Understanding Learning in Fieldwork T.Y, LEE Fieldwork Coordinator (BSW) City University of Hong Kong
Understanding Learning (16)2 What learning is (Reay, 1994; Smith, 1982: 34-37) 4 Why do I need to know about learning? 4 What are the generally accepted observations about learning that are clearly relevant to understanding field instruction and learning? 4 What are the key factors of learning psychology? 4 What are the components of learning?
Understanding Learning (16)3 Generally accepted observations about learning 4 Learning is a continuous process. 4 We are all hunger for learning. 4 Learning comes from doing.
Understanding Learning (16)4 Key factors of learning psychology 4 1. Motivation 4 2. Relevance to personal interest and choice 4 3. Clear goals and objectives 4 4. Practice and learning by doing 4 5. Self-checking on progress (providing feedback) 4 6. Freedom to make mistake? 4 7. Freedom to learn in their own time, at their own pace?
Understanding Learning (16)5 Components of learning Knowledge 4 1. Knowledge (Cognitive): Concepts, facts, procedures. Skills 4 2. Skills (Motor or Psycho-motor): Doing Attitude 4 3. Attitude (Affective): Feeling 4 Only when you can do something can you actually claim to understand how it is done.
Understanding Learning (16)6 The stages of learning Unconscious incompetence –Unaware of the complexity and detail of their learning goals
Understanding Learning (16)7 The stages of learning 2 Conscious incompetence 4 2. Conscious incompetence –The need to change –The need for encouragement –The need for aims and objectives –The need to see the benefit (motivation) –The need to own the situation (feel fully involved)
Understanding Learning (16)8 The stages of learning Conscious competence –You can perform a task but you are still at the stage where you have to make a conscious effort if you are to achieve the required standard.
Understanding Learning (16)9 The stages of learning Unconscious competence –You don’t have to consciously review the core parts of your learning each time you do something. –But you still need regular supervision, support and advice.
Understanding Learning (16)10 Why you don’t learn 4 1. Lack of motivation 4 2. Unsuitable work environment (Psycho- social) 4 3. Inappropriate subject matter (Relevance) 4 4. Past experience (Bad habits) 4 5. Self-image 4 6. Inadequate study skills 4 7. Poor memory (ability to practice, concentrate; suppression)
Understanding Learning (16)11 More - Blocks of learning
Understanding Learning (16)12 More - Blocks of learning
Understanding Learning (16)13 More - Blocks of learning
14 More - Blocks of learning
Understanding Learning (16)15 Enabling yourself to learn 4 1.The importance of motivation 4 2.Four Initial motivators Five Continuous motivators 1-5
Understanding Learning (16)16 Four Initial motivators 4 1. New Challenging 4 2. The way to succeed 4 3. Personal recommendation 4 4. A way of filling time
Understanding Learning (16)17 Five Continuous motivators 4 1. Passing the course 4 2. Self-assurance (Recognition and esteem) 4 3. Getting a good grade or promotion 4 4. Improved performance 4 5. Instructional design (objectives-driven with regular assessment of learner progress)
Understanding Learning (16)18 Learning patterns in fieldwork 4 Intellectual (thinking) 4 Intuitive (feeling) 4 Experiential (doing)
The end of this part. Do you want to know something about the three different types of learners?