What are the job duties? List 20 to 30 job duties List 20 to 30 job duties Organize these duties into three to six core responsibilities Organize these duties into three to six core responsibilities Give these core responsibilities descriptive titles Give these core responsibilities descriptive titles Assign percentages of time spent on each core responsibility Assign percentages of time spent on each core responsibility
Helpful Links State Classification – Career Group Descriptions State Classification – Career Group Descriptions O*Net – Knowledge, Skills, Ability statements O*Net – Knowledge, Skills, Ability statements SOC – Standard Occupational Classification SOC – Standard Occupational Classification
P112/EWP/Job Description Get the updated P112 off the web at under the FORMS tab Get the updated P112 off the web at under the FORMS tab Start filling in the sections Start filling in the sections
Section I Part I: Reason for Submission Request to Fill Vacancy – to advertise an already established position with little or no change in the job Request to Fill Vacancy – to advertise an already established position with little or no change in the job New Position – newly established job that has not been advertised. Needs to be classified into appropriate role title. New Position – newly established job that has not been advertised. Needs to be classified into appropriate role title. Job Description Update – slight modification of duties but needs to be updated on file. Send through anytime. Job Description Update – slight modification of duties but needs to be updated on file. Send through anytime. Change % of time – go from Part-time to Full-time or FT to PT. Change % of time – go from Part-time to Full-time or FT to PT. Role Change – major job duty changes up or down. Complete requested title information also. Position is currently filled and job must be reclassified to appropriate role title. Role Change – major job duty changes up or down. Complete requested title information also. Position is currently filled and job must be reclassified to appropriate role title. Date Prepared – Date P112 completed or updated. Date Prepared – Date P112 completed or updated.
Part II: Recruitment Information Name and contact information of someone in the department we can talk with if there are questions about the P112 or the recruit process. Name and contact information of someone in the department we can talk with if there are questions about the P112 or the recruit process. Recruitment Type – most jobs are open to the general public. Recruitment Type – most jobs are open to the general public. –Restricted to employees only is available in only certain situations Internal pool must be diverse/no university AA goals for this type of work Must not restrict entrance into a career group Must be a job related reason to request Date to Fill Vacancy – what is your target date to start someone Date to Fill Vacancy – what is your target date to start someone –Recruitment timeline
Part III: Position Identification Position number: use previous number or a new number will be assigned by Personnel if this is a NEW position Position number: use previous number or a new number will be assigned by Personnel if this is a NEW position Department name Department name Incumbent Incumbent Department Number: used to identify vacant allocations Department Number: used to identify vacant allocations Role Title: current or proposed – Personnel will review for classification Role Title: current or proposed – Personnel will review for classification Work location Work location Work Title: Usually set by the department. Describes job. Consider level of work – coordinate, supervise, manage, assistant & specialist Work Title: Usually set by the department. Describes job. Consider level of work – coordinate, supervise, manage, assistant & specialist Type of Appointment: Type of Appointment: –CY – calendar year (12 months) –AY – academic year (9, 10, or 11 months) Regular or Restricted Regular or Restricted: –End date –Funding
Personnel Services (HR) use only Role Code: Career Group Description Role Code: Career Group Description SOC Code: Standard Occupational Classification SOC Code: Standard Occupational Classification FLSA: Overtime status ( FLSA: Overtime status ( –Exempt –Non-Exempt EO Category EO Category Level – employee, supervisor, manager Level – employee, supervisor, manager Classify, Code, and match systems Classify, Code, and match systems
Part IV: Job Summary Chief Objective: Three to Five sentences that give an overview of the job. This is not all inclusive. Used to give applicant information about this job to determine if he/she wants to look further. Chief Objective: Three to Five sentences that give an overview of the job. This is not all inclusive. Used to give applicant information about this job to determine if he/she wants to look further. Full sentence is used and separated by a period (.) Full sentence is used and separated by a period (.)
