Barba, Jorge y Nacho’s Lawn Service
Owners We are a General Partnership The revenue is split between the three owners Jose Barba, Jorge Orozco and Ignacio Govea
Prices $15 for a weekly mow $250 for a month plan $2900 for a whole year
Equipment State of the art lawn care equipment Lawn mower Weed eater
Why we chose this service There is many people out in the town with sloppy lawns We offer to fix them and they accept People are lazy so we do their work for them “Typical peach colored people”- Barba
Demand for Lawn service Very high demand for lawn care Rich peach colored people need our services Lazy Mexicans do as well Along with the other races in the valley
Competition As a lawn care service we have an ok amount of competition There is other lawn care services, not many with the same services More expensive Less expensive competition, sloppy work.
Foreign competition There is no foreign competition for our service because no one will fly over to your house just to cut your lawn
Type of market We would be a part of the Monopolistic Competition market. Many others who do the same service in the valley
Why us over everyone else? Barba will cut your lawn with his shirt off for an extra fee Clean cut lawns Tree trimming We clean pools
Profit Most of the money we made went towards our profit For the 2 days we sold our service we made: $150 We cut lawns, we made a fencing around it, and watered plants. Jose: $50 Jorge: $50 Ignacio: $50
Success or failure? We were a complete success since the beginning Started from the top, We still here
Call at (555) Cheap Prices, Great Service!