Pulsars are just a kind of neutron stars so it’s essential to get a grip of these first. The stars that come into being at the end of a massive star’s lifetime are called neutron stars. When these massive stars have finished burning their nuclear fuel, they undergo a supernova explosion. The event of formation of neutron stars is called core-collapse supernova’. The central region of the star collapses so much that even electron, proton combine to form neutron and hence the name neutron star.
+ Small diameter + High mass=Super High Density. Density of an average neutron star would be around 5 x kg/m 3. Rotates about 40,000 times a minute. Crust is about 1 km thick but 100 billion times stronger than steel. Has a very tiny atmosphere(made mostly of iron 56 and lighter elements). The surface is about 1 million degrees Celsius. They have an escape velocity of about 33% the speed of light.
Discovered by Jocelyn Bell in She observed a pulsar whose pulsations lasted for about 0.04 seconds and were seconds apart, called pulsar period. It was initially named LGM-1, for Little Green Men. Bell and her instructor assumed it as a sign of extraterrestrial life. Later Thomas Gold recognized that pulsars were rotating neutron stars. So pulsar is a kind of neutron star that emits beams of radiation that sweep through Earth’s line of sight. A special phenomenon called lighthouse effect is observed. All pulsars are neutron stars, not all neutron stars are pulsars!
WWhen normal stars collapse into pulsars(neutron stars) their magnetic fields also compress and become enormously intense as much as a trillion times Earth’s magnetic field. PPulsars spin fast for the same reason ice skaters pull in their arms to spin, following conservation of angular momentum.
IIn Map reading. AAs precise clocks. AAs gravitational wave detectors. Relative position of the Sun to the centre of the galaxy and 14 pulsars