© The Association for Dementia Studies Advantages and disadvantages of different models of Housing with Care schemes for people living with dementia HDRC workshop 16 th June 2015 H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium
© The Association for Dementia Studies HDRC research priorities HDRC workshop 16 th June 2015 Dr Julie Barrett (HDRC Research Coordinator) H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium
HDRC membership workshop 2014 During the HDRC membership workshop, attendees, organised into small groups, discussed and came up with their top research priorities. Individuals were also asked to state their top priority research theme in a questionnaire at the end of the event. The report on the event can be found on the HDRC website. © The Association for Dementia Studies H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium
Research priorities from 2014 event Advantages and disadvantages of different models of Housing with Care schemes for people living with dementia. The effect of building and environment on outcomes for people living with dementia. – 2a Impact of interaction with the outside community. – 2b Green Dementia Care. Suitability of Housing with Care as compared to other forms of housing for people living with dementia and home-for-life issues. Use of assistive technology. The effect of personal budgets. Cost effectiveness of Housing with Care for people living with dementia compared to other living situations. Communicating with people at all stages of dementia and assessing quality of life. Views of people with dementia living in different accommodation and care settings. Maximising wellbeing – voice, choice and control for people living with dementia living in different accommodation settings. © The Association for Dementia Studies H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium
In-house research We are going to talk to “service users” to find out what they think we should be researching. Focus groups with people living with dementia in different types of accommodation (6 sites) and their carers. We will also interview staff at the schemes to understand their perspective. Funding for travel expenses and transcription has been obtained from the University of Worcester. © The Association for Dementia Studies H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium
Top research priority Advantages and disadvantages of different models of Housing with Care schemes for people living with dementia. What different models of Housing with Care (integrated, separated, specialist, hybrid, other) exist for people living with dementia? What, if any, are the differences between the different models in terms of quality of life and outcomes for people with dementia and their carers? Integration vs segregation. Does the stage of dementia on moving in affect the outcomes? What is the role of background support? What are the optimum staffing ratios for each model? © The Association for Dementia Studies H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium
Evidence There is little empirical evidence relating to this research theme. What we know: – Integrated model HwC schemes adopting the EOP can significantly enhance the quality of life of people with dementia (Brooker et al, 2011) – Housing&Care21 research on the value of “dementia wings” (separated model) – next presentation. © The Association for Dementia Studies H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium
HDRC funding bids 2015 Exploring models of care: – Determine the provision for people living with dementia in HwC settings – online survey of HDRC members and beyond – Examine the advantages and disadvantages of different HwC models in order to understand how the scheme’s model of care (separated, integrated, integrated with EOP, and specialist) and building design might impact on the quality of life and other outcomes for people with dementia and their family carers. – Submitted to the Abbeyfield Society for funding (notification mid July) Community hubs project: – Determine whether and how successful interaction with the local community in HWC settings affects the wellbeing and quality of life of residents living with dementia. – Determine the effect of community interaction on the understanding of and attitudes towards people with dementia within the local community outside the scheme and the degree to which this helps the local community to become dementia-friendly. – Submitted to the Alzheimer's’ Society for funding (notification in Sept 2015) © The Association for Dementia Studies H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium
Sharing knowledge and learning: small group discussion © The Association for Dementia Studies H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium The advantages and disadvantages of different models of Housing with Care for People living with dementia. Integrated People with dementia live in apartments alongside all other residents in the scheme. Separated People with dementia are clustered together within a separate self- contained area of the scheme (e.g. a wing or floor). Specialist /dedicated A scheme where only people with dementia live Hybrid / other A combination of different provisions e.g the Belong model which combines independent living (HwC) and specialist households (Care homes).
Points to consider Outcomes for people with dementia – Benefits and drawbacks for people with dementia. – The degree to which their needs are being met in terms of facilities and activities, care provided, staff skills, services accessed, building design, use of assistive technology, deprivation of liberty issues, home- for-life issues, etc. – Quality of life, emotional and social wellbeing and overall living experience. – Implications for deprivation of liberty. Benefits and challenges for staff The CQC “mum test”. © The Association for Dementia Studies H | D | R | C Housing and Dementia Research Consortium