OilTank OilTank uses reservoir pressure and produced volumes of oil, water and gas from individual wells and determines the IOIP using volumetric and.


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Presentation transcript:

OilTank OilTank uses reservoir pressure and produced volumes of oil, water and gas from individual wells and determines the IOIP using volumetric and material balance methods. Results are summarised by well, group, pool, lease and company.

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software3 OilTank Agenda Well data Pool data Lease data Oil analysis and PVT data Special Features, System Options, Methods and Correlations Output Reports and Graphs Demo Questions

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software4 Well Data Wells are defined with a pool, group and a lease. Basic Data: Well name, UWI, group and lease. Volumetric Data: Drainage area, netpay, porosity, water saturation. Material Balance Data: Pressure and production history.

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software5 Well Data

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software6 Volumetric Data

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software7 Material Balance Data

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software8 Analysis Options

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software9 Analysis Results

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software10 Pool Data Basic Data: Pool name, Field name, and gas analysis name. Reservoir Data: Current pressure, formation temperature, and abandonment pressure, rock and water compressibility.

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software11 Pool Data

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software12 Lease Data Basic Data: Lease name or number, number of wells in lease, working interest for each company.

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software13 Lease Data

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software14 Oil Analysis Data PVT table with pressure, Bo, Rs, Bg, and Bw. Bubble point pressure and water compressibility.

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software15 Oil Analysis

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software16 PVT Plots

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software17 OilTank Special Features Data Selection –Data selection: all points, all selected points, or all selected by type. Analysis Methods –Full Material Balance, Pressure method –Full Material Balance, IGIP method –Full Material Balance, Havlena & Odeh ( ) method (no gas cap) –Full Material Balance, Havlena & Odeh ( ) method (with gas cap) –Full Material Balance, McEwen (1962)

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software18 System Options

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software19 Output, Reports and Graphs Diagram of results Numerous reports –well, pool, group, lease, company, etc. Numerous graphs –well, pool, group, lease, company, etc.

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software20 Diagram

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software21 Reports

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software22 Graphs

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software23 Material Balance Results

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software24 Pressure History

OilTank, Sirius Petroleum Software25 Production History