Coniferous Forest
In a Coniferous Forest, it is cool and harsh In the winter time, it can drop below 40 degrees Celsius Usually foggy and/or humid The Cool Climate of Coniferous Forest
Locations Worldwide North of Mid-Latitude Deciduous Forest From New England to Minnesota to the Great Lakes
The Colorful Plant Life from this Beautiful Forest White Pine Ponderosa Pine Douglas Fir Redwoods Hemlock Red Cedar Aemlods
Definition Cone-bearing This is named after cone-bearing because the trees that are there bear cones
The Wonderful Animal Life Moose Porcupine Capercallies Gray wolves Long eared owls Pine marten Wolverine Caribou Sable Northern Goshawk Black bears
Some Really Cool and Interesting Facts The Coniferous Forest has over 6 million trees One of the tallest trees are Redwoods Are located in more than one place
Food Chains Grass Moose Gray Wolf Worm GrassDeerWolfSnail
Sources Used Online Encyclopedia Forests
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