National Science Foundation The Funding Bridge NLII June 28, 2004 Barbara M. Olds, Division Director Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication Education and Human Resources Directorate
National Science Foundation Outline NSF’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources: Who we are What we fund What we are thinking and doing about research practice Your suggestions
National Science Foundation Organization of NSF
National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources 1.Prepare the next generation of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) professionals and attract more Americans to STEM careers. 2.Increase the technological and scientific literacy of all Americans so that they can exercise responsible citizenship and acquire STEM knowledge that is appropriate for life-long career opportunities. 3.Broaden participation (diversity) and close the achievement gap in STEM. 4.Attend to critical workforce needs requiring significant math and science skills and knowledge.
National Science Foundation Divisions in EHR Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication (REC) Division of Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education (ESIE) Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) Division of Graduate Education (DGE) Division of Human Resource Development (HRD)
National Science Foundation Research on Learning and Education (ROLE) program The Biological Basis of Learning Behavioral, cognitive, affective and social aspects of human learning III STEM learning in educational settings Changing education systems to improve STEM learning IIIIV (general) time horizon to use; micro/macro scales
National Science Foundation Research on Graduate Education The Division of Graduate Education and REC have issued a Dear Colleague Letter to jointly encourage proposals for well-designed, timely research projects focused on graduate programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The objective of this initiative is to help establish a solid research base that can act as a guide for future changes in STEM graduate education.
National Science Foundation Evaluative Research and Evaluation Capacity (EREC) program Evaluative Research Studies The STEM Instructional Workforce Continuum Technology in Support of Learning and Education Evaluation Capacity Building Advancing the State-of-the-Art in Evaluation Enhancing Capability and Infrastructure
National Science Foundation Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI) Joint initiative of U.S. Department of Education (IES), NIH (NICHD), and NSF Separate competitions in Funding for two types of scaling of math or science interventions with emphasis on middle and high school Contextual studies (up to $2,000,000 for up to 5 years) Scaling studies (up to $6,000,000 for up to 5 years) Must have partnerships, employ technology, build on solid evidence
National Science Foundation CAREER The Faculty Early Career Development Program Foundation-wide activity for new faculty members. CAREER awardees selected on the basis of creative career-development plans that effectively integrate research and education within the context of the mission of their institution. Plans should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of integrated contributions to research and education.
National Science Foundation Re-examining Education Research across EHR Context: New division directors “Research mindset” and cycle of innovation from J. Ramaley Increased interest across the Directorate, the Foundation, and from the field Responses: REC workshop series Math portfolio review “Scientific Research” Lectures, Seminars, Internal Resource Group Feedback from PI meetings, workshops, etc.
National Science Foundation Design, implement, and document interventions Design and develop tools, materials and methods Develop and test theory and knowledge about teaching and learning Research on problems of learning, teaching, implementation, and policy Synthesize and interpret results and identify new insights and questions Cycle of Discovery, Innovation and Application [1] [1] [1] Adapted from RAND Mathematics Study Panel (Mathematical Proficiency for All Students: Toward a Strategic Research and Development Program in Mathematics Education (p. 6) OERI, US Department of Education), 2003.
National Science Foundation Scientific Research in Education* Pose significant questions that can be investigated empirically Link research to relevant theory Use methods that permit direct investigation of the question Provide a coherent and explicit chain of reasoning Replicate and generalize across studies Disclose research to encourage professional scrutiny and critique * (NRC 2002, Shavelson et al)
National Science Foundation REC Workshops* 1.What are the recent trends or directions (whether these be domain or topic specific or methodological in nature) in the STEM education field (as you define or understand it) and where do you think the field is headed in the next ~5 years? 2.In what areas (domains, topics, methods) is the most creative STEM education research/evaluation/ communication being done in your opinion, and where do you see opportunities for creativity that are being missed? *Facilitated by Eamonn Kelly, GMU
National Science Foundation REC Workshops 3.What are three or four questions of national importance in educational research/evaluation/ communication where there has been little progress and three or four questions where we seem to have a reasonable accumulation of knowledge? How do we, as a field, effectively capitalize on both strengths and weaknesses? What are the major obstacles or threats to progress and the accumulation of knowledge in the field? Why do you think these are impediments and what, if anything, do you think can be done about them?
National Science Foundation Common Issues (7 C’s) Capacity building (people and tools) “Cumulativity” Collaboration Context Conditional (beta) studies Communication (“Big C”) Cyberinifrastructure
National Science Foundation Mathematics Portfolio Review What is EHR’s investment in mathematics education? What has been the impact of EHR’s investment in mathematics education?
National Science Foundation Highlights Related to Research Several current programs have a research emphasis: REC, CLT, Large-scale Reform, Instructional Materials, Teacher Professional Continuum, and MSP RETA No current clusters have a focus on synthesizing and interpreting results as a means of identifying new questions and/or developing new insights
National Science Foundation Highlights Related to Research, continued Proposers generally build on their own previous research, and/or their own practice and experience, but projects generally do not build well on relevant research knowledge bases beyond those of the PIs Outside of REC, panelists identified weakness of research design as a problem; within REC, key issues were insufficient connections with the content and low expectation that the research should influence practice
National Science Foundation Highlights Related to Research, continued Tools and experiences built within individual projects do not accumulate, and the portfolio isn’t designed in a way that facilitates that accumulation Multidisciplinary expertise is needed within individual projects to address the complex problems of educational improvement
National Science Foundation Professional Development in EHR Goal = developing a “research mindset” The emphasis on research differs from program to program in EHR: some focus on producing new knowledge, some on building on it. Overall, EHR should have a coherent research portfolio that covers the “cycle” In order to achieve coherence, we need common understanding, shared vocabulary across the Directorate
National Science Foundation The Lecture Series on Scientific Research in Education Should questions or methods drive the enterprise? (Shavelson) How can we identify 'what's happening' in a given intervention? (Eisenhart) How can we identify if there's a "systematic effect" in a given intervention? (Reichardt) What are the causal mechanisms that can be identified in a given intervention and how do they work? (Raudenbusch) Research, Program Evaluation, Assessment, and Accountability (Shepard)
National Science Foundation The Seminar Series* Four sessions Overview and issues The “research mindset” through projects The “research mindset” through solicitations Next steps *Facilitated by Alan Schoenfeld, UC-Berkeley
National Science Foundation The Internal Resource Group (IRG) Composed of people from every division in EHR The “think tank” for the process Developers of products and proposers of next steps
National Science Foundation Next Steps Education Research will: Inform the design of EHR programs Inform the development and implementation of projects funded through the programs Help create a coherent and comprehensive portfolio
National Science Foundation Your thoughts? Advice to NSF?