Division 15 3 = ? We can solve this by jumping along a number line.
15 3 = 0 3 We jump along in 3s – we use our 3 times tables.
3 =
3 =
3 =
3 =
3 = How many jumps have you made?
How many jumps have you made? 5 So 15 3 = 5
What about 17 4? 0 4
0 4 8
So 17 4 = 4r1
Try to solve these real life problems using the method we have just used. David Beckham has 24 trophies. He puts 4 on every shelf. How many shelves can he fill?
There are 48 children in Year 4. How many teams of 5 children can be made? How many children will be left over?