SPIRE Brokerage event October 22 nd 2013 Project Idea Presentation SPIRE 2 – 2014: Agricultural residues valorisation as alternative fuels for energy intensive industries
Organizations ESTEP is the Steel Community's European Steel Technology Platform etc. 2 THIS PROPOSAL IS PRESENTED BY ESTEP, ON BEHALF OF ITS MEMBERS ET AL; LISTED BELOW;
Concept 3 This approach should provide economically viable the use of biomass by synergy between different industries that can: use both high value finished products, i.e. biofuel or biogas, and solid residuals containing carbon (integration aspects) produce a positive effect on production costs and further reduced the green house emission due to transportation of raw materials (biomass feedstock and logistics) allow a more flexyble and scalable approach to be linked at different plant size (biomass processing technologies) This project idea will adress SPIRE KA 1.4: Advancing the role of sustainable biomass/ renewables as industrial raw material Previous experience in steel industry demonstrated the feasibility of utilization of char from biomass into the steelmaking process (Blast Furnace, EAF, Sintering Plant as substitute of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas). The project goal is the increase of utilization of renewables (biomass) as fuel or reducing agent in the industry as part of an integrated approach in energy intensive industries in which steel can use C based solid residuals from the biofuels production processes.
Impact 4 1.Economically viable solutions and technologies allowing partial or total substitution of coal in steelmaking processes with C based residuals from the biofuels production processes 2.Increased biomass utilisation yield used as feedstock for the production of chemicals (and/or intermediates) and/or fuels as part of an integrated approach in intensive energy industry 3.A direct or indirect impact on rural areas, arising from the increased use of biomass and residues production locally. 4.Reduction of environmental impact reducing CO2 emissions
Project Consortium 5 ArceloMittal: provide experience in providing charcoal to BF & LCA study (ULCOS) Tenaris: interested in investigating the availability of low cost biomass for the production of charcoal to be used as a replacement of different kinds of fossil coal and possibly to replace the natural gas that are now used in its EAF. Tenaris could consider installing the necessary equipment to perform industrial tests in its EAF rolling mill. Tata Steel: partial C replacement with available biomass (sintering plant, BF) CSM: use of biomass char coal in EAF (local availability, cost, evaluation of cola substitution rate, biomass characterization, pyrolysis test at lab scale) ISQ & ULG: LCA & LCC studies for new biomass based production processes SSSA: integrated sustainability assessment, modeling and simulation of the solution for feasibility studies and integration analyses, support to partners SME and industries for implementation of their solution and integration within the standard production cycle. BFI: interest (no specification)
Looking for partners… 6 1.Chemical industry using biofuels and green chemical building blocks 2.Biomass and agriculture residuals (local) supplier 3.Technology suppliers for production of char from biomass and residuals. Examples of the key technologies include the production of phenols and aromatic hydrocarbons from lignin, as well as the development of technologies, like gasification or pyrolysis. 4.Institutions to establish the life cycle assessment proving the sustainability of the solution and comprehensive and critical analyses on different scenarios related to the production and demand of biomass by different industrial sectors
Contact details Enrico Malfa ESTEP WG4 chairman Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.p.A Dalmine (Bg)- Italy – Piazza Caduti 6 Luglio 1944,1 Tel Fax Mobile E_mail: 7
8 detailed presentation of consortium partner one page per partner