Qualifications Minimum Qualifications Minimum Qualifications Three to four minimum qualificationsThree to four minimum qualifications The applicant must have all of these to be considered qualified for the positionThe applicant must have all of these to be considered qualified for the position Should match the level of the jobShould match the level of the job Usually should not include years of experience, high school diploma, university knowledge, Banner, college degree (without experience)Usually should not include years of experience, high school diploma, university knowledge, Banner, college degree (without experience) Identifiable – experience, demonstrated knowledgeIdentifiable – experience, demonstrated knowledge Not complete sentences and separated by semicolon (;)Not complete sentences and separated by semicolon (;)
Non-measurable Qualifications May require other minimum qualifications that are not easily identified in an application May require other minimum qualifications that are not easily identified in an application –Knowledge of –Ability to –Communication skills
Remember Equal Opportunity – be careful that requirements do not exclude minority candidates (citizen, policeman) Equal Opportunity – be careful that requirements do not exclude minority candidates (citizen, policeman) ADA – be careful that wording does not eliminate candidates with disabilities (written communication skills, ability to type, driving) ADA – be careful that wording does not eliminate candidates with disabilities (written communication skills, ability to type, driving)
Preferred KSA’s that would be helpful to have KSA’s that would be helpful to have These may be more specific to the job These may be more specific to the job Examples may be: Examples may be: –CPA –Masters degree in … –Experience with state purchasing requirements –Certifications –Licensure
Education Typically do not require HS degree Typically do not require HS degree Band 3 and lower usually do not seek degree as a Minimum qualification Band 3 and lower usually do not seek degree as a Minimum qualification Band 4 and above typically do seek degree as a Minimum qualification Band 4 and above typically do seek degree as a Minimum qualification Minimum qualification wording should include ‘degree in (related area) or equivalent level of training and/or experience’ Minimum qualification wording should include ‘degree in (related area) or equivalent level of training and/or experience’
Supervise two or more FTE Two full-time non-student employees (salary or wage) Two full-time non-student employees (salary or wage) Four 20 hour non-student employees Four 20 hour non-student employees Any combination of non-student employees to add up to 80 hours – same employees on a regular basis Any combination of non-student employees to add up to 80 hours – same employees on a regular basis Should have performance management responsibilities over these employees Should have performance management responsibilities over these employees
Legal/Policy requirements You can’t just pick the ones that you would like for someone to complete You can’t just pick the ones that you would like for someone to complete Must meet university/state policy guidelines to require these items Must meet university/state policy guidelines to require these items –4045 Employment Testing Guidelines –4060 Criminal History & Driving Record Investigation –4061 Drug & Alcohol Testing Guidelines for Commercial Driver’s License Holders
CDL – driving requirement for certain large vehicles. Also requires drug screening CDL – driving requirement for certain large vehicles. Also requires drug screening Conviction Check – fiscal, IT systems, student access, office/dorms Conviction Check – fiscal, IT systems, student access, office/dorms Driver’s – driving as a requirement of the job (not so the employee can drive to work) Driver’s – driving as a requirement of the job (not so the employee can drive to work) Drug Screening – CDL, police department Drug Screening – CDL, police department Medical – police department, respirator fit testing Medical – police department, respirator fit testing –Conditional employment offered prior to medical screening Other – finger print screen for child/elder care Other – finger print screen for child/elder care
Part V: Physical Requirements Check the functions that are true requirements to perform the job Check the functions that are true requirements to perform the job These are essential These are essential Employee may use accommodations to meet these requirements Employee may use accommodations to meet these requirements
Part VI: Core Responsibilities Typically three to six Core/Major responsibilities with two to six bullet items under each Core Typically three to six Core/Major responsibilities with two to six bullet items under each Core This captures all the Major components of the job but may not be all inclusive This captures all the Major components of the job but may not be all inclusive These are WHAT statements not HOW These are WHAT statements not HOW
Part VII: Approvals Supervisor Supervisor Reviewer Reviewer Hiring Manager: required signature or online approval Hiring Manager: required signature or online approval You may have your own internal approval process you need follow also You may have your own internal approval process you need follow also
Organization Chart Attach online Attach online
Section Two – Performance Plan Performance plan should be given to new employees within 30 days of starting to work. Performance plan should be given to new employees within 30 days of starting to work.
Standard Wording Ability to safely, frequently, and independently move and handle _____ lbs. Ability to safely, frequently, and independently move and handle _____ lbs. Ability to climb and work off of ladders and scaffolds Ability to climb and work off of ladders and scaffolds Overtime may be required Overtime may be required BS in management or related field or equivalent level of training and/or experience BS in management or related field or equivalent level of training and/or experience
Related Policies and Links 4032 – Recruitment Guidelines for Wage and Classified Positions 4032 – Recruitment Guidelines for Wage and Classified Positions 4026/4031 Interviewing and Selection Guidelines 4026/4031 Interviewing and Selection Guidelines 4070 Additional/Outside Employment Policy 4070 Additional/Outside Employment Policy 4075 Accommodation of Employees with Disabilities 4075 Accommodation of Employees with Disabilities 4085 Guidelines for the Retention of Wage Employee Personnel Records 4085 Guidelines for the Retention of Wage Employee Personnel Records 4298 Wage Employee Time Worked Records 4298 Wage Employee Time Worked Records 4300 Hours Worked 4300 Hours Worked 4320 Guidelines for the Fair Labor Standards Act 4320 Guidelines for the Fair Labor Standards Act Virginia Tech Human Resources – Virginia Tech Human Resources –