“C Language”Myths: ◦ C Language is difficult. Typically, C training education includes difficult or unusable contents. Also it uses grimmer-centered way of thinking Ex. file input/output function and file struct ◦ C Language is not interesting. Induce making a C programming rely on standard input/output function from beginning to end All it shows is all numbers or characters on computer screens are boring. However, C Language is: ◦ An essential yet fun requirement for IT students.
Students are more motivated from excitement. To do this: ◦ Something appealing to their eyes ◦ Including Movement, and ◦ Sound The best toolare “Robots”
Outline of Education Kit ◦ Robotics is one of the best educational materials to show and demonstrate creativity to students. ◦ This Creative Robot Kit is designed to give a creative engineering education as well as programming education for utilizing robots. ◦ Fully variable assembly accessories and motors are provided to a make variable and applicable robot ◦ Variable creative modules (different types of sensor, actuator, and communication module) are included to control robot ◦ Provides environment for C Language development and Visual Programming Language development tool ◦ Provides a powerful 3D robot simulation environments ◦ Learning the variable configuration designs and self movement control of robot including robot motion recognition and self detection are possible.
Specifications of Robot Platform: HOVIS-Lite World’s first Definitive Mechatronics product that uses both legs or wheels. Can use variable programming tool levels – the next generation humanoid kit with Wi-Fi terminals HOVIS-Lite Specs:.Size : 348mm(H) x 175mm (W) x 112 mm (D).Weight : 1450g.Degree of freedom : from basic 16 to max 24 extendable.Controller : ATmega128 MCU.Battery : 7.4V 3000mA Li-Po.Sensor : distance detection sensor, PSD, Gyro sensor (optional).Remote : IR Remote, ZigBee (optional).Software : DR-Sm (3D Motional simulator), DR-Visual Logic (task editor).Expandability: DRS-0201 (24kgf.cm) compatible, Full cover (optional), Omni Wheel conversion (optional), 3.5”MD (optional), Red, Blue, yellow colors
MajorComponents ◦ RobotPlatform: HOVIS-Lite Motor Major assembly parts Servo motor: 16ea
◦ RobotPlatform Major assembly parts
Intelligent Modules ◦ Sensor modules Ultra Ray Super sonic (distance measure) Gas detection Color detection Brightness detection Motion detection (Gyro sensor/acceleration sensor) Distance sensor (PSD) Altitude sensor Touch contact detection Human body contact detection Bearing measure (Terrestrial magnetism) Temperature/Humidity measure Non contact temperature measure CIS Camera (Optional) GPS (Optional) Pressure measure (Optional)
Specification Actuator Module High brightness LED Dot matrixLED Piezo Voice recognition/synthetic (optional) OLED (optional) Communication Module Zigbee (optional) Bluetooth (optional) Wi-Fi (optional)
Playing with Robots makes learning the C Language fun! #include void main(){ int a, b; printf(“input 2 numbers-> “); scanf(“%d %d “,&a, &b); if(a>b) printf(“max = %d\n”, a); else printf(“max = %d\n”, b);} Input 2 numbers-> 8 5 Max number = 8 #include void main(){ int Light; Light = light_sensor(); /* illumination intensity sensor*/ if(Light>100) dot_LED(7); /* smile */ else dot_LED(8); /* crying */} Extracted sample from a C language textbook
C Language Programming from Robot ◦ C Language outline (C Language data format) C program structure/data format (variable and constant) C language development environments (complier and robot) installation and start initial drive ◦ Standard input/output function and robot control function Talk to robot using standard input/output function Robot control (look control, motor rotation) using robot function Rotation defined as X degree Make robot to smile Turn on robot warning LED ◦ Operator and expression Robot motor and LED control by operator and expression Input integer and real variables through sensor Integer and real variables operation and control LED, Dot-Matrix LED and motor ◦ Control flow I : if statement (if,switch) Control motor and intelligent module by select the condition of sensor input Robot to sensedarkness by brightness sensor Robot to smell by using gas sensor
C language programming from robot ◦ Control flowII : if statement (for, while) Realization examples of continuation robot movement by loops statement Drive quadrangle of wheeled robot 2 leg robot walking forward ◦ Function definition and useI : basic concept Basic robot movement function by if statement Making 2 leg robot function for walking forward Making wheel robot function for forward/backward, left turn and right turning ◦ Function definition and use II : robot movement function definition Complex function using selective and reparative statement Making forwarding movement function if contacted robot Making Motor control function react to human body sensor ◦ Recursive function and storage class Robot control using recursive function Control LED and Motor using recursive function
C Language programming from robot ◦ Array Robot consecutive action using array Piezo Musical performance using array Display character arrangement in consecutive order Making Robot consecutive action using array ◦ Array and function Robot consecutive movement function using factor of array Making singing function usingPiezo Making variable consecutive robot motions by function ◦ Pointer Robot control using pointer Display sequential characters using pointer Control robot action using pointer ◦ Practical use of pointer Robot control II using pointer Making Consecutive robot action function using pointer Control color sensor, infrared sensor using pointer Detect obstacle object using distance sensor and ultra sound sensor
C Language programming from robot ◦ Struct and union Robot control using struct Detect surrounding environment using struct (with temperature/humidity and brightness sensor) Robot position detect using struct (with movement, terrestrial magnetism and altitude sensor) ◦ Struct array and pointer Robot control using struct array and struct function Reacting robot from temperature and humidity changing Responding robot from position and location change (bearing, altitude and position) ◦ C Language applicationI Robot action programming of line tracer Realize robot of 4 wheel line tracer from acquired C Language programming capabilities ◦ C Language applicationII 4 leg Robot action programming for avoiding obstruct Realize 4 leg robot using acquired C Language programming capabilities
Responding Robot against brightness (function, If statement and While loop statement) #include void robot_go(){ Motor(1, 602); /* Right Leg */ delay(200); Motor(2,602); Motor(3,602); delay(200); Motor(1,512); Motor(0, 422); /* Right Leg */ delay(200); Motor(2,422); Motor(3,422); delay(200); Motor(0,512); } void robot_stop(){ Motor(1, 602); /* Right Leg */ Motor(2,602); Motor(3,602); Motor(1,512); } void main(){ int Light; while(1) { Light = light_sensor(); /*bright sensor*/ if(Light>100) { robot_go(); /* Robot Go */ dot_LED(7); /* smile */ } else { robot_stop(); /* Robot Stop */ dot_LED(8); /* crying */ }
Responding robot against brightness change ◦ Realize robot action: robot walking forwardand smiling in the case of higher value detected with brightness sensor ◦ Robot stopping with crying expression in less value detected (darker than previously)
Line tracer ◦ Moving robot according to the line on the floor Display smiling expression of the dot matrix module when infrared sensor detect black line on the floor while flickingLED module light and moving according to the line.
4 leg robot avoiding obstacle with smelling detection ◦ 4 leg walking robot with Self avoiding obstacle and responding to smell Self avoiding obstacle at frontusing ultra sensor andcontinuesmoving. Detecting gas in the air by using gas sensor.
C Language Development Environment
Graphic Language Development Environment Programming by graphic language and displays C Language after translated