Welcome to the TITAN workshop on MFE/IFE common research M. S. Tillack February 2009
Magnetic Fusion Activities in the Center for Energy Research PISCES: (Plasma-material interactions) Steady-State plasma sources Density ~ 2.5 x m -3 Temperature ~ eV Fully-qualified safety enclosure for Be testing ARIES National Fusion Power Plant Studies Program Edge Diagnostics and Turbulence on Major Confinement Experiments DIII-D, NSTX, ITER
Inertial Fusion Activities in the Center for Energy Research Laser Plasma and Laser-Matter Interactions: EUV lithography, laser plasma physics, IFE Technology Inertial Fusion Energy: Gasdynamics, optics, armor, targets, chambers PW laser Compressed fuel e beam HED Physics: X-pinch, high energy density plasmas, ultrashort laser-matter interactions
Feb. 108:30 AMcoffee and socializing Tuesday9:00 AMMark TillackUC San Diegowelcome, introductory remarks, logistics 9:15 AMTakeo MurogaNIFSgoals of the workshop Overview of IFE programs in the US and Japan: chair: Tillack10:00 AMRene RaffrayUC San DiegoIFE chamber research in HAPL 10:30 AMJeff LatkowskiLLNLLIFE - Laser IFE fission-fusion energy 11:00 AMTakayoshi NorimatsuILE-Osaka Concept of KOYO-F and formation of aerosols and micro particles 11:30 AMGrant LoganLBNLHeavy Ion VNL program (remote presentation) 12:00 PMbreak for lunch Technical presentations on TITAN-related IFE/MFE research: chair: Tanaka2:00 PMFarhat BegUC San DiegoHED physics in the US fusion energy program 2:30 PMKazuo A. TanakaGSE/ILE-OsakaAblated Plume Characteristics 3:00 PMAhmed HassaneinPurdueVapor Dome Simulation (tentative) 3:30 PMYoshihiko HirookaNIFSNIFS-Osaka U. joint IFE program : LEAF-CAP (Laboratory Experiments on Aerosol Formation by Colliding Ablation Plumes) 4:00 PMTim RenkSNLAPulsed ion damage to plasma-facing materials 4:30 PMPhil SharpeINLIFE/MFE common research at INL 5:00 PMdiscussions 5:30 PMadjourn (must vacate the room by 5:30) Informal (no host) dinner Agenda, Tuesday February 10
No-host dinner Location: th St Del Mar, CA Tel: (858) Full menu ($20-$30 entrees) ½-price wine night Need a head count (16 max)
Agenda, Wednesday February 11 Wednesday8:30 AMcoffee and socializing chair: Sze9:00 AMYezheng TaoUC San DiegoLaser ablation plume physics 9:30 AMTakehiko YokomineKyushu U. Falling Liquid Film Flow along Cascade-type First Wall of Laser-Fusion Reactor 10:00 AMDoerner/Tillacktours of PISCES, laser lab 12:00 PMlunch chair: Muroga2:00 PMKarl UmstadterUC San DiegoTITAN research in the PISCES facility 2:30 PMYoshio UedaOsaka U.Hydrogen isotope behavior in tungsten 3:00 PMKeiji NagaiILE-OsakaFunctional Materials Discussions: 3:30 PMTakeo Murogagroup discussions, workshop summary 5:00 PMadjourn (must vacate the room by 5:30)
Presentation logistics and proceedings Please provide copies of your presentation to me by USB stick or Projection options: Use your own laptop Provide PPT or PDF to me prior to your session start I will archive presentations on the ARIES web site, Wireless internet is available on campus Codes can be used all week ( i.e., if you have a code from yesterday, please use it)
Tours of PISCES and Laser Plasma Lab Logistics: Laser plasma tour at 10:00 PISCES tour at 11:00 Then free for lunch