Conscious Choices: A Guide to Self-Directed Learning Chapter One Self-Directed Learning: Values and Goals
Self-Directed Learners Approach education with intention, integrity, and enthusiasm. Take full responsibility for their learning experiences. Participate fully in all aspects of their education. Focus on learning what they need to know to meet their personal goals.
How Do Feelings Shape My Learning? Desire, drive, and passion to meet goals Motivated by an appreciation of learning Rewarded by the experience of learning – love of learning Resilient and positive attitude
Receptive States of Mind Create an open state of mind Generate energy to focus your attention Develop a relaxed and quiet mind
Purpose & Direction Understand “why” you are learning Make the best of what education has to offer Utilize college resources For motivation, keep your personal values and goals in mind
The Source of Your Values Parents Religion Peers Media - TV, film, and magazines Teachers Life experiences
Values CORE VALUES Universal Transcend culture & upbringing Valuation of life SITUATIONAL VALUES Learned Change with situations Flexible and adaptable
Clarify Values Use critical thinking to examine your assumptions and influences behind your values Beware of unconscious or negative influences in the absence of values Adjust, update, and redefine values based on a variety of personal experiences and credible resources
Goals and Plans Know what you want to accomplish State goals Plan a timeline Talk about your goals
Practicing Conscious Choices Ask yourself if the decision will serve your goals or values Notice any physical or emotional discomfort when making a choice – is it a ‘red flag’? Reflect on your goals before deciding even simple things