Theory of media and society McQuail’s page 12 – 13, chapter 4 & 5
Varying perspectives of media theory Progressive versus conservative Progressive or leftist Criticize power of media Conservative or Right Criticize damage to traditional values Critical versus Applied Critical Expose underlying problems Applied Provide understanding of communication processes
Dimensions and types of media theory Media-Centric Media-Culturalist Media-Materialist Culturalist Materialist Social-Culturalist Social-Materialist Society-Centric
Media-society theory I The Mass Society Concept began in 1800s with industrialization, urbanization and modernization Theory emphasizes interdependence and media as a causal factor Media content Works in favor of those who hold social power Provides content that maintains status quo with dependent society Modern day implications Nostalgia for more communitarian perspective Political indifference
Mass society theory II Political Economy Theory Revision of Marxist Theory 20th Century Focuses on: Media activity as economic process that leads to commodity Other view: Media delivers audience attention to advertisers Mass Media part of economic system Main Strength Empirical testing Centers on media activity as economic process
Mass society theory ii Political Economy theory and the Internet Key = commodification of users Relevance of political economy theory enhanced by trends Increased media concentration worldwide Growing global information economy Decline in direct public control Growing digital divide
Media society theory III Functionalist theory Primary tenets: Explains social practices Describes society Media benefits Depicts media as: Self-directing and self-correcting Apolitical Conservative bias Earlier versions discarded but survives with new forms
Media society theory iii Functionalist Theory Primary social functions of media: Information Provides information Indicates power relations Facilitates innovation Correlation Explains and interprets meaning Supports norms Social and consensus
Primary social functions cont. Continuity Expresses dominant culture Entertainment Amusement Mobilization Used to campaign for societal objectives
Media-society theory iv Social constructionism Society is constructed and open to change Emphasizes action and choice And the media: News reality Impact of mass media Media is subjective view of social reality
Mass society theory v Communication and Technology Determinism Toronto School Theorist H.M. Innis After WW II Attributed characteristics of society to prevailing communication Organizing principle: Communication = monopolization
Mass society theory v cont. Primary Tenets of Media Technology Determinism Communication technology is fundamental Technology bias Impact of communication inventions Communication revolutions and social impact Modern implications of Media Technology Determinism No single factor explanation Development shaped by social and cultural context
Media society theory vi The Information Society Theory More ideology than theory Beginning Post-industrial society Decreased cost of technology Impact No major transformations noted Increased interconnectedness and globalization Increased dependency Increased awareness of risks Concept as theory Not universally accepted
Media-Cultural theory
Themes of media-cultural theory Quality of mass culture Nature of popular culture Impact of technology Political economy and culture Globalization Identity Gender Ideology
Frankfurt school and critical cultural theory Mid-19th century Concerns regarding Marxist theory Critical Cultural theory Studies ideology in media culture Concerned with significance of media culture for specific groups Evaluates media interpretation