Leipziger Institut für Energie GmbH – Torgauer Str. 116 – 04347 Leipzig – Tel./Fax: 0341/2434-812/-833 – Energy saving.


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Presentation transcript:

Leipziger Institut für Energie GmbH – Torgauer Str. 116 – Leipzig – Tel./Fax: 0341/ /-833 – Energy saving concepts for the European ceramic industry - CERAMIN - Contract number: EIE/06/222/SI Duration: 11/2006 – 10/2009 Date: December 2009 Project logo

CERAMIN – Project Summary Energy saving concepts for the European ceramic industry Partners involved:  IE, Leipziger Institut für Energie GmbH, Germany; (Coordination)  KI Keramik-Institut GmbH, Germany  CERAM Research Ltd., United Kingdom  Societe Francaise de Ceramique, France  ETA – Energia, Trasporti, Agricoltura srl, Italy  Centre Recuroso d’Iniciatives I Autocupacio, s.l., Spain  Instytut Szkla, Ceramiki, Materialow Ogniotrwalych i Budowlanych, Poland Expected results:  Energy decrease in production processes  Reduction of production costs  Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

CERAMIN – Background Problems and issues:  Within Europe, ceramic products of approximately 26 billion € p.a. are produced.  The ceramic industry counts to the large consumers of energy in Europe.  Ceramic producers have enormous financial burdens because of increasing fuel costs and political measures to decrease the CO 2 emissions.  Energy costs are partly above 30 % of total production costs. Opportunities:  Through optimisation of production processes energy efficiency increases; specific production costs and CO 2 emissions decrease.  Strengthening the market position of involved producers.  Implementing of an energy use related label (produced with extraordinary efficient energy) leads to a positive EU-wide voluntary competition.

CERAMIN - Objectives and major steps - Reduction of the energy use in production processes of the European ceramic industry 1. Analysis of established production processes in representative enterprises through questionnaires and on-site visits. 2. Elaboration of a methodical approach to define the project steps and measurements (definitions, data collection, label awarding: trial period and implementation). 3. Involvement of representative enterprises of major sub-branches of the ceramic industry into the project execution. 4. Development of benchmarks and guidelines for best practice (to set up the label awarding extraordinary energy efficient products). 5. Trial period of label awarding, adjustment and optimisation of benchmarks and verification procedures. 6. Implementation of label awarding. 7. Dissemination of project results through different types of media.

CERAMIN – Achieved Results I  Characteristics of energy consumption and description of state of the art in ceramic industry.  Setting of benchmarks and establishing criteria for EEE-label (extraordinary energy efficient production/products; energy efficiency enhancement): absolute/relative benchmark for competition.  Elaboration of a “Guide of verification methodology”.  Setting up questionnaires for verification and label awarding.  Development of certificate documents for the label awarding.  Label design.  Tutorial for Energy Saving in the ceramic industry, through detail analysis in ceramic production of involved industry partners (draft version).  Writing of press announcements, newspaper articles.  Creation of a web-site.  Informing about energy efficiency within ceramic industry.

CERAMIN – Achieved Results II  Implementation of the first awarding of ceramic industries in different sub- branches aside an international trade fare in Munich in October  Elaboration of Final papers for the of the label awarding procedure: Tutorial for Energy Saving in the ceramic industry, design of EEE-label, rules and means for label awarding.  Writing of further press announcements, newspaper articles, information of consumerism organisations.  Holding of national and international workshops and conferences.  Update of CERAMIN web-site.  Informing about energy efficiency within ceramic industry and customer information.  Expected: Calculation of CO 2 -mitigation through CERAMIN project.

CERAMIN – Partners & Contact Coordination: Mr. Werner Bohnenschäfer, Contact: Mr. Gerd Schröder Leipziger Institut für Energie GmbH, Germany Tel: ; …-815 Partners:  KI Keramik-Institut GmbH, Germany  CERAM Research Ltd., United Kingdom  Societe Francaise de Ceramique, France  ETA – Energia, Trasporti, Agricoltura srl, Italy  Centre Recuroso d’Iniciatives I Autocupacio, s.l., Spain  Instytut Szkla, Ceramiki, Materialow Ogniotrwalych i Budowlanych, Poland