1 SME NOTEs Slide 75 has changed. The VOR approach at Simmons AAF no longer exists. It depicted dual VOR minima. Henderson, NV has an IAP that depicts.


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Presentation transcript:

1 SME NOTEs Slide 75 has changed. The VOR approach at Simmons AAF no longer exists. It depicted dual VOR minima. Henderson, NV has an IAP that depicts dual vor minima. 12/18/12 – add a ceiling to TLH slide 12 - corrected page no. of INOP chart on slide 68


TD 68 3 This will be an interactive exercise. You will need the following items on your desk. 1.TLA Vol’s 14 & 19 (or TPP) 2.IFR S 3.AR 95-1, Chapter 5 4.FIH 5.E6B Flight Computer

Terminal Learning Objective Determine Weather Flight Planning Minimums. Determine Weather Flight Planning Minimums. 4

E L O A Determine weather briefing sources for flight planning purposes. Determine weather briefing sources for flight planning purposes. 5

WEATHER BRIEFING AR 95-1, para 5-2. c. (7) 1. Weather information will be obtained from a U.S. Military Weather Facility. 2. Weather forecast will be void 1hr 30min after weather briefing time if aircraft has not departed. 3. The crew should update weather briefing information on STOPOVER flights. 6

Sources of Weather Briefings Per FIH, page C-2 1. Face to Face U.S. Military Forecaster 2. Operational Weather Squadron (OWS) Telephonic (Refer to FIH) Telephonic (Refer to FIH) Closed Circuit Television Closed Circuit Television 3. Flight Service Station (FSS) When use is authorized by local procedures. Telephone WXBRIEF Telephone WXBRIEF Remote Communication Outlet Remote Communication Outlet 7

 Fort Rucker Weather Station at Cairns.    Aviation Weather  Sources of Weather Briefings

If requesting a military telephonic weather brief provide the following info 2 hours in advance:  Name of person calling  Aircraft type and call sign  VFR or IFR and proposed altitude  Departure point and time (ETD)  Route of flight  Destination and ETA  Alternate and ETA, if required 9

 Check on learning 10


The DD Form has 5 sections:  Take off data  En Route and Mission data  Aerodrome Forecasts (TAF)  Comments / Remarks  Briefing Record 12

14-Aug-15 TH67 / 2741 OZR / 1300 A167 - TSTMS Entire LFA ) ) ) 25020/ ) 26025/ ) 26025/ ) 27030/ ) 29040/+13 X X 2 X BR 006 LFA 400 LFA 150 LFA X X LFA X X SFC LFA VCTY TS X X X X LFA 13


15 ?

E L O B Determine weather minima. 16

17 Summary of Requirements  Do I meet requirements to takeoff?  Do I meet requirements to file to my destination?  Do I need an alternate airport for my destination?  Does my alternate selection qualify?  Do I meet requirements to takeoff?  Do I meet requirements to file to my destination?  Do I need an alternate airport for my destination?  Does my alternate selection qualify?

18 Departure Procedures AR 95-1, para Current weather conditions at time of departure will be used to determine if departure minimums are met.

19 2. Aviator flying the aircraft at Take-Off determines take-off minima which are: Logged 50 hours or more actual WX time as PIC…. 0 cig – 0 vis Logged less than 50 hr actual WX time as PIC…. 100 cig – ¼ vis or 1200 ft RVR Departure Procedures AR 95-1, para. 5-3

20 Current Departure Weather Conditions may be obtained through any of the following when departing Controlled Airports: 1.ATIS 2.Ground Control 3.AWOS or ASOS 4.Control Tower

21 Departure Procedures AR 95-1, para All aviators will comply with published nonstandard IFR take off minimums and departure procedures published in FLIP.

 Check on learning 22

How do you determine if Non Standard Take off procedures are applicable to your departure aerodrome? Look in the TLA. 23 Let’s go there now. Vol 14. Table of Contents NON STANDARD TAKE OFF PROCEDURES

Determine if IFR take off Minima is Non- Standard for Birmingham, ALDetermine if IFR take off Minima is Non- Standard for Birmingham, AL Non-standard T/O minima does exist at Birmingham, on pg. XXIV Refer to the TLA to determine if Non- Standard Take off procedures apply. 24 Vol 14, pg III. TABLE of CONTENTS XXIV

Another method to determine if an airport has Non- Standard Take-off procedures is look for a symbol in the Pilot Briefing Section of any IAP At your departure airfield. If there is a symbol you must refer to the TAKE OFF procedures listed in the front of this FLIP for specifics. T T 25 Vol 14 Let’s go there now. Pg. XXIV

26 What are T/O minimums if you are departing from RWY 6 at Birmingham?

27 What are T/O minimums if you are departing from RWY 6 at Birmingham? You must have at least 300 – 1 ¾ with min climb of 282 ft/NM to UNLESS..*.. Or std if your climb gradient is at least 421 ft per NM to If your gradient is at least 421 ft/nm then your take off minima is STD, which is: /4 or 0 – 0. Let’s review E6B procedures on how to convert feet per nm to feet per min.

