Sixtieth Session of the UNECE Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce Geneva, Switzerland, June 17 – 20, 2013 Dorian A. LaFond Chair UNECE Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce
Attendance: 40 delegates representing15 countries and representatives from ◦ The OECD Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables. ◦ Codex Alimentarius secretariat ◦ International Nut and Dried Fruit Council Foundation (INC), ◦ China Tree Nut Association, ◦ African Cashew Alliance, and ◦ Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation
June 2013 three day mini exhibition on “UNECE Standards in International Trade” officially opened by Mr. Andrey Vasilyev, Deputy Executive Secretary of the UNECE
The exhibition showcased the impact of the UNECE Dry and Dried Produce Standards in international trade. Lectures were given on the nuts, nutrition and health as well as on the production and processing.
Impressions from the exhibition
Samples for display and tasting came from all major nut and dried fruit producing regions of the world.
Demonstrating how UNECE Standards work
Special thanks to all participating delegations, the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) and its members; the UNECE Secretariat - Liliana Annovazzi- Jakab, the interns and members of the Dry and Dried Produce Specialized Section.
REVIEW OF UNECE D&DP RECOMMENDATIONS a. DRIED APRICOTS (Revision):- Several changes to the recommendation including amendments in the sections on “moisture content“, “sizing” and “quality tolerances” DECISION: The Specialized Section forwards the Recommendation to the Working Party with a request to extend the trial period for another year. b. DRIED FIGS (Revision):- The Specialized Section made changes including in the sections on “moisture content”; in “sizing” (addition of sizing by diameter); and in the “definition of produce”(inclusion of pieces). DECISION: The Specialized Section forwards the Recommendation to the Working Party with a request to extend the trial period for another year. It was agreed that working groups led by Turkey will continue discussions on both of these recommendations during the Working Party session in November 2013 utilizing all proposals made prior to and during the Specialized section meeting.
REVIEW OF UNECE D&DP RECOMMENDATIONS contd. c. INSHELL WALNUTS and Explanatory Brochure The Specialized Section adopted several changes to the Recommendation for Inshell Walnuts and, in an inter-sessional procedure, adopted also the revised Table of Tolerances. The Specialized Section agreed to submit the revised text to the Working Party for adoption. The Specialized Section concurred with the decision of the Inshell Walnut Explanatory Brochure working group that: i. members would submit photos to the Rapporteur. ii. In the final draft to include an Annex on Production methods iii. The brochure completion is set for 2014 DDP Session. DECISION: The Specialized Section submits the Recommendation for Inshell Walnuts to the Working Party for adoption as a revised UNECE standard
REVIEW OF UNECE D&DP RECOMMENDATIONS contd. d. CASHEW KERNELS The cashew Recommendation was discussed with close attention paid to the provisions from the Association of Food Industries (AFI) the Brazilian, Vietnamese and Indian standards, input from the African Cashew Alliance and the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC). Relevant changes were made DECISION: The Specialized Section submits the Recommendation for Cashew Kernels to the Working Party for adoption as a revised UNECE standard. e. PINE NUT KERNELS The Specialized Section reviewed this Recommendations and made changes based on the industry trials. DECISION: The Specialized Section submits the revised standard for Pine Nut Kernels to the Working Party for adoption as a revised UNECE standard
REVIEW OF UNECE D&DP RECOMMENDATIONS contd. f. DRIED MANGOES: The Recommendation for Dried Mangoes was discussed and changes in the section on “moisture content” and to tolerances for “foreign matter allowed”. Given the particularity of soft fruit/high moisture mangoes, it was decided to make the marking of the “best before date” for such produce mandatory. DECISION: The Specialized Section submits the Recommendation for Dried Mangoes to the Working Party for adoption as a new UNECE standard. This standard brought to the fore the need for appropriate terminology and definition of “foreign matter g. INSHELL BRAZIL NUTS: - Based on the results of the trial the Specialized Section made changes to the sections on “moisture Content”, sizing, table of tolerances. Due to an emergency, the industry representative could not be present during the review of the draft. The Specialized Section decided to await their continued input electronically and used the same process (consent via electronic mail) for the adoption of the standard DECISION: The Specialized Section submit the Recommendation for Inshell Brazil nuts to the Working Party for adoption as a new UNECE Standard
h. BRAZIL NUT KERNELS Based on the results of the trial the Specialized Section made changes to the sections of the standard on: the minimum requirement, moisture content, sizing and table of tolerances of the standard. Decision: The Specialized Section submit the Recommendation for Inshell Brazil nuts to the Working Party for adoption as a new UNECE Standard REVIEW OF UNECE D&DP RECOMMENDATIONS contd.
