rainforest A rainforest is often referred to as a jungle, which is a Hindi word from India meaning a wilderness. A true jungle is a thick tangle of vegetation,


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Presentation transcript:

rainforest A rainforest is often referred to as a jungle, which is a Hindi word from India meaning a wilderness. A true jungle is a thick tangle of vegetation, through which people have to force and cut their way. Rainforests contain patches of jungle, but mainly they are more open. The forest floor is covered with rotting leaves. Rainforest trees are very tall broadleaved evergreens. The tallest trees have buttress roots, wing-like growths that spread out from the base of the trunk to act as props, while others have stilt roots which grow down from the trunk or branches, often in graceful arches. All the trees carry their branches and leaves at the top of long slender trunks, forming a huge umbrella-like green canopy. The dense canopy filters much of the daylight, leaving a shady green world beneath it.propsstiltcanopy

Bromeliads Bromeliads are related to the pineapple family. Their thick, waxy leaves form a bowl shape in the centre for catching rainwater. Some bromeliads can hold several gallons of water and are miniature ecosystems in themselves providing homes for several creatures including frogs and their tadpoles, salamanders, snails, beetles and mosquito larvae. Those that die decompose and furnish the plant with nutrients. One bromeliad was found to contain several small beetles, crane flies, earwigs, a frog, a cockroach, spiders, fly larvae, a millipede, a scorpion, woodlice and an earthworm!

pink dolphin What kind of dolphins are these? These dolphins can be found in geographically isolated populations from South Africa to Australia and up the Chinese coast to the Yangtze River. The populations in Southeast Asia are unique in their coloring: born almost black, they quickly change to light grey, then slowly become white or pink as the grey coloration recedes.

Toucan The Toco toucan is at home in South America's tropical forests but recognized everywhere. The toucan's oversized, colorful bill has made it one of the world's most popular birds. The 7.5-inch-long (19-centimeter-long) bill may be seen as a desirable mating trait, but if so, it is one that both male and female toucans possess. In fact, both sexes use their bills to catch tasty morsels and pitch them to one another during a mating ritual fruit toss.

huli tribe

The Huli people of Papua New Guinea are native to the Tari Basin, located in the highlands, a land consisting of thick coastal swamps and rugged mountainous regions. The country Papua New Guinea is named for the Spanish explorer Inigo Ortiz de Retes and is located due north of Australia, just south of the equator. The Huli tribe is one of the most interesting tribes in Papua New Guinea.

kayapo Native people have lived in the rainforests for thousands of years. In Brazil about 2,500 Kayapo natives live in an area about the size of Wales. They garden, hunt, fish and gather wild foods. They use over 600 species of plants for food, medicine, dyes, oils, soaps, fibres and insect repellent. Numbering about 20,000 the largest group of Indians that live in Brazil are the Yanomani. The 125cm tall, nomadic Efe pygmies living in Central Africa have no gardening activity. Although one of the smallest races in the world the men sometimes hunt elephant and buffalo. More often they hunt monkeys, birds and rodents and collect fruit, honey, birds eggs and insects. The women gather nuts, roots and mushrooms. They have few possessions: baskets, bow and arrows, bark clothing, and some simple musical instruments.

Canopy The canopy is the richest region of the diverse rainforest, and ranges in thickness from feet (3-12 m). Countless species usually thought of as ground dwellers have adapted to life in the canopy—including worms, crabs, frogs, kangaroos, anteaters, and porcupines—where they feed on the abundance of fruits, seeds, and leaves or the numerous animals that are attracted these foods. The plant life of the canopy is nearly as rich due to the variety of epiphytes and lianas.

conclusion i really enjoyed doing my project on the rainforest and i also enjoyed learning and researcing to i hope that you all enjoyed to