GENERAL PHYSICIAN Name of body system: Cardiovascular Major roles in body: 1.Heart 2.Blood vessels 3.The 5 liters of blood that is transported by the blood vessels. Vocab: cardiovascular system: a collection of organs that transport blood throughout the body; the organs in this system include the heart, the arteries, and veins.
EPIDEMIOLOGIST: ATHEROSCLEROSIS Atherosclerosis: when cholesterol builds up inside of blood vessels, the cholesterol build up causes the blood vessels to become narrower and less elastic. Nicknames: Plaque buildup, high cholesterol, hardening of the arteries. Discovered: around 1578 Symptoms and features: Doctors can listen to arteries during physical exam, they listen to it for bruits, faint whoosing noises caused by the turbulence of blood rushing through restricted arteries. The affect on a victim is high blood pressure in ankles and arms. Other organs/organ system that may be affected as the result of the illness/disease: Shortage of blood and oxygen in various tissues of the body. Plaque can break off causing a blood clot.
EPIDEMIOLOGIST: HEART FAILURE Heart failure- when the heart does not pump as well as it is supposed to pump. Some other names are Arrhythmia, sudden cardiac arrest, coronary heart disease Heart failure was discovered somewhat around 1203 BC Some symptoms are excessive fatigue, protruding neck veins, shortness of breath, irregular pulse, loss of appetite, coughing (sometimes with phlegm). This can affect the victim by causing anger, frustration, confusion, mainly emotional changes. Heart failure affects the body in the lungs, kidneys, and heart valves. Heart failure is physically limiting and some problems are like a heart attack and so you can die of heart failure This disease is fatal in worst cases. Some treatments are medication surgery, reduce blood clots, and decrease cholesterol levels, remove excess sodium and replenish potassium, decrease heart rate, and increase your hearts blood- pumping abilities.
SURGEON Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Develops due to hardening of the arteries which supply's blood to then heart Risks are heart attack, exploration due to bleeding, chest infections, and lung complications Without this surgery you could have chest pain, or a heart attack R. Goetz was the first to preform this procedure in 1960
SURGEON Laser Varicose Vein: They are not a major health problem but can be painful and you may be bothered by the way that they look. this is when the veins are swollen and bulging. Occurs in the thighs and calf's. The first person to preformed in April 10, Nothing would happen without this procedure, but people might be bothered by the cite of Varicose vein. Risks: infection, tenderness of the vein, nerve damage, and blood clots, and burns. This isn't a result of any illness or disease
CITATIONS Hopskinsmedical,org
INTERNIST Functions of the organ system interact by digesting their food and creating oxygen for your body. Organ systems serve cells’ needs for … Oxygen: your heart pumps blood through the blood vessels. The vessels carry oxygen-rich blood. This helps your lungs get oxygen. Eating: this system help you eat which helps your tissues, organs and organ systems digest your food. Waste: lysosome- is something can’t be broken down in the lysosome it has nowhere else to go. Electro physiologist- extended training in issues that involve diagnosing and treating abnormal heart rhythms. Cardiovascular surgeon- doctor carries out surgical and invasive techniques dealing with cardiovascular diseases. Interventional cardiologist- performs non-invasive procedures needed by heart patients.