Defining Poverty Poverty is general scarcity of resources, or the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. It is a multifaceted concept, which includes social, economic, and political elements 2
Why is poverty pervasive? Lack of resources?Leadership?External Forces?Greed and Corruption?Lack of Skills and Education? 3
Regions to examine Africa Asia Latin America 4
Comparative Factors to Examine The population The total resources/wealth The richest and the poorest countries in each region Literacy rates The prevalence of diseases such as TB and HIV The five richest people in the region and the value of their wealth 5
Population Statistics Source: 6
Resources/Sources of Wealth 7
Richest and Poorest Countries in Africa Seychelles GNI per capita PPP $24,630 Population 91,534 Democratic Republic of Congo GNI per capita PPP $700 Population 67,51 million Source: 8
Richest and Poorest Countries in Asia 2014 Qatar GNI per capita PPP $133,850 Population 2.3 million Afghanistan GNI per capita PPP $1,980 Population 31.2 million Source: 9
Richest and Poorest Countries in Latin- America 2014 Brazil GNI per capita PPP $15,900 Population 202 million Nicaragua GNI per capita PPP $4,670 Population 6.1million Source: 10
Illiteracy in the poorest countries Source: CIA World Factbook
Highest Literacy Rates 2014 Source: CIA World Factbook
HIV/AIDS patients dying from TB HIVTB Source: 13
5 Richest People and their net-worth Source: 14
5 Richest People and their net-worth Source: 15
5 Richest People and their net-worth Source: 16
Key Issues Across All Regions Over populationIlliteracy due to traditions and culturePoor management of resourcesRaw materials exported and sold back to countriesSkills deficit High mortality rates 17
Education and poverty eradication Education Better health and higher mortality rates Skills increase to turn raw materials to goods Better information on reproductive health population control Improved resource management 18
Education marks beginning and the end Education is only the beginning of the fight against poverty Education has the power to end the suffering that poverty brings 19
Thank you Dr David Richard Namwandi, Founder and Chairperson, The International University of Management, Namibia 20