The Scarlet Letter Symbols
What is a symbol? A symbol is a person, place, or thing that has meaning in itself and that also represents a larger idea as well. In other words, symbols have significance beyond their literal meaning. Sometimes what a symbol represents is obvious; other times a symbol is so complex that its meaning, or what it represents,can be interpreted variously.
Hawthorne's Use of Symbol Hawthorne uses symbols extensively in The Scarlet Letter. Some objects keep the same symbolic significance throughout the novel (i.e. the scaffold, weeds/unsightly vegetation) Other symbols are more ambivalent (i.e. the forest) The central symbol, the scarlet letter, changes in meaning through the course of the novel.
Character Names Pearl- A pearl is a precious jewel. Pearl is her mother's jewel. A pearl comes at a great price. A pearl comes from something ugly (an oyster). Pearl is a product of sin. There is also the biblical allusion, "pearl of great price." Chillingworth- Chillingworth is a man deficient in human warmth. Worth has connotations relating to value. He is also called the leech. A leech drains its host. Leeches used to be used in medicine to cure patients of their ailments.
Arthur Dimmesdale- Dimmesdale is a weak man. Hester Prynne- Hester is a variation of Esther which in Greek means "star." Stars illuminate the dark. A star is unreachable. There is also the connection to the Biblical Esther who was considered to be a woman of courage, beauty, dignity, and selflessness.
Plants and Vegetation Weeds/ Unsightly Vegetation- These represent moral evil. The Rosebush- The rosebush represents grace and beauty among sin and ugliness. Burrs- The burrs represent pain and blame. Nature- Nature can represent self-awareness and revelation. The Forest- The forest can represent a lack of civilization, sin/secrecy, or darkness. It is where Mistress Hibbins meets The Black Man.
The Community The Prison Door-- This "dark portal" represents darkness, sin, and the strict Puritan community. The Suit of Armor- This represents the strict, rigid beliefs of the Puritan community. The Governor's Mansion- The mansion represents the hypocrisy of the Puritan community. Puritans sought simplicity in all things, yet Gov. Bellingham's home has a certain degree of opulence.
Light and Dark Light represents innocence, beauty, and truth. Pay particular attention to the mention of daylight/ sunlight. Dark represents sin, secrecy, and evil. Consider events that take place at night or The Black Man himself.
Hester Hester (and Pearl's) Clothing- The clothing represents rebellion. Hester's embroidered A and Pearl's clothing is quite ornate, which is a means for Hester to indirectly stand up against the Puritan community. Hester's Sewing- Hester's sewing is another representation of Puritan hypocrisy. The community rejects Hester as unacceptable but accepts her skilled needlework. Hester's cottage- The cottage on the outskirts of Boston represents the isolation and loneliness of Hester Prynne.
Hester's scarlet letter- The scarlet letter is many things. It is a symbol of love and passion as well as a badge of shame and a representation of sin. It is a barrier between Hester and her community. There is also adultery vs. able. Other instances of the A: the meteor, the grass A, the epitaph
The Scaffold Put simply, the scaffold represents public confession/ public notice. There are three scaffold scenes. Each scene is significant.