LESSON 34 CONNECTIONS 1.True God or true man? Why? Mark 2:1-12 God = All-knowing & miracle Mark 4:35-41 Man = sleeping; God = miracle Mark 11:12 Man = hungry Mark 15:37 Man = died John 11:38-44God = miracle John 19:28 Man = thirsty
LESSON 34 CONNECTIONS 2. Because of an accident you end up with bruises and broken bones and are in a lot of pain. Why would it be comforting to know that Jesus is both true God and true man? Jesus understands the pain you’re going through. He can heal you, too.
John 3:16 “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
LESSON 35 CONNECTIONS 1.Why would the people of Samuel’s village know they didn’t have to fear the spirits any longer after they learned about Jesus? They learned that Jesus conquered Satan and that he rules over all things for their good.
LESSON 35 CONNECTIONS 2.Samuel was very thankful for the work Christ has done and is still doing. This work is Christ’s office. What is the threefold office of Christ? High Priest, Prophet & King.
LESSON 35 CONNECTIONS 3.Mary Jo: “I hate myself for the things that I’ve done. And I know God must hate me, too.” How might you encourage her by talking about what Jesus has done in his office as High Priest? Jesus sacrificed himself for all sins, including Mary Jo’s. Jesus intercedes before God’s throne with our prayers, so she can pray for forgiveness and God will hear.
LESSON 35 CONNECTIONS 4. A tornado killed Mandy’s grandfather. If you were Mandy, what comfort could you find in the truth that Jesus rules as King? Jesus rules over all things for our good. Jesus conquered sin and death and so her grandfather’s in heaven.
The 2 nd Article of the Apostles’ Creed I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried…
The 2 nd Article of the Apostles’ Creed He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
The 2 nd Article of the Apostles’ Creed What does this mean? I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the virgin Mary, is my Lord.
THE APOSTLES’ CREED – 2 ND ARTICLE THE WORK OF CHRIST Lesson 36 Faith Foundations Course One
CHRIST LEFT HIS PLACE IN GLORY 1.“I’m not perfect,” the new neighbor commented when Mr. Jones invited him to church. “But I’ve lived a pretty good life. I’ve been a good husband, a good father. I volunteer a lot of time coaching baseball. No, I’m not perfect, but I think God is happy with me.” Read Romans 3:23. What important truth does the man need to know? All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory.
CHRIST LEFT HIS PLACE IN GLORY 2.Read Romans 6:23. What sentence have we all earned? Temporal and eternal death.
CHRIST LEFT HIS PLACE IN GLORY 3.Read Psalm 49:7. The anonymous person did for the man in prison, no one could do for us in the prison of sin. Why not? No human can redeem the life of another from the punishment for sin.
CHRIST LEFT HIS PLACE IN GLORY 4.Read Ephesians 2:1. Why is it impossible for us to free ourselves from the guilt of sin? We are spiritually dead.
CHRIST LEFT HIS PLACE IN GLORY 5.Read Galatians 4:4,5. What does it mean that Christ was under the law? He had to keep all the law.
CHRIST LEFT HIS PLACE IN GLORY 6.What was Christ able to accomplish that we weren’t? Keep the law without sinning.
CHRIST LEFT HIS PLACE IN GLORY 7.Read Romans 5:19. Why does the fact that Jesus was able to keep the law perfectly mean so much to us? He kept the law in our place to satisfy God’s demand for holiness.
CHRIST LEFT HIS PLACE IN GLORY 8.Elderly gentleman: “I’m sorry. But I can’t come to church with you. I’ve done some very bad things in my life. I will always regret what I did. I’m sure God can’t accept me.” How would you respond? None of us have lived up to God’s standards. We all deserve to go to hell. But through what Jesus did, God accepts all of us. He even accepts you.
KEY POINT #1 Christ kept the law perfectly in our place.
HE PAID A GREAT PRICE 9.Read Isaiah 59:2 and Matthew 25:41. Why is sin so serious? It separates us from God and earns suffering in hell.
HE PAID A GREAT PRICE 10.In Leviticus 4:27-31, we read about the sacrifice the Israelites were to offer for sins. Evaluate this statement: Each sacrifice would be a reminder of the seriousness of sin. Yes, sin is serious. Blood had to be shed.
HE PAID A GREAT PRICE 11.The prophet Isaiah spoke about the Messiah, Jesus, many years before he was born. Read Isaiah 53:5. Someone once said that these words form one of the most clear summaries of the good news about Jesus that we have. Explain why that is true. Jesus took all the punishment for our sins. We are now healed spiritually.
HE PAID A GREAT PRICE 12.Read 1 John 1:7. What benefit did we receive from Christ’s suffering? His blood purifies us from all sin.
HE PAID A GREAT PRICE 13.Jerome is an ex-convict. While he never misses church or Bible class, he doesn’t think he is worthy of being able to take Communion. If you were Jerome’s pastor, how would you respond? None of us is worthy on our own. But Jesus’ blood purifies us from EVERY sin—even all of Jerome’s. He is worthy in God’s eyes.
HE PAID A GREAT PRICE 14.According to Hebrews 9:15, how were we set free from sin? Jesus died. He life was given as the payment that set us free.
HE PAID A GREAT PRICE 15.Read Romans 5:7,8. What demonstrates and proves God’s great love for us? Even while we were sinners and didn’t deserve his love, Christ died for us.
KEY POINT #2 Christ suffered and died as the payment for our sins.
HOW DID CHRIST REDEEM US? 1.Christ kept the law perfectly in our place. 2.Christ suffered and died as the payment for our sins. SUMMARY Christ lived a perfect life and suffered and died to redeem us.