Use E6B to compute Rate of Climb, given Gradient and Ground Speed 1. Set speed index at 80 GS G/S: 80kt Gradient: 421 f/nm 2. Locate 421 f/nm on inner ring 3.Determine FPM. It’s on the outer ring opposite 421 f/nm. 560 FPM

29 What are T/O minimums if departing from RWY 24? There is no non-standard T/O minimums published for RWY 24 therefore T/O minimums are 100-1/4 or 0-0. Note there is a published minimum altitude before making turns feet.

 Check on learning 30

31 Destination Planning AR 95-1, para 5-2. c. (5) Destination weather must be forecast to be equal or greater than the published weather planning minimums for the approach procedure to be flown at ETA through 1 hour after ETA.

Destination Planning (95-1) 1. Use Weather Forecast (TAF) 2. Predominant Weather will apply 3. Published Weather Planning Minimums. (___). Cig & vis a. Helicopters may reduce Destination and Alternate CAT A visibility minimums by 50% but not less than ¼ mile. a. Helicopters may reduce Destination and Alternate CAT A visibility minimums by 50% but not less than ¼ mile. b. Visibility reduction of COPTER approaches is not authorized. b. Visibility reduction of COPTER approaches is not authorized. c. Visibility reduction of approaches labeled “Visibility Reduction N/A” is not authorized. c. Visibility reduction of approaches labeled “Visibility Reduction N/A” is not authorized. 4. Adjust planning minima for INOP components 5. Forecast Valid Times (ETA plus 1 hour) 6. Area Forecast (Use when there is no TAF available) 32

33 What is meant by the terms : Published Weather Planning Minimums Weather Planning Minimums Planning Minimums as used in AR 95-1?

 This is the ceiling (CIG) and Visibility figures listed in the Minima Section of the TLA Chart in parentheses under the applicable Aircraft Approach Category.  Example: ( 200 – ½ ) 34

DESTINATION WEATHER PLANNING If this is the IAP selected for our Destination what is the Weather Planning Minimums for the Straight-in ILS RWY 6 approach? Determine helicopter Planning Minimums for Cat A Helicopters can reduce vis if not prohibited by the IAP. 1/4 Planning Minimums is 200 – ¼ for this S - ILS 6 IAP Selected Approach 35

DESTINATION WEATHER PLANNING If this is the IAP selected for our Destination what is our Weather Planning Minimums for the Straight-in LOC RWY 6 approach? Helicopters can reduce visibility if not Prohibited by the IAP. Planning Minima for this S - LOC 6 IAP is 500 – 1/4 36 Selected approach 1/4

If this is the IAP selected for our Destination what is the Weather Planning Minimums for the Straight-in VOR RWY 18 approach? ½ Correct Answer: Need at least 500 CIG ½ sm vis at ETA + 1 Hr to file IFR to this procedure. 37 Vol 14

If this is the IAP selected for our Destination what is the Planning Minimums for the COPTER VOR 336 approach? Answer: 400 CIG ½ sm Vis You cannot reduce visibility on COPTER approaches! 38 Vol 14

39 You cannot reduce visibility if there is a restriction in the PILOT BRIEFING section or the PLAN VIEW of the IAP

 Check on learning 40

1. Is Radar Required for the approach procedure? 2. Are the Approach Navaids Unmonitored? 3. Is forecast Predominant ETA + 1 hr Less Than: –Ceiling, 400 Feet Above Planning Minimum –Visibility, 1 Mile greater than Planning Minimum VFR Exception – Alternate is not required if descent from minimum en route altitude for IFR operation, approach, and landing can be made in VFR conditions. When is an Alternate Airfield Required? AR 95-1, para 5-2. e. When the answer is yes to any of these questions. 41

What is the minimum Weather that would not require an Alternate when filing to the S-ILS RWY 10 approach at MGM? ¼ – 1 ¼ or higher required at ETA Plus 1 hour to not need an Alternate 42 Vol 14


44 What do the terms, Minimum Altitude for IFR Operations or Minimum IFR Altitude (MIA), include? These terms may include any of the following: 1.MEA, while on an airway 2.MOCA, while on an airway within 22nm of the NAVAID 3.Published Feeder Route Altitude 4.IAP segment minimum altitude 5.MEA as determined by the Pilot when on a “Direct” Route using VFR Sectional.

