Healing Retreat One Stop Healing Shop © 2013
STRESS!!! The undeniable state that something is just not right. Life seems really messed up and you either want to crawl in a hole and hide or come out with fightin’ words.
What Happened? Something Happens…Ex perience Perception of the Experience Emotional Reaction to Perception Stress Reaction (may lead to guilt, anger, hatred) STRESS CYCLE
Causes What other people think Look to others for wholeness Look to others for happiness Comparison, Competition Judgments, Dishonesty Perceptions FEAR BONUS: The wounded empath has the opportunity to feel their energy as well as that of others
Effects of Stress disease weakened immune change in appearance
What Happens? If one component is out of balance, everything is out of balance.
BREAK 11:00-12:30 Wounding Stressors Perceptions that may be askew Reflect = Honestly with no judgment Journal if that feels right Create if that feels right
Relationship Significant Other Children Parents Siblings Friends Clients God Spirit Time Finances Business SELF
Right Relationship
It begins with YOU
What did you say? CommunicationListening Connection Empathy Compassion Being Heard Speaking Body Language Energetics Voice Inflection Processing Comprehend Assessing Feelings Problem Solving Perception Reaction ?
BREAK 2:00-3:00 Reflect and/or Journal Which relationships involve stress? Where is the breakdown in your communication? What wounding is involved?
4:30-6:00 Take Time for You !!! Do something kind for you…this is an important part of this retreat!!! Take a bath Meditate Light a candle and just be Do art Favorite ritual Take a walk Do yoga Take a nap Something out of the ordinary
Healing Retreat Day 2
Do you need to say something ? Make sure all parties feel safe Balance speaking and listening Don’t make it only about about you Suspend judgment and expectations Express yourself clearly and calmly Stop before becoming frustrated Communicate from a neutral state
Are you ready? To be in your power place consider these 3 items: LOVE (heart not head) BALANCE (centered and grounded) PEACE (no emotional charge) MAINTAIN CALM
Ready to receive? Closed ?Overwhelmed ? COME BACK LATER !!!
Listening Avoid interrupting…especially mid sentence Be aware of the exchange of energy Ask for clarification Compassion/Seeing the Divine in the other Open body language Hear and feel what the person is conveying
Speaking Use statements about yourself…I feel…, I know this is something I need to heal Never blame or chastise Take ownership for your part Be aware of how the other person is reacting to you and adjust accordingly Purpose is to convey your needs, hear the other person’s needs, heal the wounds that are exposed, and move on.
Processing Done before, during and after conversation Comprehend and ask for clarification to make sure you understand Be aware of feelings and energy throughout If you often feel threatened or blamed or not heard…be aware of this as a trigger that will likely lead communication into a dark hole.
Reacting CHOOSE to react in a positive, loving, powerful sort of way. HOW? Do your own on-going healing work Know your story and wounding Observe your communication style and slowly change what no longer feels right. Be kind to yourself…foster communication and right relationship with yourself and all other relationships will improve.
BREAK 11:00-12:30 Be curious. Observe with non-judgment regarding: What is your typical way of communicating? Which relationships work and which don’t? When was it good that a relationship caused stress? Is your viewpoint of stress and your stressors beginning to shift? If so, how?
Signs to watch for… Are you reacting out of your wounding?
BREAK 2:00-2:30 Reflect…Journal…Create…Breathe… Whatever feels right…
Managing Stress Approach needs to be individualized. Stress can be a great signal that something is out of balance or needing to be changed. Before attempting to get rid of it, ask what it needs to teach you Locate and heal your wounding Techniques such as wrapping yourself in a blanket of Divine love work well for the fear that often accompanies stress.