OH CHRISTMAS TREE Oh Christmas tree How lovely are your branches In summer sun and winter snow A coat of green you always show How lovely are your branches.
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, my two front teeth. So I can wish you Merry Christmas. I don’t want a doll, I want my two front teeth, So I can wish you Merry Christmas. I don’t want a car, I want my two front teeth, My two front teeth, my two front teeth. I don’t want a car I want my two front teeth, ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, my two front teeth. So I can wish you Merry Christmas. I don’t want a doll, I want my two front teeth, So I can wish you Merry Christmas. I don’t want a car, I want my two front teeth, My two front teeth, my two front teeth. I don’t want a car I want my two front teeth, http://colesextomontes.wikispaces.com/ Pinchar en la carpeta ENGLISH http://colesextomontes.wikispaces.com/ Pinchar en la carpeta ENGLISH
OH CHRISTMAS TREE Oh Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree How lovely are your branches In summer sun and winter snow A coat of green you always show How lovely are your branches. OH CHRISTMAS TREE Oh Christmas tree How lovely are your branches In summer sun and winter snow A coat of green you always show How lovely are your branches. OH CHRISTMAS TREE Oh Christmas tree How lovely are your branches In summer sun and winter snow A coat of green you always show How lovely are your branches. OH CHRISTMAS TREE Oh Christmas tree How lovely are your branches In summer sun and winter snow A coat of green you always show How lovely are your branches.