V Airport Elevation 250 ft IFR Alternate Planning. VFR Exception Rule. Determine minimum Ceiling for VFR conditions when applying the VFR exception rule. Required information: 1.MIA (min IFR altitude) 2.Airport elevation 3.Required VFR cloud clearance 3000 V-70

3000 Airport Elevation 250 ft MIA (MEA in this example) 3000 Subtract airport elevation Add VFR cloud clearance, (below) Round up to next 100 feet This is the minimum ceiling necessary to have VFR conditions at your MIA. IFR Alternate Planning. VFR Exception Rule. Determine minimum Ceiling for VFR conditions when applying the VFR exception rule.

V Airport Elevation 250 ft 3300 CIG – 3 sm would be required at this airport to meet ceiling and visibility requirements that would result in VFR conditions at the MIA. IFR Alternate Planning. VFR Exception Rule. Determine minimum Ceiling for VFR conditions when applying the VFR exception rule.

48 Alternate required MEMORY AID MWR M. unMonitored navaid W. Weather less than above planning minima W. Weather less than above planning minima R. Radar required R. Radar required

 Check on learning 49

Let’s now determine if a selected IAP qualifies for use as an Alternate when an Alternate is required. 50

Alternate Airfield Selection AR 95-1, Para 5-2. f. Use Forecast Weather (TAF) Use Worst Weather Ceiling and Visibility Requirements Forecast weather for IAP to be flown must be equal or greater than above Planning Minimums Forecast Valid Time (ETA plus 1 hour) Use Area Forecast if TAF is unavailable 51

What is the lowest forecast CIG and visibility that would allow this DHN S-ILS 32 approach to be used as an Alternate? ¼ Add Lowest forecast is ¼ at ETA + 1 hr to use this IAP as an alternate Planning Minimums 52 Vol 14

1. Not Authorized 2. Radar Required 3. Navaids unmonitored 4. B, C, D, or E surface based airspace does not exist or is not in effect at the selected alternate 5. GPS Required NA Alternate Airfield Selection An Approach procedure will not be selected as an alternate if: A 53

54   VFR EXCEPTION: “An airfield may be selected as an alternate when the worst weather condition for that airfield is forecast for ETA through 1 hour after ETA to be equal or greater than—VFR minimums and descent from en route minimum altitude for IFR operation, approach, and landing can be made in VFR conditions.” AR 95-1, paragraph 5-2, f. This exception allows use of an approach procedure for alternate even if the previous 5 mentioned restrictions apply

Alternate Selection Memory Aid… Wx GRAMS  Wx. Weather forecast equal to or greater than above weather planning minima  G. GPS required  R. Radar required  A. A N/A  M. Monitored NAVAIDS  S. Surface based Controlled Airspace not in effect. 55

56 ?

 Check on learning 57

ELO C Determine additional sources of weather information available to the pilot Determine additional sources of weather information available to the pilot 58

Once you have departed there may be a need to obtain weather updates due to changing weather conditions. Once you have departed there may be a need to obtain weather updates due to changing weather conditions. 59

Inflight Sources of Weather Information See AIM or FIH for discussion of the following. En Route EFAS PMSV HIWAS FSS Destination ATIS AWOS ASOS 60

61 ?

62 Determine how and when to adjustment Minima ELO D

63 Remote Altimeter Minima Adjustment

64 Go to your TROY ILS RWY 7 approach chart.

65 Note the PILOT BRIEF instructions regarding altimeter setting.

66 Note, “When local altimeter setting not received, use Montgomery Rgnl altimeter setting and increase all DA to 701 and all MDA 120 feet, increase S-ILS vis for all CAT ¼ mile.”


 Check on learning 70

71 INOP components Minima adjustments.

TERPS DESIGN CRITERIA  Non-Precision Approach procedures for Category A, B, & C:  Visibility criteria of 1 SM  Precision Approach procedures for Category A, B, C:  Visibility criteria of ¾ SM

Factors that can raise visibility requirements  Height Above Touchdown (HAT)  Final Approach Course Runway Alignment  Effect of Obstacles  Length of final approach

Approach Light Systems (ALS)  Authorized Approach Light System will permit an approach to be certified with visibility minimums below the basic design requirements.

Inoperative Components  When the approach lights are out of service all approaches will normally revert back to the minimums that would have applied had the lighting system never been installed.  Therefore, we as the pilot must adjust the weather planning visibility using the Inoperative Component Chart or follow the instructions in the Pilot’s Briefing section.

