INTRO TO NAVSCI Restricted Line & Staff Officer Communities
Learning Objective The student will know other unrestricted line, restricted line, and staff corps specialists. Know their career path and opportunities, including joint duty. Know how each contributes to the mission of the U.S. Navy.
Restricted Line Communities Designators
Designators A 4-digit numeric code Describes the type of job an officer does. Examples: Surface Warfare Officer, Regular Navy Supply Corps Officer, Naval Reserve
Designators Last digit indicates officer’s status 5 = Naval Reserve 0 = Regular Navy 7 = Training Active Reserves (TAR)
Restricted Line & Staff Corps Supply Corps Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) Medical/Dental Corps Intelligence Chaplain Corps
Restricted Line & Staff Corps Civil Engineering Corps (CEC) Cryptology Public Affairs Officer (PAO) Naval Oceanographer
Restricted Line & Staff Corps Engineering Duty Officer (EDO) Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer Fleet Support (1700 Community)
Supply Corps
Designator:310X Job Description Provide logistical and operational support to the fleet financeoperations analysis food servicesupply management acquisition/contractingretail
The Supply Officer The Supply Officer (SUPPO) is the DH responsible for all aspects of Supply management Business/Administration management Direct personnel support
Supply Management Includes Inventory requirements Determination Acquisition of supplies Transportation Storage Inventory control of repair parts & consumables
Business/Administration Management Includes Information systems Petroleum Management Transportation logistics management Internships
Direct Personnel Support Includes management of Navy shipboard and shore-based food service facilities Disbursing centers Other retailing operations
Judge Advocate General (JAG) “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!” From A Few Good Men, 1992 Director, Aaron Sorkin
JAG Job Description (250X) Provide legal advice and services to client commands active duty members retired members dependents
JAG Career Opportunities Navy Legal Services Office (NLSO) Criminal Law Pre-trial investigations Courts-martial trial and/or defense counsel Courts-martial appeals
U.S. Navy Medical Department Medical Corps (210X) Dental Corps(220X) Medical Service Corps(230X) Nurse Corps(290X)
Medical Department Mission To ensure the best possible health and medical support of Navy/USMC personnel and their dependents. Includes Disease controlDirect clinical care ResearchMgmt & Leadership
Intelligence Community (SD) Designator: 163X Job Description Provide the fleet with critical intelligence and assessments of other fleets.
Intel Educational Opportunities Subspecialties Joint Intelligence Naval Intelligence National Security Affairs Financial Management Manpower & Personnel Management Space Systems Operations Computer Systems Technology
Navy Chaplain Corps
Designator: 4100 Role To provide religious ministries to meet the needs of naval service personnel and their dependents.
Civil Engineering Corps Designator:510X Role of the CEC Provide support to the operational elements of the Navy through PlanningConstruction DesignMaintenance of shore and ocean facilities.
Civil Engineering Corps Job Description Engineers & Architects Manage Naval shore facilities Oversee construction/maintenance by the Seabees. Limited combat capability.
Cryptology Designator:164X Background Duties include cryptologic services and national signals intelligence (SIGINT) tasks Work for the Director, NSA/Chief, Central Security Service 720 cryptologic officers stationed aboard ships 30 new ensigns per year
Cryptology Qualifications Major Technical fieldComputer Science Systems ManagementForeign policy studies Language GPA > 3.0 Must be able to get a very high security clearance.
Public Affairs Officer Designator:165X Job Description Advises senior Navy leadership on all matters relating to public affairs Interfaces with media organizations Informs & educates the public regarding Navy operations & policies Navy personnel, their families, reservists, and civilian employees
Naval Oceanographer Designator:1800 Purpose To support naval strategy and tactics by applying the sciences of oceanographymeteorology mappingcharting geodesy to naval operations.
Engineering Duty Officer (EDO) Designator:ED/146X, 116XE Job Description Serve as technical specialists for the acquisition construction maintenance modernization of...
Engineering Duty Officer (EDO) Job Description of... Ships combat/weapons systems ordnance systems electronic and space warfare (SPAWAR) systems
Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer Designator:151X Job Description Provides professional management and technical direction in the designdevelopment acquisitionproduction logistic support of naval aircraft, air & space weapon systems and related support equipment.
Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer Designator:152X Job Description Provide full-time professional maintenance and material logistic support managers for naval aviation. Ensure aircraft maintenance is done and flight crews are provided safe aircraft for flight.
Fleet Support (1700 Community) Formerly the GenURL community Avenue for the integration of women into the Navy
1700 Community Career Pattern Subspecialty fields Information Management Manpower, personnel, and training analysis Naval systems engineering Operational logistics Personnel management Financial management Education and training management Command and control Computer Technology
Potential Test Questions What is a designator? What does it tell you? What does the last digit in the designator mean?
Potential Test Questions What are some of the primary responsibilities of someone in the Supply corps? the JAG corps? the Medical/Dental corps? Intel? Public Affairs? Special Warfare?
Potential Test Questions What are some of the primary responsibilities of someone in the Chaplain Corps? Naval Oceanography? EDO? CEC?