Russia Estonia EU NATO NATO & EU Russian Federation Estonia
Russia Estonia EU NATO NATO & EU Russian Federation Estonia Global overview
Theatre overview Europe is the world's second-smallest continent by surface area, covering about 2% of the Earth's surface. Of Europe's 50 countries, Russia is the largest by both area and population, taking up 40% of the continent. Europe is the third- most populous continent after Asia and Africa, with a population of 739– 743 million or about 11% of the world's population. The Baltics
Regional overview Geography: The Baltic states are northeastern region of Europe. They contain the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania situated on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. Environment: The Baltic region is dotted with more than 7,000 lakes and countless peat bogs, swamps, and marshes. Despite its extensive agriculture, the Baltic region remains more than one-third forested Climate: Cool and damp with are moderate to cold temperatures, rarely exceeding 80 degrees. Animals that inhabit the region are elk, boar, roe deer, wolves, hares, and badgers
Population overview Population Distribution Estonia: 1.4 Million 70% Estonian 25% Russian 5% Other Latvia: 2 million 61% Latvian 26% Russian 3% Belarusian 9% Other Lithuania: 3 Million 84% Lithuanian 7% Polish 6% Russian 3% Other
Estonia Population overview Population Distribution The population of Estonia is generally based around the major cities of Tallinn, Tartu, Parnu and Narva. Larger ethnic Russian populations can be found in Narva, Paldiski, and around various former industrial centers along the Russian-Estonian border.
1914 WWI; the Allies (UK, France, Russia) vs. the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary). 1918 Feb Germany occupies Estonia during WWI. 1918 Nov – 1920 Jan Estonian War of Independence; Estonians declared independence from Russia. Estonian forces beat back German and Russian armies – aided at critical points by Great Britain. 1920 Feb - The Treaty of Tartu. The treaty between Russia and Estonia recognized the independence of Estonia. Delineation of borders took place. 1939 Treaty of non-aggression between Germany and the USSR divides Europe into spheres of influence, with the Baltics left to the Russians. WWII begins. 1940 Russia annexes Estonia, stationing approx. 100,000 troops within the borders of Estonia. 1941 First mass deportations of Estonians by the secret police, targeting the elite. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND INFO
As part of WWII, Germans occupy Estonia and eventually defeat Russian forces there. 1944 Russians return to Estonia and remove German military forces; Estonia is deemed part of the Soviet Union. 1949 Second mass deportations of Estonians by Russians 1987 First open protests against Russian rule during the so-called ‘Phosphorite wars’ – protests against Russian plans for mining of phosphorus in Estonia (as well as Latvia and Lithuania). 1988 New Estonian popular front for independence emerges, leads to the Singing Revolution and other peaceful rallies and protests. 1990 Using the cover of instability within Russia, a transition to independence is declared by the Estonian legislature, although the Russian government does not recognize this transition. 1991 Fall of The Soviet Union. Erodes Russian authority in Estonia.
RECENT BACKGROUND INFO 2007 APR Relocation plans for the Bronze Soldier Russian War Memorial cause night riots in central Tallinn, Estonia, between young Russian minorities and Estonian authorities. 2012 NOV Spy scandal takes place. 2 Estonian embassy workers in Russia are accused as spies and kicked out of Russia, raising tensions between the countries. 2012 DEC A major cyber attack cripples Estonian information systems infrastructure. Russia denies taking part and counter-accuses Estonia of provocations. 2014 FEB Russia invades Crimea in the Ukraine, citing R2P and its obligation to protect Russian citizens from aggressive Ukrainian government citizenship, language, and cultural practices. 2014 MAR The US, independent of NATO, sent 6 fighter jets and a refueling aircraft to augment the four already participating in the Baltic Air Policing mission
Recent Events 2014-Present NATO and international build-up of forces include: US-led NATO forces stationed in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland named Operation Atlantic Resolve. SEP 2014 Russian agents kidnap Estonian intelligence officer in a cross-border raid. Russia says the man was caught spying on its territory FEB 2015 Estonia holds a military parade in border town of Narva, just 300 meters from the Russian border; military parade was dedicated to Estonia's Independence Day MAR 2015 month-long US Air Force Joint Training exercise takes place in Estonia. Ground targets at the Estonian defense forces' central training ground were destroyed from the air using live ammunition for the first time in the history of Estonia since the country regained its independence MAY 2015 Various NATO and Russian exercises such as Hedgehog, Dynamic Mongoose, and Baltic Fortress begin. Tensions between Baltic States and Russia escalate.
Friendly Force Laydown- Estonia
US SOF Partnership with ESTSOF 10 th Special Forces Group (ABN) maintains an enduring ODA presence within the Estonian Special Forces Group in Tallinn, Estonia. At least 1 ODA will rotate on a 6 month basis, with up to 5 and an AOB during major NATO exercises.
Friendly Force Laydown- Estonia Baltic Defense College Multinational military college, established by Baltic in It acts as a center of strategic and operational research and provides professional military education to intermediate- and senior-level officers and government officials from the three Baltic states and from NATO and EU countries
Friendly Force Laydown- Estonia NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence Mission is to enhance the capability, cooperation and information sharing among NATO nations and partners in cyber defense by virtue of education, research and development, lessons learned and consultation.
Friendly Force Laydown- Estonia
Estonian Defense League: The Estonian Defense League (EDL or kaitseliit) is a part of the Defense Forces, a voluntary, militarily organized, national defense organization operating under the Ministry of Defense. The EDL has arms, engages in military exercises and fulfils the tasks prescribed by the National Defense League Act. There are 13,000 members in the Estonian Defense League. Together with affiliated organizations Women’s Home Defense, Young Eagles, and Home Daughters, the Estonian Defense League has more than 21,000 volunteers in action
Threat SIGACTS JAN 15: The British Royal Air Force intercepted Russian fighter jets as they approached UK air space, second time in a week. SEP 14: Estonia says the FSB, seized Estonian intel officer at gunpoint near border FEB 14: Russia invades and seizes Crimea from Ukraine Present: Ukrainian forces continue to fight Russian separatists from control of Eastern Ukraine DEC 14: Russian military aircraft turned off its transponders nearly collided with a passenger jet AUG 14: Finland scrambles jet after Russian jets repeatedly violated its airspace OCT 14: submarine hunt by Swedish authorities NOV 14: Portugal’s navy escorted a Russian ship out of its waters after the vessel came within 22 km of the coast. MAR 14:close call between passenger a/c and Russian recon a/c without transponder APR 14: Russian fighter made low passes of the American warship the USS Cook JUL 14: armed Russian aircraft intercepted a Swedish surveillance plane conducting operations in international airspace near Latvia