Exceptional Student Education For More Information: Chelsea Kackley and Brenda Kuhn
E. S. E. ??? ESE is teamwork with the goal to improve EDUCATIONAL RESULTS for SUCCESS! I. E. P. s Individualized Education Plans - What is an IEP? A specific plan of action, including special services Created for the SUCCESS of a student with DISABILITIES IEP PLANS Current performance Annual goals Special education and related services Accommodations Participation in state and district-wide tests Needed transition services Measured progress.
The TEAM that writes a student’s INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM Parent(s) Student Regular education teacher(s) Special education teacher(s) Other individuals from the school Administration Counselors/Psychologists District Staffing Specialists
IEP team will begin by looking at the how the student is currently performing in school will help the team develop annual goals to address those areas where the student has an identified educational need Student’s evaluation results Classroom tests Individual eligibility tests Observations: *Teachers *Parents *Paraprofessionals *Related service providers *Administrators
5 0 4 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Schools cannot exclude Students with disabilities From facilities, programs, Benefits, activities, or services That are provided to Students without disabilities.
5 0 4 PLAN DEFINITION & CONDITIONS A 504 plan spells out *Modifications and *Accommodations for specific students to Have an OPPORTUNITY TO PERFORM at the same level as their peers. CONDITIONSACCOMMODATIONS/MODIFICATIONS Physical impairments*Wheelchair ramps Illnesses or injuries*Home instruction Communicable diseases *Tape recorder Chronic conditions like: *Blood sugar monitoring Asthma, allergies and diabetes *A peanut-free lunch environment EVEN LEARNING PROBLEMS *Keyboard for taking notes. *An extra set of textbooks
5 0 4 or E. S. E. ??? If the accommodations need to be continued past a certain time limit set by the committee, then the student may be eligible for ESE services. Not all Section 504 students are eligible for ESE services. Each school has a 504 team that consists of an administrator, a designated 504 teacher, and parent.
MTSS - Multi-Tiered Systems of Support This is a practice of providing high quality instruction and interventions that are matched to student needs and monitored on a frequent basis. All students receive instruction in the general education classroom with possible adjustments in standard curriculum if needed. Some students receive additional small group instruction in areas of identified need in addition to general education. Observations are tallied and graphed during each stage of the multi-tiered program by the MTSS team. MTSS team may consist of classroom teachers, counselors, and the MTSS coordinator.