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Presentation transcript:


Two Nation Theory Two Nation Theory means that in the universe of God people of two different patterns of life. The ideology of one man reflects the ideology of a nation.

Beginning of two Nation Theory The history of “TWO NATION THEORY” is as old as the history of man. “Pakistan was created on the day when first Hindu accepted Islam in India”

In 1867“Hindi-Urdu conflict is the starting of the space of separation b/w Hindus and Muslims which will gradually increase and a day will come when both the nations will separate from other after division” Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

29December1930“Hindus and Muslims are two separate nations 29December1930“Hindus and Muslims are two separate nations. They have no common value. Muslims have kept their separate status in India for the last one thousand years. There is a prominent difference b/w the independence ideologies of two nations. Allama Iqbal

So the only solution of the differences and problems of both the nation is the creation of new Islamic state by joining of the north western Muslims majority areas, Punjab,N.W.F.P, Sindh and Baluchistan.” Allama Muhammad Iqbal

“There are many nations living in the subcontinent “There are many nations living in the subcontinent. Among them Hindu and Muslims are two big nations. Which could not join with each other even after living together for many centuries.” Chaudhry Rahmat Ali

Maulana Muhammad Ali Jouhar In 1924, “If Hindu-Muslim problem is not solved then India would be divided into Muslim India and Hindu India.” Maulana Muhammad Ali Jouhar

Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah The Quid-e-Azam , founder of Pakistan , in his address of 22nd March 1940 at the 27th annual meeting of Muslim League said: Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The problem of India is not sectarian but international The problem of India is not sectarian but international. Islam and Hinduism are two different collective systems. It is merely a dream to make one nation by yoking Muslims and Hindus together. Muslims are one nation and in certain parts of the country are in majority. It is necessary for their spiritual, social, political and economical progress that they should be given those areas where they are population wise in majority.”

Resolution Of Pakistan: At last on March 23,1940 in annual meeting of Muslim League in Lahore Molvi Fazal Ul Haq presented the resolution for the separate homeland. This theory at last became fruitful in 1947.