First results Jean-Marc Petit CNRS/Observatoire de Besançon (Please look at the notes. All informations are there)
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 CFEPS Team Canada: Gladman, Kavelaars, Jones, van Laerovean, Trousil France: Petit, Rousselot, Mousis, Doressoundiram, Veillet Spain: Campo Bagatin, Benavidez United States: Parker, Bieryla + others
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Quick Summary (1) ~400 sq.deg. of discoveries near the Ecliptic ~350 sq.deg. with the planned observing sequence 40 sq.deg. in the galactic plane – not properly suited for TNO search ~310 sq.deg. of good, fully useable data – currently 404 discovered objects (not all fields searched yet) – 244 objects characterized (not all fields characterized yet)
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Quick Summary (2) Fully characterized and tracked sample from 2003 – 94 fields – sq.deg. MegaCAM coverage: 0.9 sq.deg. some overlap chips failure on some blocks – 74 discovered objects – 55 objects with accurate orbit Full characterization of discovery efficiency with: – magnitude – rate of motion
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 The Idea
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Stellar Encounters Planet Migration Rogue planet Scattering Measure surviving population KBO orbits constrain scattering process(es)
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006
Because of this....
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Discovery, 2 blocks
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Before checkup
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 After checkup
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Before 1 year
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 After 1 year
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 At 2 years
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Keeping the « Tracked » objects
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Noticed, [as expected]
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, year orbits
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, year orbits
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Some Results
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Spatial distribution gala xy plan e Bad Weath er gala xy plan e
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 (H,I) distrib, good CFEPS objects
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Toy model of the Kuiper Belt
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 CFEPS 2003 objects and Model detections
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Another simulation
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 CFEPS 2003 objects versus Model
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Again, other simulation
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 MPC objects, 3 oppositions
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 MPC model versus CFEPS 2003
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 MPC model versus CFEPS 2003
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 MPC model versus CFEPS 2003
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006
Quick Summary (1) ~400 sq.deg. of discoveries near the Ecliptic ~350 sq.deg. with the planned observing sequence 40 sq.deg. in the galactic plane – not properly suited for TNO search ~310 sq.deg. of good, fully useable data – currently 404 discovered objects (not all fields searched yet) – 244 objects characterized (not all fields done yet)
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Quick Summary (2) Fully characterized and tracked sample from 2003 – 94 fields – sq.deg. MegaCAM coverage: 0.9 sq.deg. some overlap chips failure on some blocks – 74 discovered objects – 55 objects with accurate orbit Full characterization of discovery efficiency with: – magnitude – rate of motion
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Thanks QSO Team
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 L4p07
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Clones
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 A new large separation binary
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 A new large separation binary
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 A new large separation binary
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 A new large separation binary
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 Luminosity Function of 2003 objects
J-M Petit, TNO2006, Catania. July 03-07, 2006 More quantitative results will appear in the coming paper presenting the 2003 data release of CFEPS Stay tuned !