Report of the Fifty-fourth Session of the UNECE Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce Geneva, Switzerland. June 25 – 29, 2007 Dorian A. LaFond Chair, Fifty-fourth UNECE Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce
Attending were delegates representing: Twelve member countries and Two international organizations Due to the unavailability of the last elected officials, the following delegated were elected: Dorian LaFond (U.S) delegate as chairperson, and Sait Sozumert (Turkey) delegate as vice-chairperson.
All UNECE D&DP Standards All standards were aligned with the new standard layout. Amend section “II. Provisions concerning quality”, by including a new sentence related to the produce quality at all stages following export, highlighting the responsibility of the holder of the produce. Deletion of “Sufficiently ripe” from section “II.A. Minimum requirements” only for dried produce. Amend Section “III. Provisions concerning sizing”;- making sizing optional. ( proposal to restrict defects allowed to only those affecting the eating quality of the produce)
Standard Layout The standard layout was amended as follows: The inclusion of the following sentence to facilitate the standards’ application throughout the distribution channel. “The holder/seller of the products may not display such products or offer them for sale, or deliver or market them in any other manner than in conformity with this standard. The holder shall be responsible for observing such conformity”. Deletion of “Sufficiently ripe, Mature and Crop Year” from requirements.. Optional sizing of Dry and Dried Produce. Insert a statement on the use of cleaning agents: “The Shells may be cleaned and/or treated with authorized agents provided that they do not affect the kernel”. Reference Codex Alimentarius definition for additives and preservatives.
Review of UNECE D&DP Recommendations Inshell Almonds: Pistachio Kernels and Peeled Pistachio Kernels Dried Tomatoes :- concerns of about microbiological activity on dried tomatoes with high moisture content, a footnote in section “II. C. Moisture content” to recommend that the produce should be treated to avoid such activity. Comments to the secretariat and the Rapporteur by the end of July. The Section decided to use the intercessional procedure to finalize the standard Inshell Hazelnuts :- Delegates were to submit their comments on the section “IV. Provisions concerning tolerances”, line “(a) Total tolerances” by the end of July 2007 to allow for consultation with their industry and before reaching a consensus.
Proposals to revise UNECE Standards Hazelnut Kernels:- work in progress for one more year. Inshell Walnuts:- for a trial period of one year with the agreement to at the next session the table of tolerances only. Whole Dates:- At the request of Tunisia, the item was withdrawn from the agenda. Key issues for all three standards include: 1. Definition of sufficiently developed/empty nuts 2. Placement in new standard layout 3. Sizing :- optional
Draft New UNECE Standards pg.1 Blanched Almonds:- The maximum tolerances for “Rancid or damaged by pests, rotting or deterioration” and “Gum, brown spot, blemishes and discoloration” were increased. - The Section decided that the table of tolerances and Section “IV. B. Size tolerances” would be revisited at the next session. - Delegations were invited to study the text for a further year. Inshell Macadamia Nuts and Macadamia Kernels :-The text of both standard were align with the revised standard Layout. Macadamia kernels:- Definition of the produce was revised to facilitate the trading practice of trading in pieces. - The Section expressed the goal to complete both standards in 2008, submit the final texts to the Working Party as new recommendations for trials through 2009.
Draft New UNECE Standards pg.2 Inshell Pecans and Pecan Kernels :- Based on the low volumes of both commodities traded internationally the Section recommended changing priorities for these standards and suspending the work until a new request to restart activities is seconded or if trading volumes increase in the future. Inshell Peanuts and Peanut Kernels:- The rapporteur of reported that existing Codex standards for both products are well established in the market and suggested that the Section suspend the work on these proposals. Consequently, the Section recommended changing priorities for these standards and suspending the work until a new request to restart activities is seconded in the future. The German delegation will inform the European Nut Association and the sector about the latter decision. The views collected will be communicated to the Section at its 2008 session.
Application of UNECE Standards Draft questionnaire:- Following Working Party 7 decision, the secretariat presented a draft questionnaire for collecting information on the national implementation of UNECE standards (mandatory or voluntary). The questionnaire will be circulated biennially. Capacity Building:- The session was informed about International Training Courses held by individual member countries and jointly by the OECD and UNECE. Walnut Kernel Color Gauge:- The delegation of the United States of America presented a revised colour gauge for walnuts kernels for discussion. The Specialized Section was invited to send its comments to the rapporteur by the end of July This colour gauge will be printed and provided to the OECD/UNECE by the U.S. walnut industry.
Future Work Dry Chilli Peppers:- Mexico presented a proposal for a new UNECE standard for Dry Chilli Peppers. The Specialized Section recommend the proposal to the Working Party for approval & the initiation of work on the new standard. A Working Group- Hungary, Spain and Mexico (rapporteur) is to to align the draft text presented to the new Standard Layout and present it as a draft proposal for a new UNECE standard at its next meeting of the UNECE SSSD&DP. Walnut interpretative Brochure:- The U.S. walnut industry agreed to undertake the development of the OECD/UNECE interpretative literature for both Inshell walnuts and for Walnut Kernels.
Next Session The next session of the Specialized Section has been tentatively scheduled to be held from 23 to 27 June 2008.
Summary The SSSD&DP submits to Working Party 7 the following for adoption as as new and revised UNECE Standards: Inshell almonds - new (ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/16) Dried tomatoes - new (ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/18) Inshell hazelnuts - revised (ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/19) The SSSD&DP submits to Working Party 7 the following for adoption as recommendations for trial use until the end of 2008; and extend the trial period for one more year for the recommendations for hazelnut kernels and blanched almond kernels. Pistachios - new (ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/17) Hazelnut kernels - extension (ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/20) Inshell walnuts - extension (ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/21) Blanched almond kernels - extension (ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/22) Dried peaches - new (ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/23)