Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed Section 2: Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed

Section 2, Part 1 The Word Became Flesh

Introduction Section 1 looked at the preparation for God’s plan of salvation Section 2 looks at the fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation The “fullness of time” begins with the Annunciation according to St. Paul The Incarnation is foreshadowed by the OT God had specific reasons for the Incarnation The names and the titles the NT authors employ reveal the nature and mission of Christ 4 Articles A. 13—God Prepares the Way: The Roles of Mary and Joseph A. 14—The Gospels and Christological Prophecies A. 15—Why the Word Became Flesh A. 16—The Titles Say it All

Article 13: God Prepares the Way: The Roles of Mary and Joseph The Holy Family is the model of what God intend for all families Jesus, Mary, and Joseph reflect the love and communion between the Persons of the Holy Trinity What is your family like?—celebrate and work without discouragement Mary’s Role—Faith and Trust Gospel of Luke = Marian Gospel Annunciation “fiat” question vs. doubt Theotokos Immaculate Conception Visitation confirms Perpetual Virginity Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen) Clement

Article 13 cont.: God Prepares the Way: The Roles of Mary and Joseph Joseph’s Role—Faith and Trust Gospel of Matthew = Joseph’s Gospel Reaction to Mary’s pregnancy (Mt. 1) Mary’s return from Cousin Elizabeth His right’s under Jewish law and consequences Compassionate decision and angelic intervention 2 more angelic interventions (Mt. 2) Depart for Egypt due to Herod Return from Egypt after Herod dies Model husband, father, worker, disciple of God Perpetual virginity, Jesus, carpenter, listens and trusts in difficulties Assume dies before Jesus’ public ministry but not old despite pictures? Patron of happy death, universal Church, workers, fathers March 19 and May 1 Apologetics: Mary’s Perpetual Virginity and Jesus’ brothers & sisters? Mk. 3 and 6—linguistic/cultural or step from Joseph

Article 14: The Gospels and Christological Prophecies Emmaus account—Lk. 24: 13-32 “Jesus opened the Scriptures to them” “Were not our heart’s burning inside us” The OT foreshadows the NT through Christological prophecies NT authors referenced these OT prophecies Reminder of literal and spiritual senses of Scripture Chart in A. 14

Homework Read AA. 15-16 H.W. 2.1; 1-3

Article 15: Why the Word Became Flesh Analogy of the Faith—defn. and examples Incarnation—defn. “true God and true man” = emphasize human nature Reasons for the Incarnation Reconciliation through forgiveness Original and actual sin Pauline expiation (defn.)—Rm. 5: 19 Johanine love—1 Jn. 4: 10 Know depths God’s love 1 Jn. 3: 16 and Rm. 5: 7-8 Own Son for a sinner = unconditional love Model of holiness Jesus commands because of his human nature--Mk. 9: 7 & Jn. 15:12 Transfiguration = fulfills Law and Prophets St. Teresa of Avila—be Christ’s body on earth

Article 15 cont.: Why the Word Became Flesh Reasons for the Incarnation cont. Partakers in the divine nature 4th century Father and Doctor St. Athanasius (295-373 a.d.) “Jesus became man so that we might become God” Context against Arianism as bishop of Alexandria but ours as well Destroy the power of the devil Spiritual battle between God and Satan Jesus’ temptation in the desert foreshadows Paschal Mystery Humanity without God = hopeless but with God = full hope Jesus the Word of God—more alive in our lives Bible study, Sunday readings, journal, Mark, commentary, monthly teaching of Jesus, inspirational passage, saints lived experience, book of reflections, lectio divina

Article 16: The Titles Say it All Assign titles to people—why? Know person, role, and maybe even nature With Jesus, implications for prayer relationship Jesus Hebrew, also Joshua “God saves” Divine identity and mission of salvation Christ Not a last name but a formal title used 400x in NT Greek translation of Messiah = “anointed one” Special mission and munera (priest, prophet, king) to accomplish OT typology Peter’s recognition = special mission Article 17

Article 16 cont.: The Titles Say it All Son of God OT Angles, kings, and people of Israel Special relationship with God Ironic and deepest meaning in Jesus Father acknowledges 2x in the NT—Baptism and Transfiguration 1 and only mediator between God and man Lord Secular title of respect in first century Roman society Greek translation of Adonai by Jews and Christians in the NT to refer to Yahweh as Jews had done in the OT Divine title for Jesus from Jews or Christina but respectful “master” from gentiles Yahweh to sacred to utter vs. today Others less common titles—chart Article 17

Homework H.W. 2.1; 4-7 Study for the Section 2, Part 1 Quiz tomorrow (AA. 13-16) Make sure the Section 2, Part 1 HW is ready to turn in tomorrow (#1-7 at the end of A. 16)