Etymology Notes 1 Mr. Maloney
Basic Terminology Prefix: placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Suffix: placed at the end of the word to change its meaning. Root: base of a word
Dictionary 1.Word 2.Pronunciation 3.Part of speech 4.Definition: most common to least common 5.Example 6.Origin
Dictionary Origin: what language the word comes from. In the dictionary, it usually appears at the end of the definition in brackets: [Latin meaning_________]
Origin Examples Lat or Lt: Latin Gk: Greek Ger or Gr: German Fr: French OE: Old English ME: Middle English Chn or Chin: Chinese Hindu Arb or Arabic *If there is no origin: the word was created without any influence from a previous language or other roots.
Today’s Assignment Using either the Oxford English Dictionary or your phone: Look up the following words
Look up these words Necropolis Entomology Megaphone Misogamy Antitoxin Periscope Democracy Hieroglyphics Polygraph Anthropoid Neophyte Psychopath