Research Plan and Curriculum Vitae – What to Take into Account? Prof. Kaisa Miettinen
Research Plan l Your name and affiliation (university) l Topic, i.e. title of the thesis (project) l Background and motivation l Objectives l Methods l Implementation l Research environment l Expected research results and their relevance l List of references
Background l Background and significance of the research and its position in the national and international research field l Possible previous activity pertaining to the scope of the topic l Short list of important publications from the point of view of the topic
Objectives l Objectives and goals of the research Should be l challenging l but still possible to realize l Hypotheses
Methods l Research methods to be used l Possibly: research material, including how the research material will be obtained
Implementation l Current status of PhD thesis l Timetable l Type of thesis (monograph or collection of articles) l Detailed justification for funding applied for –Financial plan: other funding, grants applied for etc.
Research Environment l Supervisors l Possible members of the team –Links with other research carried out by the team l Research environment l National and international collaboration –Form of collaboration l Research environment l Possible description of research carried out abroad
Expected Research Results and their Relevance l Expected research results and their scientific impact l Applicability and feasibility of the research results l Publishing of research results and raising their awareness among possible end-users and scientific community l The activity for which funding is applied for must always be described clearly
Others l Do not forget to mention status of doctoral studies l Regarding research visits abroad the time and the program of the visit are to be given l Regarding research work or researcher training abroad, the foreign research team is to be described l Regarding international conferences, the time and place, the name of the conference, its topic, purpose, type and target group should be mentioned as well as why participation is necessary & estimated costs
Foundations l Read instructions carefully –Different foundations have different guidelines and they give funding for different purposes l Get recommendation letters in good time (if needed) –Research plan is needed for writing recommendation letter l Viable sources for funding for conference trips and grants (full-time or supporting grants) l Information (in Finnish) about different foundations and their deadlines is collected in Turun yliopiston tutkimuspalveluyksikön tutkimusrahoitustiedotus, see
Curriculum Vitae l Name l Address (incl. , telephone, fax, homepage) l Personal (year of birth) l Education (degrees, dates and universities, major subject) l Present employment l Most important posts and full-time positions –Remember starting and ending dates l Research interests –Memberships in societies l Scientific expert positions l Most important scientific positions of trust l Most important foreign visits l Most important scientific acknowledgements and awards l Appendix: publications and conference presentations
List of Publications l Articles in international scientific journals with referee practice l Articles in international compilation works and in international scientific conference proceedings with referee practice l Articles in Finnish scientific journals with referee practice l Articles in Finnish scientific compilation works and in Finnish scientific conference proceedings with referee practice l Scientific monographs l Other scientific publications, such as articles in scientific journals, and conference proceedings without referee practice, and publications in university and department series l If you wish to mention submitted articles, indicate clearly so that they cannot be confused with real publications!!!