i. WHOLE DRIED CHILLI PEPPERS and Draft Brochure on Whole Dried The delegation of Mexico led discussion on both the recommendation and the explanatory brochure. Changes made to the Recommendation including alignment with the standard layout. Decision: The Specialized Section submit the Recommendation for whole Dried Chili Peppers to the Working Party for adoption as a new UNECE Standard. The draft Explanatory Brochure was presented for discussion in pre-print format It was agreed that the brochure would be finalized over the next weeks with suggested changes made in time to allow for printing as soon as possible and facilitate submission to the 60 th Working Party session. Decision: The Specialized Section presents the Explanatory Brochure on Whole Dry Chili Peppers to the Working Party for final adoption. REVIEW OF UNECE D&DP RECOMMENDATIONS contd.
REVIEW OF PROPOSED NEW DRAFT STANDARDS (ONGOING WORK) a. DRIED CRANBERRIES During the review of the standard, it was felt that more technical information concerning defects in color was needed and it was decided to put the development of the standard on hold until further discussions with the respective industries. It was placed on the agenda of the 2014 session of the Specialized Section. ALIGNMENT WITH THE 2011 STANDARD LAYOUT a. DRIED GRAPES The Rapporteur (Turkey) led the discussion on the revision of this standard. Awaiting consensus are the sections on moisture Content and quality tolerances. DECISION: This standard remains work in progress. The Delegation of Turkey will continue to lead its development within a working group.
REVIEW OF PROPOSED NEW DRAFT STANDARDS (ONGOING WORK) b. DRIED PINEAPPLES Substantial amendments were made to definition of produce- size measurements were deleted and style descriptions retained; moisture content adjusted and table of tolerances still ongoing; review with a new description of foreign matter included. DECISION: The Specialized section submit the draft standard for Dried Pineapples to the Working Party for adoption as a new Recommendation for a trial period of one year REVIEW OF THE DDP STANDARD LAYOUT ANNEX – DEFINITION OF TERMS AND DEFECTS The Specialized Section will review the definition of terms and defects at the 2014 session. Proposals will be prepared by the delegations of of Germany, France and Turkey.
Discussions on: Sugaring, Rehydration, Food Additives (Colour Retention, Preservatives And Flavourings) The information note (prepared with the help of the FAO Codex Alimentarius Secretariat) on how the issues of sugaring, rehydration or food additives could be dealt with in UNECE Standards for dry and dried produce in a cross-cutting way was summarised in a presentation to the Specialized Section with the following outcomes: Rehydration: Though it is not necessary to include specific provisions for rehydration in UNECE DDP Standards, traders should comply with destination markets labelling requirements. Sugared product: A UNECE DDP Standard can be develop for a product that is sugared for technical purposes. However, sugaring as done in cranberries, is not only done for technical purposes. Food additives: Except the US delegation, all other delegations preferred maintaining the status quo.
Development of Sampling Plans for Tree Nuts and For Dried Produce The following was agreed: I. Development of two separate sampling plans, one for tree nuts and one for dried fruits. II. The sampling plans would provide information on: ◦ sample size based on the lot size. ◦ sample size dependent on the size of the product, i.e., smaller and bigger nuts. ◦ The dried fruit sampling plan would consider the produce characteristics. III. The Sampling plan will be cross-referenced with the OECD brochure on inspection procedures. The sampling plan would only be used for compliance with the quality criteria set out in UNECE standards. The Specialized Section plans to complete the sampling plans at its 2014 session.
SUMMARY The Specialized Section on DDP submits to Working Party 7 the following: For adoption as new and revised UNECE Standards: Inshell walnuts ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2013/29 Whole dried chilli peppers ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2013/24 Inshell Brazil nuts ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2013/25 Brazil nut kernels ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2013/26 Dried mangoes ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2013/27 Cashew kernels ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2013/30 Pine nut kernels ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2013/31 For adoption as a new UNECE Recommendation for trial ending in 2014: Dried Pineapples ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2013/28 For extension of the trial period for one more year ending in 2014 the recommendations for: Dried Apricots Dried Figs