76 INOP Components minima Adjustments. Page XX. Page A1 in the TPP DoD FLIP p. XX

77 SCENARIO: When planning an IFR mission, you check NOTAMS, and determine that the ALSF 1 approach lights are inoperative for the runway that you plan to execute a VOR approach to.

78 The INOP Components Table requires an adjustment to Minimums when the ALSF-1 lighting system is inop. 1. Locate the Table that applies to the type Approach to be flown. VOR in our example 2. Locate the Line that applies to the INOP component, ALSF-1, and your approach category A. 3.Determine the amount to Increase Planning Minimum Visibility In this instance we will add ½ mile visibility to our planning minimums

79 We determine from the IAP that the published planning minimums for the VOR approach we intend to fly is listed as: (500 – ¾) We determined that we need to increase planning visibility by ½ mile from Table (3) Next we will add ½ to ¾. ½ + ¾ 1 ¼ Final step, we will reduce 1 ¼ by 50% to determine our new HELICOPTER planning minimum visibility. 1 ¼ reduced by 50% = 5/8 sm. Adjusted planning minimums are (500 – 5/8) due to inop ALSF-1

80 CAUTION Add the value determined in the INOP components Table to your planning minima before you reduce by 50% ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Ref. AR 95-1, 5-2, c., (5)

81 In this IAP CATs A&B increase vis to 1 sm when the ALS (approach lighting system) is inop. If the minima adjustment procedure is listed in the PILOT BRIEFING section it is not necessary to refer to the INOP Components Table.

 Check on learning 82

83 Determine Dual VOR minimums AR para a. (4)

84 AR para a. (4) Dual VOR minima apply. Army Aviators are allowed to use dual VOR minima even if aircraft is equipped with only one VOR receiver. Off tuning from the approach Navaid is authorized.

85 Dual VOR minima apply. Army aviators may use The dual minima using only one VOR receiver Use these minima

86 Arrival - AR 95-1 excerpts: Arrival - AR 95-1 excerpts: Acceptance of a charted visual approach clearance is not mandatory. Only an approved procedure will be flown. An approach may be initiated or continued regardless of ceiling and visibility.

87 ?

 Check on learning - Quiz 88

89 TD 68 Weather Flight Planning PE Critique. 1.Wx brief source? 26 th OWS, (FIH) 2.Wx void time? Add 1+30 to brief time. 26 th can update. 3.T/O 79J? 100- ¼ 4. When to turn on departure? 710 ft MSL (airport elevation + 400ft) 5.Min climb rate? 300 fpm. (use E6B. 90kts g/s, 200ft/nm = 300 fpm) 6.Min cig to file to EDN? 500 – ½ (VOR) If planning to the VOR 300-1/2 (GPS) If planning to the GPS Approach 7. Do you need an alternate at EDN? YES for VOR (VOR is umto) NO for GPS NO for GPS 8. What min wx at EDN would not require an alternate using the VOR IAP? 2200 – 3 MEA 2000, minus field elev (361), plus cloud clearance (500), then round up) 2000 – 361 = = 2139 (2200) 9. Min cig and vis to initiate the approach at EDN? 0 – 0 ch 5, AR Min forecast wx at Cairns that would allow you to use Cairns as an atlternate? 600 – 1 ¼ If planning for the ILS approach


91 Alternate required MEMORY AID MWR M. Monitored navaid W. Weather less than above planning minima W. Weather less than above planning minima R. Radar required R. Radar required

92 Min IFR Alt 2000’ msl Min cloud clearance below: 500’ Plus below cloud clearance Plus below cloud clearance ’ - 3 at ETA + 1 hour VFR EXCEPTION. An airfield MAY be used as an alternate, regardless of previously stated restrictions if the weather at the alternate is forecast to allow VFR descent from minimum IFR altitude. And Field Elev is 400’ msl Minus the field elevation Equal 1600 agl If MIN IFR ALT is 2000’ This airport could be used as an alternate if forecast wx is equal or better than: Remember, CIG is reported in AGL.

93 VFR EXCEPTION: An airfield MAY be used as an alternate, regardless of previously stated restrictions if the weather at the alternate is forecast to allow VFR descent from minimum IFR altitude. An airfield MAY be used as an alternate, regardless of previously stated restrictions if the weather at the alternate is forecast to allow VFR descent from minimum IFR altitude.

94 REMINDER!! When using the MGM altimeter setting at TOI note the DH and MDA changes in addition to Weather Planning Minima changes TOI altimeter setting DH / MDA

95 Another method used to adjust minima is to list adjustment requirements in the PILOT BRIEF section. Note in this IAP when the Dothan altimeter setting is not received use Cairns altimeter setting and increase DA and MDAs. Adjustment of Visibility is required only for CAT C and D.