Grammar: Lesson Four Possessive Nouns
The POSSESSIVE form of a noun shows ownership or relationship. Definition The POSSESSIVE form of a noun shows ownership or relationship. man laptop man’s laptop
How to form a Possessive noun There are three rules for forming possessive nouns: Singular nouns Plural nouns that end in S Plural nouns that do not end in S
Rule ONe Singular nouns always add an apostrophe s (‘s) to make them possessive. the shoe of Mary Mary’s shoe the egg of the bird bird’s egg
Rule two Plural nouns that end in s only add an apostrophe (‘) to make them possessive. windows of the buses buses’ windows branches of the trees trees’ branches
Rule three Plural nouns that do not end in s always add an apostrophe s (‘s) to make them possessive. horns of deer deer’s horns hands of people people’s hands
Change the following nouns into possessive form. Practice Change the following nouns into possessive form. 1. the bat of the boy A: boy’s bat 2. the feathers of the geese A: geese’s feathers 3. the brooms of the witches A: witches’ broom
Practice Continued 4. the tail of the dog A: dog’s tail 5. the children of the parents A: parents’ children 6. Create an example that follows Rule One 7. Create an example that follows Rule Two 8. Create an example that follows Rule Three
Testing Your Knowledge What is a possessive noun? a noun that shows ownership or relationship What is Rule One? singular nouns always add an apostrophe s (‘s) to make them possessive What is Rule Two? plural nouns that end in s only add an apostrophe (‘) to make them possessive What is Rule Three? plural nouns that do not end in s always add an apostrophe s (‘s) to make them possessive